Problems of the Night
Problems of the Night
Problems don't get solved overnight... "Sleep on it," is highly overrated, that is if sleep will ever come... Problems don't get solved overnight, so you toss and turn and watch the shadows that flicker across the shades, as light bounces across the ceiling. Problems don't get solved overnight, so you quietly slip out of bed and tip toe down the hall. Problems don't get solved overnight, so you turn on the "Mac" and wait for it to come alive. Problems don't get solved overnight as you feel the tears, the salty tears, starting to flow down your face. Problems don't get solved overnight, so black and depressing they seem at night, and what you are thinking starts to scare you...and the tears won't stop, they come from so deep within. Problems don't get solved overnight, as you crawl quietly back into bed, and feel his hand fall on your back, as you lay curled on your side in the "fetal position." Problems don't get solved overnight, but day light is coming...So you dry your tears and silently pray to make it work, because "Problems" don't get solved overnight. But you find yourself smiling and thinking, "Solutions" are out there today.
by b. Malin