Remembering Your First Moments Together in Marriages/Relationships
Relationships and love
Remember when you first said ''I Love you!''
Time flies by, and you wonder what happened, and what have you accomplished in those years passed.
His touch caresses your soft body, and his hands are over your body.
The happy moments of being together in the past felt as if it never happened before. Special moments are shared and that allows for connecting marriage.
Everything changed when life changed and that tore her apart. Her smiles show happiness, but deep down the missing links are destroying the faith she has in love.
No man can fulfil her needs except for the one and the only man she is married to and is in love with, but he doesn’t see that.
She falls asleep and remembers when it will be the same, or when something will happen again between her husband and herself.
Thoughts flood her mind and tears roll down her cheeks after remembering the past so well. Nothing will be the same in her life again the attention she gives to her man doesn't get his attention as she expects it to.
Romance is dead and the marriage lives on in the traditional arrangement. It is as if she must stop living her life because he ignores her needs.
Her needs are on hold because he doesn't share her interests, and he is just selfish to let her know he sees their problem.
Taking for granted is the problem with this marriage. She is affected by the problem and he expects her to accept their marriage as is.
· How to keep both partners content and satisfied, also happy with each other?
You must make this part of your daily routine and life, and tell them you love them, always. Make each other's life feel good and alive.
Show affection and avoid the cold shoulder. I learned that the littlest touch can show affection to your significant other.
· When you use an interesting word such as romance what comes to mind?
Of course, your thoughts run away with your actions in mind. Couples tend to go overboard or don't do much at all to impress each other in their romantic moments.
· What do you think of getting your partner close to you?
Candlelight dinners are Special moments together that won't end.
You lose your mind and ideas together in the moment. A walk in the park together can make you feel more romantic.
The act of wooing her and wooing him is a subtle idea. Listening to Enrique Iglesias to keep the night, day or evening at bay. The special looks into each other's eyes.
Romance is often easier to express before marriage and this is how most couples experience their good moments. The pressure of money issues and boring routines are not in a juggle.
Most couples grow apart because their time for each other is distant away. You can still steal the moment for romantic moments if you make that time an important part of your life. Share conversations and be calm with each other.
You understand your partner better when you are on the same page. It is most difficult to understand your partner when both of you are on different levels.
Everything is different when you are not in the same age group.
Your interests are not the same when you have a much older partner in your life. It is not always the same for you.
You can be living under the same roof and your partner will ignore you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
It can be boring to have to go through life in that way. Doing your own chores daily and having to focus on just what you do for the other partner is a drain.
You feel miles apart from each other and yet you are living in the same house. Sleep a mile away from the other partner and don't look at your partner as you have in the past.
You can't deny yourself what matters to you most. This can cause you to feel disconnected from one another. It is not often possible to sit and have a talk with your partner about your relationship or marriage.
Most couples won't feel that intimacy is important to a marriage. This is an indicator of your marriage.
The moment partners lack their needs for each other, one of you will end up cheating on the other.
Cheating is bound to happen so don't take your marriage for granted or your partner.
You need to remember that day you had your first kiss together. Your first smile and touch of each other.
The following are also what you can think of about your first memories.
- The kiss on the neck.
- The together conversations.
- The first time you realized you were meant to be together.
- The first date.
- The first approach.
- Those favourite moments when you cuddled up next to one another.
- The first time you fell asleep on your partner's chest.
- The first time you met and smiled from across the room.
- The moment your eyes met and locked.
- The first adventures together,
- The first chocolate bought for you.
- You were not sure about your first kiss.
- The first time you spent alone.
- The first time for everything you did together is great memories.
Do you remember your first time together?
Was it meaningful to you?
- The regular conversations about those special moments bring back the good times you have had.
- The funny stories from the past in your marriage, make you laugh again.
- Share moments from the photo album to be alive again in your marriage.
- Recalling old memories is a special moment indeed.
- The moments you reminisce allow for encouraging and uplifting feedback.
Did you share your favourite part of your past?
Did you learn something about each other that you had no idea of before?
The good moments remembered in a marriage bring back those feelings again.
How or why did you fall in love?
What you have with your partner is rare and special.
Do you feel that way?
How often do you think of your partner in a day?
How often do you share happy conversations?
You feel emotionally disconnected in your marriage when your partner no longer sees you as when you first met. The time together is taken for granted and one of the partners or both partners don't want to be together anymore.
It is sad for couples to walk away from each other in such times.
A sign you are just there and for what reasons?
How long could you go on with such behaviours?
Separation is different to living different lifestyles. To live in a different culture and accept that way of life together is different to living separately under the same roof.
Sometimes communication is not all you need to keep your partner with you.
Lots have changed in relationships and marriages, one must see everything from all sides. You can try to recall your good memories and the not-so-good memories of you together.
The most important is being together through all times. You can survive your time together with great mentions of your years together.
The hard times ought to show you how much you mean to each other. Love doesn't solve everything in your relationship. What you do for each other counts for more than the words themselves.
Remember Love and Romance
Love and marriage
How or why did you fall in love?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2016 Devika Primić