Saying Goodbye Is Hard - I'm Going To Miss You
Why are goodbyes so insanely hard to do even when we know we'll see that person or people again? This weekend has been a weekend of goodbyes. I lost one of my best guy friends because I tried to turn our friendship into something more, that, just wasn't meant to be. Last night, I went to a going away party for a foreign exchange student who leaves tomorrow. I still haven't been able to wrap my head around the fact that she's really going to be gone, all the way on the complete opposite side of the planet.
I'm starting to save my money up now, so that way, not this summer, but next, I can go over and see her and all the other foreign exchange students that I'm going to miss insanely bad when they too, leave. The fact that I'm going to get to see her again though, doesn't fully cushion the fact I won't get to see her for a year and a half. I know time flies at a super fast rate, and that each day I'll be getting a little closer to seeing her again, but right now the goodbye is still setting in.
It's funny, when we see our friends, our face tends to brighten up and we say hello without even thinking about it. Goodbyes are completely different though. Instead of just saying goodbye and parting our separate ways, we try to distract one another to prolong the time before we each finally depart. Saying goodbye is even a hard thing to do when we know we'll see the person the next day. Nobody ever wants to say goodbye. This is probably why, knowing that I won't get to see her for a year and a half, makes saying goodbye so much harder. The fact that she's leaving, makes me hang onto all of our memories of laughter and all of our hanging out with friends that much more. She's one of those people who is pretty much always happy, and can brighten anyone's day. Which makes me that much more sad, that I won't be seeing her face on Tuesday as I return back to school. At the same time though, it makes me that much more excited for two summers from now.
Goodbyes are super hard. But they make the memories with that person or persons that much more meaningful. As we said our goodbyes yesterday, and tried to come up with the right words to say, one of my friends said it perfect, "it's not goodbye, it's see ya later."As we were all heading to our cars, with watery eyes, it was then, that I realized just how much of a footprint she had left on me with in the short five moths she was here. That's why the goodbye was so hard. It was probably one of the most difficult things I had ever done in my life. Goodbyes may be hard, but at the same time they are sometimes what makes memories and pictures so much more special. It's also the thing that makes the next "hello" so much more meaningful and exciting. It may have been super hard to say goodbye, but right now I'm going to start looking forward to the next hello.