Self Realization Through Forgiveness
Control Centre - The Mind
The mind is the controller. It projects everything. Everything it projects is then observed as if the projection is separate. These projections of the mind which are now seen as separate are then interpreted and perceived as reality.
Body exists in mind
The body is a perfect example of how the mind's projection of the notion of separation is made real. The mind achieves the illusion of separation so well that we are unable to realise the truth that the body is in the mind and not separate from it.
We each live in a world where we assume that our eyes see the world we live in, our bodies feel it and our brains make sense of it. It is the mind that tells the body what to see and feel and it is the mind that tells the brain how to interpret what the body sees and feels.
The body is simply an elaborate trick of the mind designed to keep us stuck in the belief that our worldly life is real.
The mind that keeps the door locked also holds the key
The mind that keeps us stuck in an illusion that separates us from the truth is the same mind we can use to realise the truth. Mind is the problem but it is also the solution.
There are many ways to achieve realisation of the truth and there have been many sent by God to teach us the way home. In every case their words have gone the way of all words of wisdom and simply re-interpreted by the collective mind and made safe, posing no threat to the illusion that maintains an ego centred world.
Forgive what doesn't exist anyway
There is a guaranteed fail proof way cutting through the veils of maya or illusion to realise who we really are. The path is not for the faint hearted and has been proposed by wise men down through the ages. The method simply requires that we love all and serve all.
If we acknowledge that God lies on the other side of that veil of illusion why would we not pull down that veil immediately? Accepting that the world and everything in it is a projection of mind and therefore not real why would we not then drop our judgements about ourselves, other people and things which are simply not real anyway?
Reveal the truth through practising forgiveness
We are up against a formidable opponent, the mind, which has a vested interest in keeping you stuck in the belief that the world is real. If you return to God then separation will no longer exist and the ego will no longer exist.
The way to conquer mind is to forgive. Make forgiveness a habit. You don't have to say anything to anyone just change your mind from habitual judging and criticising to habitual forgiving. By forgiving everyone and everything in your life you are refusing to invest any more energy in the projections of the mind and you will eventually learn to forgive yourself.
When you finally learn how to forgive yourself the veil of illusion will fall from your eyes and you will realise the truth. Like the story of the prodigal son, that is the day you return to your father in heaven and the separation you imagine now will no longer exist.
Choose Love
There is nobody crucifying you to a cross so why not choose to follow the example of Jesus who could forgive even as they nailed him to a cross. The next time you are tempted to judge someone or something why not choose to forgive and start the process of self realization.
Could the crucifixion have made this choice any clearer to us?
By choosing to forgive you choose love and God is Love.
There is only one religion and that is the religion of LOVE
© 2011 Xavier Nathan