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She Is Not Into Dating

Updated on March 11, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Dating adventures

The part of life experiences shows the real you.

At the age of twenty-five, this young woman sees dating as far-fetched.

Her life has been enjoyable, and the unsafe community allows for the inconvenience of dating.

Going out with friends and having good times are not all part of her young free life.

Should she be worried about her dating life?

The stories of other failed dating experiences make dating another issue for Sonja.

Dating for her is challenging and feels like all the good guys are taken.

So much has changed in the dating period and meeting new people does not feel like it did in the past.

The old-fashioned way of communication has led to many kinds of dating.

The turn-offs in dating can really put her out of thought.

She once found love and after she break up everything made her feel insecure and disappointed with life.

Her high expectations made dating look less exciting.

She is a hopeless romantic and expects her partner to be the same.

Sonja is an outspoken female with a great attitude.

What has helped the twenty-five-year-old with her social life?

She hangs out with friends and avoids relationships.

The seldom outing do not allow her to have a serious relationship.

Most guys want to have fun with women to bed them and leave them.

This type of behaviour scares Sonja. The outcome is too much to cope with currently in her life.

The not-so-safe community allows for such insecure thoughts.

The young woman is afraid of meeting someone who would be abusive toward her, or who will take advantage of her good nature.

To leave use her and then to leave her.

All men are not the same. You never know when could come across the wrong type.

The inexperienced girls are often vulnerable to such targets.

She could experience the normal ways of dating.

This is if she takes a chance on love for the second time.

Ignoring dating is not going to make much right for her.

The challenges of dating could be problematic or could be a great experience.

To have someone who will show her love and attention, and be that trustworthy individual is not as easy as it was twenty years ago.

Love is found in the most unexpected places and takes you to any part of the world.

Sonja fears falling in love and does not want to be with just any kind of guy.

At the young age of twenty-five, she is missing out on love and that special one.

Her first date was all sweet and nice until he showed his true self in trying to get her into bed. His sexual advances led her to the breakup.

She lost trust in her first date and feels all other dates will be the same.

Is she an optimistic person about change?

Yes, she is an optimistic person and needs to get on with dating.

The big turn-offs for dating again:



Love hurts.

Less romantic.

Painful moments.




Dating is a costly game.


Low self-esteem.

What ifs and could haves and should have been also part of her turn-offs in dating.

Doubting another date.

Dating someone new for Sonja is better left alone.

Time is required to pick up the pieces of her puzzle. To put the pieces together, careful thought is acquired.

Too many turn-offs can completely change her mind about dating all over again.

The pressure of dating has caused her frustration and lots of disappointment.

Having faith to meet someone is a better way to start dating.

It is senseless for Sonja to think in the following ways:

''What would her life have been if only she had stayed with her ex-boyfriend?''

She is glad to have moved on but the hope of meeting someone else is a more adventurous thought and a big decision.

If only she could make up her mind and start dating how different her life would be?

Some people feel life could be complicated when in their twenties, what about thirties and still single?

The other confusion Sonja must avoid looking back at what could have been and should have been.

She needs to accept a new date and face up to the reality of dating experiences.

Almost everyone experiences love or has experienced hurt she just has to go with the flow.

Be willing to be her and do not be afraid to find her partner.

It is a cruel world and there are still some good people out there.

All individuals have their attitudes.

It is not always defined as one and finding an equation that is going to be a tough one.

All males are not strong and are not chauvinist.

Sonja needs to see that in men and know better in that way.

When trust is lost in a relationship that too can lead to a breakup.

Dating someone of the same culture, and of the same background could have closeness from both sides.

In the case of Sonja, she is insecure about dating.

Due to a breakup with her first and only boyfriend.

Sonja was not ready to bed him and he did not understand why he broke up for her not satisfying his needs.

When two people are together and love and care for each other, they need to decide what is the best decision together.

Unfortunately, he did not see her point of view.

His focus was only on what he wanted and not on how she felt about his decision.

It was inconsiderate of him to be that way. a compromise should have been the answer but then again, he did not think about the importance of Sonja.

Relationships are made and broken.

The reasons are often about sexual advances.

She did not want to, and he wanted to.

One of the partners is not caring and that too can cause one to leave the relationship.

Also, due to poor understanding.

The needs of each partner should be made clear from the start of a relationship. Both must know what they are getting themselves into.

What do partners want to know more about each other?

Partners want to know if you love them enough to withstand their behaviours.

How much do you love each other?

Will you love each other till death do us part?

It is not a good idea to stroke another in public, especially if you are not close to that person.

It would give them a wrong impression and your partner could feel humiliated by the whole caressing act.

Be a good listener and take in whatever is in conversation.

The old dating style was simple.

He had to make plans for the evening, and planned everything else in the dating process, while she waited to hear from him.

Dating can be heartache or can be most exciting. That all depends on how you choose to deal with the many obstacles.

You can take in easily and learn from the new dating ideas or do what you think is right without getting into the ‘‘so-called'' rules because there are no rules.

Dating has become confusing, or complicated due to all the needs of a perfect individual.

Where do you expect to find perfection in a relationship?

Where would you find the right or the wrong person?

Couples dating


Love and Dating has no rules

Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.

Maya Angelou

Dating the safe way

Do you think Dating has changed over the years?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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