Since When Was It Okay To Tell Others How to Live?
What is Right for You, is not for everyone.
There are so many hubs/threads here at Hubpages telling others how they should live. Religions squabbling over whose God is right and whose isn't. Atheists squabbling over the reality of religious beliefs and Gods in general. Those for and against Marriage Equality etc etc etc.
Today, I've had enough.
Who are we to tell others how to live their lives?
So what if you've found a God who completes you - Mary Jane Smith has a different one who completes her, how would you feel if she told you yours was wrong?
Who are we to say who and who cannot get married - if TWO people love each other, isn't that what matters? Sure, there are many many loveless marriages out there - doesn't mean that everyone has to be the same.
Threat to straight marriage? Since when is the celebration of love a threat to anything? But, hey, I'm not judging your marriage views - I'm asking a question.
Who said God is better than Buddha, or that Buddha is better than Vishnu? Or that one God is better than many, or vice versa.
Are we THAT insecure?
It has got to be a case of severe insecurity if we have to tell others whose Gods, lifestyles, love lives, jobs, opinions etc etc are wrong and that ours are better. Why else would we have a need to push our beliefs on others - even going to the extent of denying rights.
I do understand the somewhat in-built need to tell people about something that makes you feel awesome - such as finding a religion that makes you feel better about yourself, or an experience that changed your life. But, whilst it may be awesome for you, and I guess you'd love everyone to experience it - it is NOT right for everyone.
That's why they don't force straight people into gay marriages, or kill people now if they aren't Christians, or don't believe the world is flat (Oh, how far we have come!).
We DO NOT have that right
We do not have the right to tell someone else how they should live, who they should love, which God they must follow. So, why is it that we still do it??? And how do we stop?
- Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You or And if it harm none, do as ye will. Think before you speak - would you like it if someone said or told you to change things about you or yours, in the way that you were about to? No? Then, what gives you the right to do that to them?
- Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - Do you live a perfect life? If not, how can you expect people to meet standards you set, when you cannot meet them yourself?
- Love is Love is Love - Love of God, Love of Life, Love of others - gender irrelevant.
Now, if you stop and think of these things - you will realise - you would hate people to do what you were about to do to someone else. Tell them how to live their life. Now, what you will most likely do is: Smile, hopefully at the person you were about to tell off, and walk away.
Doesn't that feel better?
Thanks, and a challenge
Thanks, in part, to a Hubber who shall remain nameless - for the hub that drove me to this.
What was it about, you ask? Suggestions on how to live a life that would be pleasing to God, by denying a huge part of a person, merely because this Hubber felt that that kind of lifestyle would be displeasing to God. Neglecting to realise - God makes us all in his image. To live a life that denies one who they are is not a life ordained by God, but more a snub to his creation. I cannot tell him (Hubber) how to live, because I do not have that right. But I can live the way I was ordained to. And I shall
Do you think you can manage to live without telling others how to live? Let me know!
Oh, and by the way, I do recognise a irony in me telling you how to not tell others how to live - this is a challenge - for us all!