An Easy Way to Spread Joy to Those You Love
Sending A Little Love
As I was cleaning out a drawer the other day, I came across a package of note cards with a pretty flower picture and the word"joy" on the front of it. I remember buying them just to have some note cards around in case I wanted to send a word of encouragement to a friend or two. But they have sat in this drawer for years, and I, unfortunately, have not been spreading any joy around among my friends. I left the joy in that dark drawer where it is not doing anyone any good. But for four days now, those note cards have been on my mind. They have been calling to me. They want to go out in the world and do their job.
I am an eBay seller and send lots of packages. I have a set of smiley face stickers that I put on packages to be shipped out. Those stickers have also been on my mind the past four days, and so I have formulated a plan.
The Plan
I have decided that since I have eight note cards, I will choose eight people in my life who have brought me joy. I will put one smiley face sticker in each of the eight cards and then write a note on each card about how they have added joy to my life. I will ask them to put that smiley face sticker somewhere where when they see it, they will remember how much joy they have brought me and how grateful I am to have them in my life.
The Recipients
I plan to have them all written and in the mail tomorrow. Here is who I have decided will get them:
- My husband: We have been married for five years but knew each other thirty years ago, and he is truly my very best friend and a wonderful husband.
- My daughter: This daughter has given me so much joy, and I cherish our relationship. She makes me happy and proud of what she is doing with her life EVERY day.
- My son: My son was my first born child and made me a mom. I will never forget the tears of joy the sprang to my eyes the minute they laid him in my arms.
- My daughter: Although I have had a rocky relationship with this daughter in her recent years, she was a mommy's girl growing up and was very full of love, and I cherish those moments we had together.
- My mom: My mom sacrificed a lot for me when I was growing up. She was an at home mom for most of my formative years and introduced me to many wonderful things. Trips to the beach and walks together in the woods are some of the happiest times I remember from my childhood, because of her.
- My best friend since elementary school: This friend and I have been together longer than anyone outside of my family. I cherish our friendship and how she is so loving and supportive. She is the sister I never had.
- My friend from when our children grew up together: This friend and I had twins six months apart, and each of us also had a son who was older than the twins. During those first few years, we gave each other much support and did a lot of things together with our children. I will always treasure all the laughter and support we shared with each other.
- My old pastor's wife: When I was in my twenties I met a pastor and his wife who were the most loving and supportive people I had ever met. We formed a close bond and have kept it through the years even though we now live in different states, approximately six hundred miles away from each other.
Just wanted to include a few pictures of these special people in my life so you can see up close and personal just a few of those people who have added joy to my life!
The Results
I will update this article when I start getting results from the people I have sent "joy" to. Stay tuned for the results and may you have joy in your life today!
Spread some Joy of Your Own...
Spread Your Own Joy
You Can Do This too: Will You Send Notes to People Who Have Given You Joy?
The Results
People n my life who have received these cards were really touched and after Is ent them I forgot I had sent them. So when people got back to me, and told me how happy they were to receive a card from me, it was extra special and made both me and the recipient happy.
If you have done this too, how have your results been?
© 2015 Karen Hellier