Tale of a girl
A tale of a girl who is born in a middle class family as a youngest child of the family whose beauty can’t be explained in words as she was fascinating, attractive and affectionate. But she was a late aged child of the parents, and was not by choice but by chance. The mother was in her late forties at the time of the birth of the child. The girl was not welcomed in the beginning as was unwanted child of the parents. But slowly with her cute smile and expression she created her place in the family. She was given her due recognition in her new world. Her father was a man with heavy and broken heart due to the loss of a young son of his in a young age. He was very much satisfied with his life having a new born baby in the family and was doing all a father can do to keep his family life happy. The mother was a very satisfied, hardworking, committed woman, always planning, arranging things to deliver best to her children. The family was comprised of four siblings including the girl I am writing on.
A family life was running on its pace where a sudden shock came in existence. The head of the family left all behind and went for heavenly abode. For a girl in her teen’s it was a big shock .She was lost in the wind of sorrows and misery with no desire and hope for the future. She their came in interaction with the outside world, she was the youngest and the most loving child of the family, who was being ignored know. This was the more painful time for her wherein she was losing her confidence, trust, faith on Almighty. She started making friends. And because of her friendly, jolly nature she made lot of friends in a short span of time to support her in time of pain and grief. But this was not end of pain for the poor girl as she fell in love which last for eight long years and resulted to break at the cost of poverty of her family in status or equality to her beloved. She was broken again and tried her best to cope up with the stress though she kept running her life but could not forget the pain of losing someone at the cost of money. Here I will quote “khoob ladi mardani woh tu Jhansi wali rani thi” these quoted lines mean she was bold and courageous girl kept on fighting with the world and society to get recognition, which was not that easy to attain. But she didn’t left her hope, she didn’t wanted to end her life even when she had no reason to live after all pain she was passing through because she was support for her mother who was in her old age and she knew that no one will stand next to her if she die as money was playing its place in the family.
Herein she started again a journey for better and prosperous life for herself. She put her head and heart towards studies and started looking towards life in an optimistic manner but this wasn’t end of her hard time. As her beauty was one of the reason of her loosing close men friends, as they want to have her rather than support her as a friend. She was still strong and ready to face the world. But here something else was waiting for her. She started her career from average job of office administrator, where I here say: destiny took her to help a family who was in need as they were in situation where all relations stepped behind. She stood for them not as friend, nor as a relative, the relation was un-defined. But she walked on without caring for her good or bad with strong determination and inner force to do all for them.The family was compromised of four people husband, wife and two loving kids. The relation with men started growing because he was in need of mental support which was missing in his relation with his wife. And she was in need of a friend a supporter. Where, they started coming closer every day. She quitted her professional career and helped him to come out of the legal disputes of business and stood next to him always. But here life showed her another phase of falling in love with someone elder to her age and married. It was the biggest gamble of her life where she arrived with a desire to have love.
They stood together as one in every situation. They were bold enough to face society... but the love for kids could not give them what he promised the poor girl. As a man he did all to keep both ends happy and satisfied but here come a situation where she was lost with the dreams she was losing men as he was committed to her family.
It was now eight years in relation where she supported the man in professional career. She started with him from scratch and made him reach more higher from where he was fallen. Once again she suddenly felt being alone.
And so she decided to leave for next journey alone as she is very well aware that blood will not let her get her due place what she dream for. Her eight golden years resulted for her into tears, agony and pain. Now, she is left again with no hope and desire to live life.
She asked me few questions and I am not able to answer so I have same questions if anybody here can answer…. She should live or surrender her life? And so on….
Kindly suggest for the poor girl what she should do? She is losing since she is born. So she has no further desire to live. Her last hope came to an end. Tears are rolling my eyes writing this. I hope as a reader you will suggest few suggestions for her.
I will write more about her soon…….