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Love Languages Explained

Updated on August 14, 2020
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The 5 Love Languages Explained Your love language is the way you communicate and receive love.

This love language is all about serving and being served from a place of love. Small acts that make your life better and easier are seen as the best way to comm

The 5 Love Languages Explained Your love language is the way you communicate and receive love. And while you may lean toward several different love languages, there’s usually one that you identify with the strongest. Knowing your love language is important, because it helps you figure out what you want from your partner, and how to ask for it - and you can identify what your partner wants from you as well. This doesn’t just apply to people in relationships. Figuring out your ‘love language’ while you’re still single is incredibly valuable for when you get into a relationship in the future. You can communicate better and develop a stronger bond, just by knowing what you both ‘want and need’ from the relationship.

So, let’s learn more about the five love languages!

1 - Receiving Gifts

This love language means that the act of giving or receiving gifts is viewed as showing affection. When it comes to communicating love, gifts speak the loudest for you! This doesn’t mean that you are overly materialistic- you don’t necessarily care too much about the price tag - you value and appreciate the thought and the effort behind the gift. Birthdays and anniversaries are a big priority for you, and even the thought of your partner ‘missing or forgetting one’ devastates you. Receiving gifts that you know were bought in a hurry - without much thought - is upsetting as well. It makes you feel as if the other person didn’t care enough to put effort into it. For you, gifts are the greatest way to show your love for someone, and you can appreciate having a physical manifestation of that love when it is given.

2 - Quality Time

People with this love language see the value in spending uninterrupted time with their partner. For you, undivided attention has always been a sign of respect and interest, and it’s crucial that ‘while you two are together,’your partner is present in the moment. All you want is to spend quality time now and then. Whether you’re going out or staying in - it doesn’t matter what the two of you are doing, as long as you’re doing it together. You don’t want your partner constantly checking their phone or seeming like they aren’t paying attention when you speak. In fact, it can hurt a lot when you feel that your partner isn’t making the time you spend together a priority! Canceling or postponing plans often - without considering you - are some of your biggest pet peeves. Above all, you value spending time with someone you love, and giving them time and attention is how you show them that you care.

3 - Words Of Affirmation

Good communication, compliments, and overall words of support and affirmation are key with this love language. You say how you feel. Giving your partner a heartfelt “I love you” is the clearest and best way for you to let them know how much they mean to you. You’re happiest when your partner returns these words of affirmations and encourages you verbally. You value any time spent talking, and you’re able to pick up on tone and intent easily. On the opposite end of the spectrum, this means that insults can hurt a lot! If your partner is rude or unclear with their communication, it often bothers you. Harsh words can cut deep, and they stay with you for a while. At the end of the day, you want to tell your partner how much you love and care about them, and you want them to do the same for you.

4 - Acts Of Service

This love language is all about serving and being served from a place of love. Small acts that make your life better and easier are seen as the best way to communicate love. For you, actions really do speak louder than words. You care deeply about the thoughts behind your partner’s actions and can appreciate the consideration they take. Simple things - like having your partner make you a home-cooked meal, cleaning your car, or picking up the groceries without having to be asked first - can satisfy you and make you feel that they truly care. On the other hand, when they back out of commitments,or never try to return the favor when you do things for them, this really upsets you. You want your partner to do things for you‘because they love you,’ and you do the same for them.

5 - Physical Touch

If you identify with this love language, the best way for you to show love is by physical contact. You enjoy holding hands, giving each other kisses, cuddling, and making love. Being physically affectionate is the way to your heart. In fact, regular physical contact is a must need. You communicate love as well as other strong emotions - like surprise, excitement, and sadness - through touch. Neglect and abuse are awful in any relationship,but they affect you even more so. Just having your partner physically distant can hurt tons. For you, it’s most important to physically feel the love and care of your partner. The concept of the five love languages is rather simple, but it’s instrumental in understanding ‘the way you love’ and want to be loved, and what you want out of your relationship. You might have a different love language than your partner, and you’ll both need to put in the effort to accommodate each other. But it can be trans formative, if you’re willing to work for it!

You see, when you’re unaware, either of you could be doing something that makes the other person feel unloved or uncared for - without even realizing it. It’s incredibly easy for a disconnect to occur and for resentment to build, which is why it’s so important to identify these behaviors so you can avoid them in the future. In essence, love languages should act as a framework for a relationship that both you and your partner can build from - so you can learn to communicate with each other and love each other in a more profound way!


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