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The Many Problems With Gender Wage Gap

Updated on September 5, 2020

The history of gender wage gap

"The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the remuneration (the pay for an employee's services performed) for men and women who are working."

Probably the earliest sign of the gender wage gap was around the '40s:

Because of the large number of American women taking jobs in the war industries during World War II, the National War Labor Board urged employers in 1942 to voluntarily make "adjustments which equalize wage or salary rates paid to females with the rates paid to males for comparable quality and quantity of work on the same or similar operations."

Not only did employers fail to heed this "voluntary" request, but at the war's end most women were pushed out of their new jobs to make room for returning veterans.

Until the 1960s there were separate job listings, for men and women.

Women working in the '90s earned only 75.2% of what men made.

What can possibly be the reason for a specific gender being paid less than the other? Is it fair to pay people less or more solely because of the gender they were born as, and not the quaities they have, or the knowledge they gained?

For every dollar a man earns...

A research shows (March, 2020), that all U.S. women compared to all U.S. men makes 0.82 cents. In 2020...

What is even more terrifying, and tought provoking is that Black Women make only 0.62 cents for every dollar a man makes. Isn't that scary?

Now, let's face the reality of being a working woman in the following countries.

Gender wage gaps in the following countries

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The reasons behind wage gaps

Caring responsibilities and part-time roles are shared unequally

The old boring argument 'against' women, is that generally they are the ones staying at home with their children, so they need to give up on job opportunities, and end up in part-time jobs.

Isn't it a little unfair though, that when a couple decides (together) to have a child, the female 'participant' is immediately the one who should give her career up to do that? Why isn't it obvious that they equally take care of that kid, since they both participated in making it, isn't that correct?

Discrimination between men and women

Even though it sounds harsh, it's the right term. Women are paid less for the exact same job. What else could we call it?

Old stereotypes, and toxic masculinity

Men should support their family at all costs, they need to be the householder, and the wife can't make more than her husband. We heard these so many times, but jst giving them one single thought: why are we still living by the norms from decades, centuries ago?

Do you think that the gender wage gap is a problem needing to be solved?

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Who do you think should take care of a newborn baby in the family?

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This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2020 Lili Zoltai


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