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Tinder Tales

Updated on May 12, 2018
Sara Stietz profile image

Sara met the father of her fur kids on Tinder but please don't tell her mother.

It All Started With a Swipe

Allow me to paint you a picture of my life in 2015. I was 31, single, and far away from home. My ex and I were transplants in our city and had been together off and on for 8 years. I had never even been on a 'real' date. By that, I mean every boyfriend I had ever had started from pre-established friendships.

I was ready to experience dating, nervous, but ready. Tinder was a scary place full of degenerates and weirdos, right? It was scary for this farm girl. Then, at a book club, one of the girls had missed our gathering to celebrate 6 months with her new beau. Whom she had met on Tinder. What?! Completely floored, I couldn't believe that particular gal (the classiest woman I have met to date) was using Tinder. AND she had found a really fantastic guy on there.

Setting up a profile that evening I chose my most casual pictures from sporting events etc. to dissuade the infamous internet perverts.

'Just a Jenny looking for her Kevin'

I was a really big fan of The League. Eventually this approach worked and I met the man I will marry but not before I had a true dating experience. Read on for the more memorable experiences.

Macaroni and Cheese Enthusiast

He was a police officer and former Navy. I hold a BS in Criminal Justice so conversation was easy enough that soon phone numbers were exchanged. After texting for a few days we decided to meet up.

The date was very casual, just meeting up and hanging out for a couple of hours. I was working as a Chef at the time, so naturally, food came up. Turned out that his all-time favorite food was a particular brand of frozen macaroni and cheese known for its wheel shaped pasta. Laughing, because he had to be joking, I offended him and the date ended quite abruptly and awkwardly.

A few days later I received a text message asking if I was ready to apologize for calling his favorite food gross. I declined. Never heard from him again.

Mr. Seeks Mrs.

This gentleman was from an extremely different culture and I was intrigued by him. We met for dinner at my favorite Mediterranean restaurant. There was the usual awkward first date chatter as we looked over the menu. Our food arrived and he asked if I 'always eat so much' in reference to my ordering a full entree. Reminding myself that English was a second language I gave the benefit of the doubt that maybe he didn't realize how rude the comment was.

I don't recall all of the snarky comments, directed at me, verbatim but I was definitely ready to call it a night after dinner. Quite unexpectedly he suggested getting a coffee next door. Again, I gave him a chance. Maybe he was uncomfortable in such an unfamiliar restaurant.

We get our drinks and sit at a high top table. After a few minutes he reached across the table, took my hand, and informed me he was not interested in casual dating. He wanted a wife and children. I was beyond shocked. He knew nothing about me. At all. I don't want children ever for starters. Pulling my hand from his I explained my desire to take it slow after just ending a serious relationship. He was visibly annoyed, asking why I wasted his time. And in the next breath asked if we could go to my place and cuddle. Shocked and confused, I politely declined and went home. He texted for a few weeks after before finally accepting I would never be his Mrs.

First a Swerve then a Casual Stalker

Matched with an adorable guy that I had a lot in common with. He was also very chivalrous and a complete gentleman. Opening doors and, when the time came, sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the door. He was a veteran and had some quirks as a result, but we all have our oddities.

We spoke daily and went out several times a week for a month. I was happy to have found a nice guy and we were close to using titles so when he asked me to meet up at a bar on his side of town I happily agreed. When he didn't show up I was worried something terrible happened. I called and texted all night with no response. I looked at Tinder and saw he was active, no longer worried for his well being I never contacted him again.

Six months later my phone blows up. Asking for 'One more chance' and 'I am so sorry' no. Not so politely, I asked him to never contact me again. A few months passed before he started showing up at my work. Now, to be fair, I worked at a locally famous restaurant and he never asked for me. Would just show up occasionally and behaved appropriately so I wasn't scared, it was just a little weird.

It has been nearly 3 years since I met him and he has attempted contacting me on social media about every 6 months since. A few weeks ago I noticed him on the trail next door to my house while my boyfriend and I walked our dog. He has never threatened me, but definitely has more interest in my whereabouts than I consider to be normal.

The One

In the end, all of the weirdos were worth it to find my favorite person in the world.

'At least you're not a Packers fan'.

Little did we know that this statement would be the start of the rest of our lives. We have spoken every single day since he made that comment and have 3 wonderful fur babies together.

The joke was on him though, I am a Packers fan and the Lions still suck!


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