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Tips on Flirting with that Special Girl on Facebook

Updated on May 5, 2013

Finding That Special Girl, Facebook

Finding That Special Girl, Facebook
Finding That Special Girl, Facebook | Source

Find That Special Girl On facebook

Find That Special Girl On facebook
Find That Special Girl On facebook | Source

"Poking" On Facebook

"Poking" That Special Facebook Girl By Flirting

The tips on flirting with that special girl on are fairly limited. In other words finding that certain girl will be hard if going by looks alone. You want to see her short Bio and decide if your at least interested in her personality. Looks can be deceiving and “poking”(the process of getting one’s attention online) can be rude if you don’t even know this dream girl. The thought of her pictures being the sole reason for your liking her should be re-considered. People change over time and body weight, and facial features change to look best when women post their picture on profiles. Think about your profile for a moment. You wanted the best picture you could expect of yourself. We all need to be charming no matter what height, body or facial appearance may be.

The “Hey recognize me part” by using the “poke” option on Facebook can be appealing to some special girl that you want to meet. However consider this as a rude gesture if she gets upset that you interrupt what she was doing on Facebook at the time. She could take it either way. This poke could end up being in favor for getting her attention or having blocked you. Tell her you wanted to say,”Hello” and that you thought she reminded you of someone you knew back years ago. Again keep it light at first, show interest but not talking incentive in front of her face. Stay in control or you will lose her. If the poke goes well and this special girl on Facebook decides to respond, get inside her life a little bit at a time.

Carry on a conversation through some means of chat. This could be private messaging or whatever. Do not get too personal over chat, because words can be taken out of context. The goal that you want is to be able to see her and talk to her on a personal level. Do not get too anxious, keep it light and funny. Girls and like men that are funny. Do not come across sarcastic in trying to be funny, there is a difference. You will lose this girl if you text the wrong words to her. Flirting on Facebook is suppose to be light hearted. The image you see and personality that was on this special girl’s profile could be deceiving. Poking an unwanted person can be a debateable position to stick yourself in. Maybe a private message is best at first.

"Poking" For Attention of Females

"Poking" For Attention of Females
"Poking" For Attention of Females | Source

New Facebook Apps, Secure?

Security and Poking, Be Careful

That special girl on Facebook could be the one. Is she part of your friends or friend of a friend on Facebook? This will have a bearing on how she reacts to you. She does not want to be embarrassed by flirting with you in public chat, even if she chats back to you. This would be the most unfortunate way to flirt with that girl you had eyes for on this website. Family friends can also be a burden for her to accept your goal in getting this girl. The Internet is good for breaking the ice, through Facebook is almost to personable, almost too much.

If you get the chance to have a conversation with her, let her know how lovely she looks in her picture. Women like that and most men don’t have a problem expressing this to women online. Remember the word”online”. Online is not being face to face with this Facebook girl, and perception of what she looks like is in pictures that she was made to look good for. Like a model in a magazine, she does want to look attractive, and desirable. Do women want to be hit on is another question on this website?

When you poke women , (that sounds cruel actually) , you are expressing a want. A want to bother her or to know her. Women will take it as they feel, I could not find out if any women thoroughly enjoy this feature Facebook offers. It would seem disturbing to some females. There are tracking devices on the new Facebook Apps, read my article on the new Apps for Facebook. GPS is used, and security can be breached therefor as women take precautions. The word,”poking” actually comes from children that poke each other to get the other childrens attention. You were possibly told not to do this as a young male or female. Now it is normal to poke and acceptable to extent.

In conclusion, Facebook searching for that special girl is not the best way to meet women. It is a terrific way to flirt and to let one know an interest. Feel her out and see if you get responses. If so, then you have made a new gateway for yourself in finding that exceptional someone on Facebook. Do not be disappointed if sh balks down upon you. She has a reputation to adhere to and most guys could care less. Real world dating , usually starts with finding someone from work that has a friend. Like Facebook, you can network this way and see her for how remarkable she truly is. Facebook dating seems dangerous for women, in some opinions and with the new smartphones that have tracking ability with the new Facebook Apps, this author would not recommend finding a girl on there to date. Leave comments to how you feel about this, people are terribly curious to know.


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