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Violence against Only Women

Updated on March 13, 2024
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Violence against Women

There is evidence of most women taking advantage of men by hurting women, emotionally, and physically and being disrespectful toward women.

I have learned how most men feel ashamed of their good behaviour and feel the need to become violent with women.

They want to prove a point and do this by acting on their violent actions. It makes me think of how humans can be so awful to each other, and it can be shocking to watch such acts take place in society.

The safest of places can feel most scary and less safe. People have feelings and should not be treated that way.

Most cases are not reported to the police!

Many women go missing and are not found for decades. The results of such cases are frightening to even think of what the tests will show of these individuals.

Why do most men sexually, emotionally, and physically abuse women?

The power of most men can override many women. Men who get what they want from women in a forceful way are disrespectful and selfish. Some men cannot control their actions and needs and feel the need to treat women harshly.

Some male behaviour is shocking and surprising!

I discovered that most men are violent to women due to their bad childhood experiences or alcohol intake.

I recently watched a documentary about Albert Henry DeSalvo. He was known as the Boston strangler, and his focus was on older women as well as young women.

The way he cruelly acted out his hatred toward these women allowed people to see him as fearless. DeSalvo had an abusive and alcoholic dad.

Every day was a nightmare for DeSalvo.

He watched as his dad bent his mother’s fingers backwards and had broken each one. The dad influenced DeSalvo to sleep with women from the age of seven this certainly broke down this lad.

Growing up in a troubled childhood led DeSalvo to have gruesome adulthood. He justified his acts by brutally attacking women and killing them. An uncomfortable scene from the rapist and strangler did make me see how most men behave badly.

Psychologists have pointed out that most men behave this way from their dad's influences. The struggle of getting on with life is a problem when males show dominance. Females fail to notice these signs and tend to fall into a trap.

Most males protect their females from any bad events. Males show jealousy when necessary, but when a male wants to attack a female the power of the individual is brought out fully. Females do not see much in the way that males do.

The connection between males and females can be complicated. If you pay attention to what a male really wants you will surely know better.

Females trust males and do not think their partners can be violent toward them or will be violent toward them. Whether an acquaintance or a close friend, violence can come from any triggered event.

Aggressiveness is shown in most men, usually, if they are denied access to a female's body. Social abuse can destroy any person's character. If an individual had been faced with abuse throughout their childhood years this can have a greater effect when they are older.

Challenges for such individuals are lost in time in all the following:

  • Temperamental
  • Values
  • The loss of social identity
  • Culture
  • Communication
  • Behaviours
  • Biological impulses
  • Abusive acts
  • Dominance
  • Boundaries
  • Lack of encouragement
  • Aggression
  • Power
  • Recognition
  • Genetics

They take a different path in life. Violence against women in a certain age group becomes part of their schemes. Attacking women satisfies these types of men.

A convenient act and with smooth talking to gain entry to the victim's home is key to following through with their violent ways. These individuals can portray as a plumber or the mailman.

Most men do not show remorse they get on with their violent acts to feel good about themselves. To fulfil that wide-open gap the violence works out perfectly. Only they know what had happened in their past lives.

A spontaneous act acted out alone though not always alone. In this case, with DeSalvo, he knew exactly what made him feel that way toward women.

From watching his dad's behaviour, he grew into a destructive individual.

He believed his mother was not worthy of his dad. His dad treated his mother violently and DeSalvo had those images in his mind.

Such individuals grow into different characters from the influences of their parents. Be it the mother or the father violent acts are genetically passed on to the next generation.

These men do not want to feel useless; they want to be useful in society. Their values get weak and they lose their culture through the process of showing violence.

Most men feel their acts are better acted on women from some worded script with violent acts, from a movie. The actual dictation applies easily to their knowledge.

The offender is not seen right away.

It is not just from centuries ago even in the time of today most troubled men are acting on their instincts with many women. These men want to prove a point of their power and needs.

There are no limitations to these poor souls. Their intentions are to hurt women and that is what they act on. Trying to make a woman have as many alcoholic drinks to get her into bed is another bad behaviour for some men.

Why is that often the problem?

Most women do not see these men's behaviours as inappropriate, especially if these women lack attention from their family, friends, or from their relationships.

Situations are worth looking into. You rely on that person and trust what you see but you do not look further than that. When men are laughed at by women, they can become violent and gain more strength to act in their aggressive ways.

Not all men have a sense of humour and can take these jokes seriously. Troubled men see conversations differently than those men who do not come from abusive families.

Men and women have their own faults but when the focus is on man's behaviour the whole aspect is noticed in another way. Opinions are not always freely spoken out aloud

The hidden truth is not seen immediately. If you are acting out without the consent of the other individual, you are surely going the wrong way. Certain acts can be abusive or violent if you do not accept that act.

Most women do not want to be taken advantage of, but most men do not see it that way. Looking at most women just as objects is rude and disrespectful.

Respect starts in any good family home. The child who lacks such values eventually grows into bad behavioural characteristics.

When a male fails to respect his mother, he will fail to show that respect to any other female who enters his life in years to come.

All connected characteristics come from parents if only parents could see their behaviours and find that in their children?

Ignorance affects many men and they do not where to go to get help for their cruel behavior. The fear of not being trusted or loved is another problem.

Sometimes most men are afraid to admit their issues and use substances as the effective problem. Excuses should not be accepted. Men and women are victims but the focus here is on men.

Most men do not form relationships they choose to only attack women as in the case of DeSalvo. It shocked people to know of such an individual.

His behaviour would be normal when in the presence of others and had the opportunity to get into those women's homes.

He would immediately attack and strangle them from his cold thoughts.

The mind works in mysterious ways.

A man who chooses to be violent only against women is a troubled soul. Something inside him snapped from his childhood influences that destroyed his life as a man.

You cannot change that individual in any way.

Psychologically he is destroyed. I chose this topic after watching the documentary of DeSalvo he only chose women and left them in the cruellest ways.

Stop the Violence!

Woman in need of help from abusive husband
Woman in need of help from abusive husband | Source
Stop the violence!
Stop the violence! | Source


Do you think most men who act violently have had troubled past lives?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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