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We are all one

Updated on December 30, 2014

Love is the key to all answers

Use your key to unlock the love waiting for you
Use your key to unlock the love waiting for you

We are all ONE

One truth that will free the mind from the misconceptions of life is that we are all literally one. We are all connected in multiple ways. The Law of Unity states that we are all connected and bare the seed of divinity within us all. The Law of Unity tells us that love embraces all. Love includes everything and everyone. We are all pieces of an ever growing puzzle of life.

We can look at it this way, the creator God likes multiples of different shapes, sizes, colors, etc. and so should we. I mean, it would be a really boring planet if everyone was 6 foot tall 190 pounds and had the same hair cut, same skin tone and same accent and we all had the same name. That would be out of this world crazy. We need each other to add more life into our own lives. Black, White, Asian, Indian, whatever, we all can help each other and learn something from one another on multiple levels in this journey through life on earth.

When we carefully observe this truth that when we try to separate ourselves from others, we all really denying our own brothers and sisters no matter what nationality, color, shape, etc. we perceive we are or they are. When we experience the illusion that we stand alone, it causes us to judge and drives us to misjudging and prejudging which robs us from the true nature of who we all are. Also when we focus on this we tend to even misjudge even ourselves and this blinds us from where we all came from.

Unconditional love is the key to life and God is LOVE. In love there is no separation, there is no “us” and no “them.” There is only One. Love is not against some things and for others. Love has no agenda, love simply is. Loving ourselves and others honors and empowers us and those involved which places our life on a different path. When we are loving ourselves and others as they are, we connect with our higher self and everything seems easier when loving in unconditional love, we notice that we say the right things and attract the right people that will help us keep that energy flowing. Loving without reservation and judging which empowers us to attract more of the same which is in perfect alignment with our creator.

When we connect in this profound manner, it overrides fear and fear becomes weaker and fades away and love becomes stronger and glows more and more. One thing that will help is to think or dwell in the truth of "NOW". When we think about it, the only moment we have is "NOW". Living with unconditional love and dwelling on the "NOW" is so empowering and just by passing on this truth to others creates more unity. Activity is the key when centering the moment of "NOW". What we have done is done, however our past cannot effect our future. Only our present will change our future. Love is patient, kind, unselfish, trusting, forgiving and hopes for the best, encourages and unconditional love is the highest form of positive energy.

Within a relationship, deep down (people) we all have the ability to know with practice whether or not that one we are with, truly loves us or not. Ever notice in a relationship you can sense when something is wrong or when something is right? NOW THAT'S WHEN YOU ARE BEING GUIDED BY LOVE NOT FEAR! MATURE LOVE DOES NOT FEAR! Those that are aware of this are attuned to their higher self, however we are ever growing, we are all connected and the truth cannot be hidden for too long. Everything that is hidden will be revealed.Love makes sure of that.

Waking up from this illusion that "we stand alone", will awaken the greater, more perfectly in alignment of our higher self which attracts more of the like or more of the same focused energy into our lives. We re all one. I believe it is possible to end or start anything and everything good if we all work together. Everyone could be a millionaire. Everyone could be healthy, Everyone could fill in the blank. It only seems impossible when we look at it from a doubting view point. One person cannot build a city in one life time but tens of thousands of hands and hearts and minds working as one, etc. can make it happen. In all parts of life we all can make a difference.

In a relationship (couples) the key to winning is to forget yourself and to love and give as you would want without judging. Forgiving without blaming. By poring the love you will get it back when you understand the law of reaping and sowing. However you also must believe in it also for it to work for you. If one doesn't believe they will get anything, guess what, they won't. If they do, guess what, they WILL! The mind is a terrible thing to waste and our beliefs are so powerful that if we lose track of who we really are we lose so much potential. (NOTE: I have to remind myself so I don't have it down perfectly myself but I am getting better at it every day)

In a loving relationship, when both parties actively and unconditionally make this their priority in life , each day and night, their love life will blossom and many will wonder how you can be so in love. For even more empowering changes to take place, both partners should write down goals together and say affirmations alone and also say them together. Plan for the future by changing your habits NOW! Our words affect our thoughts.

Place your trust in the change. JUST BELIEVE IN THE INFINITE POSSIBLE OUTCOME. Place you faith in the love. NOTHING CAN BEAT LOVE! GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD AND YOUR ON TRACK>>>>>>When both parties do this from their heart, no color, no differences, no one can separate them. And as I said before we are all one so on a deeper level, how can we separate ourselves from ourselves.

For a successful long lasting (life time) committed relationship to work, both persons must work together with a common goal, otherwise the time is wasted and both will suffer in the long run. Have you heard the saying "How can two walk together unless they both agree". In life, love is the most powerful force in the all existence. Nothing can top love's expression. In closing I would like you to read one of my many poems I have written. It's short but it hits home. I hope you will enjoy it.

Alpha Rhythm

byDarryl William Crawford

As the two become one
Together counting every season
In a give and take relation
Living life to the maximum
Like dedicated musicians
We rehearse every session
With only one intention
To behold every reason
Love is the highest invitation
Much stronger than emotion
Much deeper than thee ocean
Nothing can top love's expression

Even in love making OR HAVING SEX TO BE BLUNT with your spouse, give to them what you would want, the attention, the time, the focused energy on pleasing the other, no exceptions . This will work only when both couples have a solid firm commitment to one another, no exceptions . Sometimes, the guarantee of specialness is signified by certain behaviors which are reserved for just the two of you. 9 times out of 10 if they love you, they will mirror what you do and if you are showering them with undivided attention, love, passion (the works), it will come back to you but the key is to make this an on going commitment and not just a one time event.

In a friendship bases, the same applies, give to them what you would want, the attention, the time, the focused energy to be friendly. Another way to look at it is that if you want friends, be friendly. If you want love, be loving. If you want trust, be trusting. if you desire gifts, be more giving. Do the thing that you want and you will receive that back to you. It is a universal law that is unbreakable unmistakable and forever always in motion. We are all. YES THAT IS TRUE!





We are all connected.
We are all connected.
We can all make a difference.
We can all make a difference. | Source
Even when you think you are alone, you're not and you never will be.
Even when you think you are alone, you're not and you never will be.

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