What Do You Have in Common With Your Partner?
What Do You Have in Common With Your Partner?
How much do you have in common with your partner?
Sometimes you can feel like you are married to a stranger. Marriages don't always turn out the way you expected.
The high expectations of a marriage can leave you with an empty heart.
Why should you be silent and let him have his word?
It takes two people to work on their marriage and to respect each other. The marriage won't work out if one of you respects the other, while the other must take your nonsense and is disrespected.
The feeling of walking on eggshells when with your partner is not a marriage. You too need to feel needed and with respect. Feel comfortable around your partner.
When the door opens you walk in expecting too much for yourself. Marriage is a way of life for certain individuals.
For example:
A young woman was afraid of her husband. When the front door opened her heart jumped from its place. He walked toward her and stared into her face. The heavy breathing made the woman feel insecure about his next move toward her.
She remained calm and pretended to be fine, and she stared down at the floor. Eye contact was too scary for her. He did not need her anymore and decided to sleep in the next room.
Does this mean she has failed her man as a wife?
The woman did not utter a word. The first night of their marriage he decides to sleep in another room. He wants to treat his wife as a wife and not as a prostitute.
The different mindset here of the man is to not spend the first night of intimacy on the first night of marriage.
The next morning the young woman made herself ready to make breakfast, and to her surprise, her husband was there making breakfast. He made breakfast and served her, letting her know she was not a slave but his wife. Little by little she opened with her husband.
Small discussions got them talking more about each other. She was afraid to open at first to her husband. The lack of confidence made her feel this way.
Her mother obeyed her father and did not speak up which had a hold on her life for a long time. To take his permission if he needed to go out with friends who did not fit in with him.
The woman's childhood memories of her mother and father led her to this strange thought in her marriage. In this case, the husband is trying to teach his wife how to live.
The man she married tried his best to make her feel calm and relaxed. Her parents married her off to a stranger, but he no longer felt like that stranger.
They dragged each other to bed and consummated their marriage.
After four months of marriage finally their marriage felt great. She had fallen in love with a stranger deeply and promised to be there, for always.
In traditional times the first night of a marriage is to understand each other. Lots have changed and not many follow traditions anymore.
It depends on the kind of marriage you want to sign into for your long-term relationship. If you want a sexual partner without falling in love with that person then you can have that.
When you choose to marry for love and want to be with that person in love, then you can have that kind of marriage. You can't live your marriage without love in a happy way.
The many conflicts you share will ruin you. In this manner you exist separately and not together forever. A couple can grow to hurt each other emotionally, physically and psychologically.
They nag each other and become possessive, violent, oppressive, dominating, and aggressive. Everybody marries a stranger you don't know your partner right away.
It takes forever to get to know what's going on in their minds. Married at first sight is challenging.
How well do they know each other?
What do you have in common with your partner in your marriage?
Life in a marriage feels good when you first meet and going through the honeymoon phase feels harmonious. It may feel overwhelming at first, but along the way, you lose each other to someone else.
If you don't lose your partner to someone else, you become detached from each other. You tend to lose interest without you even realizing it.
Whether drawing you apart from together eventually is not there anymore.
You lose focus of your personal lives and that leads you astray. Anything you once had in common you don't see happening in your marriage.
The spark is lost, and parenting is the only common aspect that is keeping you two together. A couple married for thirty years and they existed.
Two people held on in their marriage to show others they were still together, but, they were not happy. He had an affair and that experience allowed for them to grow apart.
She was hurt emotionally and carried on with her life but without her husband. You need to do something for yourself and don't waste your life with someone like that. Most people who cheat, don't change. If they do change you will not trust so easily again.
Why would you feel the need to live that way?
Don't live together because something or someone is keeping you together.
You don't need to become depressed, angry and alone for the sake of your partner. It is easy for you to feel unloved, unneeded, and unwanted, but you don't have to go down that lane.
Two people change in their marriage after twenty years together and notice they have nothing in common after five years into that marriage. Finally, these people want to know what is missing in your life.
Do you know what is best for you and your partner?
When did you find out what is best for you in the marriage?
You don't always find a couple with everything in common and still love each other. The idea is to embrace each other's interests. Respect each other's hobbies and be there for each other.
Marriages focus better and are interesting if you compromise.
Maybe you have nothing in common or something in common in your marriage, finding love allows you to share your interests. A marriage is challenging to do it if you are up for it and can take on a commitment.
It's easy to love one another, but are you willing to take the plunge to marry your lifelong partner?
- Share common interests with your partner, and learn more about each other's needs and hobbies.
- Don't neglect the fact that you can't hold on to only that part of your life in your marriage.
- There is lots more you can do than to dwell on sharing the same interests.
Do you need to have everything in common to enjoy your life together in a marriage?
What Do You Have in Common With Your Partner?
Marriage and happiness
Would you stay in an unhappy marriage?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2016 Devika Primić