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What a Woman Wants in a Man

Updated on February 17, 2020
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I approach life from a pragmatic, optimistic, and logical perspective, and as I result I am able to share and present the facts as they are.

True Love and Commitment

Nine out of ten times whenever I had any conversation with a female on the subject of relationship, they always say that the most important factor in a relationship that they are looking for is true love and commitment.

Based on these facts it is important for both partners to be cognizant of this very vital ingredient which is the glue that will bind every relationship geared for success.

Individual Responsibility

It should be taken into account and carefully considered by both males and

females that they are fully responsible for incorporating this ingredient
into their relationship for it to grow and mature.

A Level of Awareness

Another aspect of attaining a good relationship is that both parties must be

aware of this ingredient in order to activate and implement it, in other words, working together for a common purpose to achieve a mutual goal.

When this is implemented, it will certainly have an impact on the relationship in a positive and favorable manner making it possible for the relationship to excel to unknown heights.

A Pragmatic Approach

Partners in a relation must also display a pragmatic approach, which means that they are always optimistic about the fact that they, at all times must constantly integrate "Love and Commitment into their relationship.

Dynamic and Driving Force

This is the dynamic and driving force to propel their relationship to prevent stagnation. A woman looks for these attributes in a man in order to make an informed and educated decision. However, it is highly impossible for the man to constantly supply these ingredients, without it being reciprocated. As a result, a balance must be struck.

Although this topic is basically focusing on what a woman wants in a man, it drives me to understand that both parties are human, have emotions, have feelings, have passion, and the rest that contributes to a solid relation, it would be futile not to take into account that a successful relationship consists of two parties' contributions.


Insecurity is always lurking in a woman's mind. The question here is, will he be one hundred percent faithful to me? This is also true from the man's perspective. Therefore both people must strike a balance and meet each other 100% of the way by saying I will be true to you as long as our relation lasts.

The essence here is to put things into perspective. Simply means, that a woman's desire is to build a relationship with someone who can provide that quality, and ingredients. Conversely, men also seek to find a woman who can also, provide these ingredients.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that two people must come to a mutual decision in order to start and build a relationship because two people will
not be able to co-exist without mutual concession, in other words, amicably agree that they need each other.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2009 Sonia


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