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What Is Ghosting and Why Do You Do It?

Updated on March 30, 2024
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Ghosting is rude to a significant other

Do you Ghost others?

What is Ghosting?

An individual who disappears from your life, but without any communication leaves you without an explanation. A disappearance that you have no idea why happened.

This person cuts off all communication with you and ghosting is done at its hardest. It is a conflict that you avoid and a fear you have to avoid all contact with that person you once knew so well or for a long time.

Ghosting is when someone doesn't call you, email you, text you or answer any of your phone calls.

That means you are ghosted!

Why do people ghost others?

They do not prefer a confrontation and do not feel the need to experience the reactions of others. People who want to avoid such conversations avoid others and leave them out of their lives.

Sometimes people feel it easier to walk away than to face the truth of the matter. Ghosting appears to be less painful to the Ghoster in saying harsh words.

It is a selfish act to leave the other person without any contact or an actual reason for the breakup. The feelings of others do not matter, only their feelings are nurtured.

Those who Ghost others have a form of habit and a history of ghosting others. They would rather stop seeing you than confront you with any ill feelings.

In this way, the person keeps their good image. In some incidents, the person would feel better to return to you without disappointment or anger.

Overall, people do not want to hurt others, to face up to confrontations. A selfish manner to cooperate and to feel nothing for the feelings of others.

An unpleasant way to leave a relationship and to avoid bad words with someone. People do not react well to rejection. In a relationship, rejection is not always taken lightly.

Being yelled at or lectured to is not how most individuals want to be treated. These are situations when you want to avoid humiliation, avoid emotional issues, and to focus on other parts of your life.

Poor and bad communication to treat you as nothing, like an object and to walk away from you without an explanation. However, they are angry at you and do not think you need an explanation for their terrible behaviours.

What happened is, that they had their breakup planned ahead of you and dropped this on you out of the blue. You had no idea what they had on their minds.

The problem with such people, is they do not care about dealing with you emotionally, as in tears and weaknesses.

To try and work out the relationship for the best is not what they have in mind. The relationship does not feel like a true one of them.

What does it feel like to be ghosted?

People feel disrespected, useless, and disposed of by their significant others. They feel used, and less loved. A traumatic experience to be shunned by the person you once loved so dearly.

It is a betrayed feeling, to not trust your partner again. You feel like an idiot like your soul has been destroyed. Your self-esteem is lowered, and you see yourself as a loser. It is not your fault, but ghosting makes you feel at your worst.


You do not want to mention to the other person you are dating and do not want to see them anymore. Your issue is to avoid hurting the other person.

The whole idea of having a relationship was not in your favour. On social media, you blocked off the other person without an explanation. It felt odd to do that, but you did it anyway.

You are not ready for a relationship, but refuse to come out with it, instead of blocking off the other person from your social media without warning. Ghosting began as a form of breaking up with someone.

Psychologically, you do not want to face up to your problematic relationship. Physical and emotional issues are totally avoided. Verbally you avoid badmouthing each other.

Sometimes letting down your significant other is hurtful and not so gentle in words. Ghosting leaves you confused, and feeling hurt and the need for closure is a way to move on with your life.

The other problem with ghosting is for the other person affected by it. They tend to wait for weeks to get back into the relationship not realizing they are no more in the existence of the other person.

A cruel way to end a relationship. In online dating, you would experience ghosting. You do not know the person you are communicating with and this leads to many different reflections.

Online you date, converse and are rude to each other, that is if you want to be that way and do not meet up with that person won't be as effective.

People in these situations, avoid rejection, confrontation and any contact whatsoever to be part of their lives but from a distance.

A distance between two people and without confrontation. There is no direct speech to the other person. The idea is to dump your significant other silently. Breaking up without an explanation to avoid anger, disappointment, and misunderstanding of that relationship.

There is a lack of maturity when ghosting someone. They do not want to be part of that relationship. It is a hit-and-run case to be ghosted. Control is what they want when they ghost you.

The worst approach to ending a relationship is to ghost the other person. The one who ghosts you is the one who is unworthy and rude to you. In this situation, you are not the one who should feel upset or left alone.

Ghosting is when one feels the need to avoid discomfort and the extremity of the relationship. You shouldn’t ghost someone without a valid reason.

If you are physically abused, lied or manipulated to, if your boundaries are violated by all means you can ghost that person.

It is not good for anyone to be in an unhealthy relationship. Ghosting is for those who do not have a backbone in their bodies.

You can discuss your reasons for leaving instead of cutting off all communication with each other.

The Ghoster and the Ghosted should not get back together again.

Ghosting in Relationships


Ghosting in a relationship to leave without an explanation

Have you been ghosted?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Devika Primić


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