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What Is Love About? Know What the True Love Really Is

Updated on November 2, 2019

True love is unconditional, pure, and born of the soul; true loves are not subject to rules or regulations, do not know any border or limit; you can not break or resign.

There can be hundreds of definitions of true love. What true love means for someone is unique. If one has to ask, "Is the love real?" - Then s/he has not known the meaning of true love until now. True love exists in different forms, such as the love of mother, brothers, friends, or couple, is entirely selfless, warm, and provides complete security.

The couple love is perhaps the most difficult to find, but once you have it in your life is like the haven where we can get after having had difficult days, it's breakfast in bed, constant kisses and unlimited affection.

Love is the freedom to be who you are without fear or prejudice; it is to improve as people ...

We have already said that there are different types of love, but we will focus on the most capricious of all, the couple's love that is undoubtedly so rare and difficult to have that, sometimes, disappointments force us to discard it and be alone.

And here is that wanting another person is an art, you have to be ahead, and above all, you have to be careful with heartbreak.

What is love about? What is the meaning of true love? Iss Love something man can never understand?


True Love
True Love

Love is the purest feeling that a person can experience for another, is identified as being completely unbiased, evokes joy, and full satisfaction. Some say love is an action, some say it is an emotion. I won't say which one that love is, continue reading and find by yourself.

Next, you will find 3 different concepts of love in different cultures.

Meaning of love for the greeks

The Greeks believed in 4 types of love that are:

  • EROS: It represented the sensual part, desire, and sexual attraction very abundant at the beginning of a relationship or in fleeting relationships.
  • STORGÉ: It represented the fraternal love we developed towards our family, partners, friends, and even pets or animals.
  • PHILIA: This type of love intends to promote the common good and cooperation with other human beings within society. It could be said that it is the love of a place and its people
  • AGAPE: Refers to the love that we all know, as to ease unconditional and selfless love, in which the priority is always the well-being of the loved one.

Meaning of what love is for Jews

The Jews represent love as an ideal, a principle, a beautiful concept, or a conviction. It is an obligation and a duty. A responsibility and a requirement of life. Understanding and obtaining love is essential for Jews.

Concept of love for philosophy

For philosophy, man loves because it induces him with joy, but that joy comes from an external stimulus that makes him want more from the other than from himself.

Thus, love is a form of adaptation with our environment and society, which makes us act unnaturally.

How to know if it is love?

How to find love is not as hard as to find out if we are truly in love or not. So, let's talk about that.

It is not clear to everyone, but to say love to something we feel, first that feeling has to last for a long time. We tend to think that love is being with the person we have been so excited about, but nothing else out of place.

At the beginning of a relationship, our body's own chemistry makes us feel so good that we come to think that we find that much desired true love, but the reality is that to really know that same feeling must be lasting.

If our feelings lower their level, it is not love - that was just passing illusion and idealization.

Outside of idealizations, love is a purely individual experience, we cannot make the other person feel the same. When the other person feels the same as one and demonstrates it, it is reciprocal love; if not, we can already say that it is a toxic relationship.

Plus, when someone truly loves you, you can see it on their face. This can also be a help for you if you want to know whether you feel the same way.

Childhood Love
Childhood Love

7 elements of real love

We may already have a partner, but how do we know if we have true love? Here seven points that every stable relationship should have.

1. Love prefers and not need

The emotional dependency is extremely harmful in relationships, kills passion and interest. We know that we cherish when we choose when to start a relationship; when we feel prepared and not when we feel desperate, first, you have to love yourself before someone else, it is a basic principle to have something truly lasting and strong.

We must have something pure and more than clear to be willing that love is forever.

2. True love wants without conditions

We should not pretend to place conditions on the relationship with our better half, love is unconditional regardless of the differences with our partner.

We must be very clear that we will always have differences with the person we have chosen to be at our side, and part of the process of loving someone is knowing how to deal with the differences and learn to know the other.

The differences make love beautiful, therefore, let's open our eyes and accept the other person with all its nuances, its defects, virtues, and errors.

The differences make it all the more fun for us to be surprised each time with something different, enjoy the experience, and not set limits.

3. True love does not grow from nothing, it is built

When we have a relationship, it is necessary to know that love must be maintained and built every day bigger and more robust. The details are necessary. The magic must continue as in the beginning, sex and trust must always be present; love and be loved, talk and listen, understand and support are essential to make the relationship better and more lasting.

Love is mutual support, it is constant affection, mischief, hugs and kisses always. Through these premises, we will build something better than love.

4. Love is knowing how to solve problems

As in everything, love is not without problems. When love is real, we must always be willing to solve the problems with serenity and not get carried away by the heat of the fights or the same issues, we must be cautious with what we say and always seek to speak and listen.

Communication is a fundamental part of a relationship that lasts over time.

We must seek harmony to be happy.

5. You must set emotional boundaries in the relationship

As I mentioned earlier, a relationship should not be endowed or limited by conditions or vigor plays. We must try to have a healthy relationship, where both can be happy.

When there are restraints in the relationship, misunderstandings, mistrust will appear, and this will end up becoming toxic again.

There are indeed things that should not be tolerated in a relationship, and those are abuse, deception, emotional manipulation, injustice, or violence. The fundamental value of a relationship is mutual respect.

6. If love squeezes you, it's not your size

It is usually very difficult to find the right person because, in most cases, we find disposable love that all they do is destabilize us emotionally. Luckily we can identify false love when we believe we have found it, and we are not at all comfortable.

The love that corresponds to us is made to our measure, it is unconditional and wonderful.

If love hurts, it means that it is a false love. It is a mere illusion. If love hurts, we are confusing feelings and hurting ourselves.

If there are conditions or vetoes or demands, it is time to say goodbye because our dignity is above anything else, and a person who only comes to demand it is because he wants to humiliate us, perhaps not directly. But within his personality is always wanting to impose and demand, it is better to flee.

Note - There is also a difference between "love you" and "I love you."

7. True love is not known for what it wants, but for what it offers

It's just that loving someone is like that, it's totally unconditional. When we really want someone, we always give without expecting anything in return. If we have our partner, we must make the most of it because we can certify that the feeling is real, that there is true love.


This was a journey defining true love. I hope you live the fullness of having a stable relationship, and if you have a partner, enjoy it to the fullest.
The "how to tell if it is true love" may be more difficult to answer, but now you know a little more about the subject. No one can give a definition of true love. You can only experience love - not explain it.


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