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Celebrity Bromances in Real Life

Updated on December 20, 2017
George Bush and King of Saudi Arabia holding hands. This is an unusual bromance by American standards.
George Bush and King of Saudi Arabia holding hands. This is an unusual bromance by American standards.

Best Buds

If your guy is in a Bromance, should you be worried? This is a recent new term coined in the last decade referring to two men that are more than friends but not gay or physically intimate.

The media started to refer to certain celebrity friendships with this term because of the closeness of the two stars. I guess the paparazzi were implying that the two men or "bros" were having a romance but bromance became the catch phrase.

No, I don't think any of these American best friends forever or BFF, or Best Buds Forever would be holding hands in public, but they don't hide their affections for each other. I wouldn't call them a couple but best buds for sure.

It can be hurtful to a girlfriend or wife who is left on weekends as her man goes out with his bro or best bud. oftentimes these buds will enjoy sporting events, weekend hunting, biking, or other manly events. The girls are feeling left out for sure.

Best Male Friendships

Brody Jenner and Frankie Delgado actually started the Bromance term it's rumored since they are stars of the program with the same title. Some of the other well known ones are:

  • George Clooney and Brad Pitt,
  • Ben Affleck and Matt Damon
  • Tom Cruise and David Beckham
  • Lance Armstrong and Mathew McConaughy
  • Kevin James and Adam Sandler
  • Pen Jillette and Raymond Teller
  • Jay-Z and Kanye West
  • Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake
  • Leonardo Diacprio and Toby McGuire
  • Stewey and Brian (cartoon characters)

I can definitely see why they may have a crush on each other. They get along great and there have a lot in common. it's almost like being brothers.

The first two,Brody Jenner and Frankie Delgado are the same age and like the same things, including a show about themselves. They seem to be making a living on their notoriety, not their talents or hard work. Are they just another Hollywood spoiled brats show? I don't know if they are still bros or not or in a bromance since the show was scraped.

George Clooney and Brad Pitt are Hollywood hunks and major babe magnets, even though Brad is now spoken for. Both made it up the ranks, starring in low budget sitcoms and movies until they paid their dues. Both starred in major films together and are major box office stars. What's not to admire? Women all over the world will kill to be with them.

Ben Afleck and Matt Damon both came to Hollywood from Boston as screenwriters first. The film, Good Will Hunting, starred Matt, was a box office hit and gave them some major credits. This catapulted their careers and mutual respect for one another. They were inseparable until Ben married. Matt soon followed Ben's lead and they still lead very similar lives and friendship today.

Tom Cruise and David Beckham are avid athletes, having major advantage in the looks department and appeal to both man and women. Both are married to beautiful,younger women and travel in very rich worlds in deed.

Lance Armstrong and Mathew McConaughy are major babes as well and very athletic to boot. Lance overcame cancer and won the Tour de France many times. Mathew surfs, plays soccer, volleyball and jogs, among other sports. He's a good competitor to Lance. Mat could probably give Lance a run or ride, for his money!

Adam and Kevin are both comedic actors. Adam shot to fame on Saturday Night Live and Kevin was a stand up comedian when he achieved major fame on “King of Queens” sitcom. Both have starred in major movies involving comedy and are close to the same age. They are not overly attractive like Mathew, Tom, George or Brad, but they have a major attraction and fondness for each other, and it shows

Pen and Adam, better know to their fans, as Pen and Teller, are buddies on and off the stage. Their professional magician act as well as their friendship or bromance obviously involves the love of magic. Whenever they have an interview, Pen does all the speaking and Teller just smiles and nods.

Jimmie and Justin BFF

Jimmie Fallon and Justin Timberlake are very close and enjoy each others company. It shows whenever they are on the same stage or in the same bit. each one visits each other's gig. Justin has dropped into SNl and his current late night show endless times.

The one skit that put them in the minds of America as the SNL skit named The Barry Gibb Show in which Jimmy is Barry and Justin plays his brother, Robin.

Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio have been best friends and pals since they met on the set of the movie, "The Great Gatsby." They are often seen together at the Lakers games center court.

Leo and Toby

Leonarado DiCaprio and Toby McGuire have been best buds since meeting on the movie set over 25 years ago. They even starred together in the remake of The Great Gatsby. They hit if off immediately and spend a lot of time together, especially at sporting events.

 BFFS Bromance Stewie and Brian
BFFS Bromance Stewie and Brian

Stewie and Brian

Of course Stewie and Brian are fictitious characters on the Family Guy series but they have played such an intricate part in many viewers lives that people protested when Brian was killed off.

Stewie is a genius toddler who invents time machines and other weapons of destruction. he talks but no one in his family can understand him but Brian. That's probably the reason they get along so well. Brian is the family dog who supposedly talks and Stewie can relate to being under valued.

nevertheless, they can't get along without each other ,which makes them the ideal bromance couple.

Rat Pack in the day...
Rat Pack in the day...

Older BFFS or male Bromances

It has occurred to me that we can label some older friendships as bromances.

Paul Newman and Robert Redford would surely be one by today's definition.They were best buds and starred in films and believed in social causes as well. And they weren't bad to look at either!

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra could be a definite bromance from the past. They were as close as brothers could be and worked in film, on stage and hung out together. As a matter of fact the famous Rat Pack could have been one big bromance.

There was Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop and Dean Martin.Joey seemed to be on the outskirts but managed to stay invited.

Final Thoughts

The term bromance is confusing to some and offensive to others. When the term first appeared, the paparazzi called some of the male stars who were best friends this, I think as an insult. Later the MTV program,"Bromances" starred Brody Jenner and Frankie Delgado, appeared and then the term seemed to become acceptable.

Whatever the term, it's clear that there are many best friends forever or BFF in Hollywood and elsewhere. It's not easy staying friends with someone of the same gender without others trying to make it something sinister and ugly.

© 2010 Stacie L


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