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What Is Your Office Personality?

Updated on March 22, 2024
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Office personalities for different types of people. Some people are happy daily while others can also be moody.

Different office personalities

Do you know what is your Office Personality?

An office personality is key in the workplace, and unique personalities can affect your team in different ways. Team members need inspiration and engagement in the office.

Managing such personalities causes mood clashes. Understanding what draws the team to proper planning leads to success and productivity.

The working environment, therefore, becomes a worthy and happy place to work in and around colleagues. By taking a step toward recognizing personalities you require more knowledge of the personality types.

When judging the team show ambition and be determined with an organized plan. The schedules and details of deadlines must be thoroughly encountered.

Be the judge of your office personality.

You acquire an open mind and the employees in the working place need to show a good response to situations.

Be able to adapt and make unpredictable decisions. In other words, be the one who perceives in the workplace. When you perceive you are aware of the events going on in the workplace or around you. To be an extrovert, you need to work hand in hand with your employees.

The opposite of the Extrovert is the Introvert.

Office personality as an introvert is the one who thinks on their own. The introvert in the office is better off working alone in an independent way.

Tough thinkers are objective.

Such individuals think a lot. They tend to research in detail and knowledge is power in their office personalities. The warm type of office personality type is those with a warm feeling.

These individuals break into the facts and have different views on their facts. The feeling personality types are supportive and distinguished.

What do you look for in Office Personalities?

The Talker office personality would use up your time and not even think of self-control.

There is no stopping a Talker.

The individual is negative and is not a good planner and the Talker is not aware of the events going on in their workplace. Some office personalities can scare you.

Who is a Micro-manager?

The worst type of boss you can have in this category. Trying to put up with this office personality is a tough one.

The Micro-manager interrupts your time while trying to work on the project.

You don't have a say in what you do. It can be frustrating to work with this type of office personality.

A painful personality type to work with is the overly committed worker. An individual who will make you feel negative about your work. They draw attention to work you don't need on your plate and with no accomplishment from their side. The type who fears your chances are more than that of their on achieving promotion is the one going out the door.

The one is about to be fired from their position. You don't need to grow attached to such individuals.

A person who shows no interest in the workplace and instead chooses not to follow rules is not worth your time. This person is not a good influence on you.

He or she breaks the terms and conditions of their working agreement.

Nobody is perfect in any office personality.

Gossip in the office can tear you down. You can put down gossip anytime in the workplace.

The future leaders in the workplace often choose to talk down on other colleagues known as the Fast Tracker.

Ever heard of the Brown Noser?

I knew a few of those personality types in my past job.

What about those who suck up to their bosses?

When this occurs, the Brown Noser sticks to the one above in the title and looks down on other colleagues. I worked with colleagues who behaved in this way and couldn't cope with that behaviour.

A type of personality that neglects others in the workplace. You could learn from their behaviours. Office personalities with no intentions of attempting work activities.

This person is away from the office but gets the credit for all the work. The type that is part of holding a company when they do attend meetings and lunches.

Everyone in the team should deliver their share. There is some value in what they do but is not a colleague to you in this manner.

Don't forget about the personality types, such as:


The talkative or the chatterbox types who don’t mind their affairs and complainers who constantly have a word about work or colleagues.

The other office personality style is the direct speaker and one who thoroughly organises files and needs to work independently. Such personalities, are direct in their orders given to you.

For example, the direct speaker speaks about what you must do.

The opinions of the direct speaker are to the point, but their listening skills are poor. Often the direct speaker makes quick decisions.

The Spirited office personality type has an untidy desk.

Their style of learning is associated with groups. They talk more than they do their jobs.

A lot of exaggeration is involved in their conversations, and the Considerate personality type has its agendas and works in teams.

The idea of taking on new projects is not on their list. Considerate personalities do offer help with their low-toned voices. They have good listening skills and take part in frequent small talks.

A Systematic personality style is one with a tidy desk. Such individuals think of their own and work independently. They meet a deadline and are precise in their conversations.

There is not much small talk with Systematic individuals.

Office people think they have easy-going personalities, but getting on with colleagues can be a challenging task in the office. On some mornings you may not want to stop by the office and see those sour faces.

Working from home just feels easier. Office personality types are unique. The way you choose to cope with such individuals is entirely up to your judgment. Overseeing the issues in the workplace can be productive and creative.

Sometimes such tasks can be impossible to achieve. Understanding others in the workplace requires motivation to survive in a happy working environment.

Communication can send wrong messages to colleagues. Be focused on the project and reach that goal.

You are in the office to do your share of the work. Lying out to your colleagues is wrong and selfish.

The decisions made need all your attention, and Enthusiastic adventurer seeks their goals. They choose to be that way and achieve their goals with no hesitation. Strong outgoing personalities have creative personalities.

When the pressure rises in the office place these personality types fall apart. They are optimistic and thrive for success and do inspire others in a team.

Office workers need to be in control when making decisions and in conversations.

Certain office personalities are irritable, unfriendly, can be arrogant, and approach their daily activities with what prevails. The flexible types, sometimes slower, require routine and focus on what want to achieve.

To make decisions on the spur of the moment, and not have conflict in their decisions.

To be who is worth having by your side is key to a good working relationship. When working in the office think of the reason for your being in that place.

What would you call a good working personality?

Maintain a professional working relationship to avoid any mishaps concerning your job.

In the work place personalities


Office workers

How would you cope with Office Personalities?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Devika Primić


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