What not to say to a man: Things to never say to your boyfriend or husband
What not to say to a man? What are the things you should never say to a guy? This tongue-in-cheek post reveals the peculiar things that you should never say to your boyfriend or husband and avoid making the mistake of embarrassing him. Guys are known to be very sensitive about certain things and appreciate their partners to know where to draw the line.
1) Never tell a guy that that he earns less money than his friends
Never tell a man that he earns less money than his friends. It will humiliate him and deflate his ego completely. If you say this to your boyfriend or husband, his confidence levels will drop into negative.
Use better words, phrases and sentences if you must encourage your guy to earn more money but never make the mistake of comparing his income to others.
2) Don't tell him that he is afraid of commitment
Telling your partner that he is afraid of commitment can make him commitment phobic even if he isn't. Your guy may have never seen commitment as a bad thing in particular until the moment you talked about it.
Regardless of whether you and your partner are at a crossroad of life where you need to decide the future of your relationship, don't make matters complicated by telling him that he is afraid of committing.
3) Do not compare him with your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband
You may have gone into your relationship with expectations from your previous relationship but don't make that evident. Don't say anything to your man that vaguely hints towards comparison with your exes.
4) Don't tell a guy that he has small muscles
A guy's muscles are a core component of driving his manliness, confidence and ego levels. Don't make him feel weak by saying anything that pokes fun at his small frame. Even the toughest of alpha males can feel insulted and humiliated if their girlfriends or wives tell them that their muscles are small.
5) Don't say that you are in awe of his friend
Telling a man that you are impressed by, or are in awe of his friend is likely to send him into a tizzy. Your boyfriend or husband may not express it directly but your statement will plunge him into a dark hole of jealousy and he may even start doubting that you are fond of his friend.
Avoid doing this even if you are genuinely and platonically in awe for your guy's friend, whether you are impressed with his professional life, personality, looks or achievement.
6) Never tell a man that he doesn't know how to flirt
When it comes to knowing how or how not to flirt with girls, most men consider themselves to be experts or at least wish that they were. Don't say to a guy that he is pathetic at the art of flirting. He will feel insulted to the core and may develop a tiny bit of animosity at you for your views.
7) Don't tell a guy that he is insecure about his body
Telling a guy that he is insecure about his body will make him insecure even if he isn't. Even if you feel that your guy is actually not confident about his body, don't spell it out to him. Instead, suggest to him something that helps him get over such confidence issues.
For example, instead of telling him directly that he is insecure about his body because he walks with a hunch, tell him that he will look sexier if he keeps his back straight.
8) Never say that you are not happy in the relationship
This applies especially to couple who have been dating for a couple of months. You may instantly ruin the future of your relationship if you tell your guy that you are not happy in the relationship. He may immediately see the relationship as a waste of time.
Being vocal about your feelings is one of the secrets of being a happy couple. If you must highlight an issue that is bothering you, do it specifically. Saying that you are not happy in your relationship and expecting him to read between the lines can be very risky.
9) Never tell a guy that you cheated on one of your previous partners
Telling a guy that you cheated on one of your previous partners is like giving him a warning sign that you will cheat on him too. Regardless of how strong a bond you have in your relationship, such a statement will do a lot of damage.
10) Don't tell your boyfriend that he is a nicer guy than your nasty exes
Don't tell your man that he is a nicer guy than all your exes will even if you feel it genuinely. A statement like this will give your guy weird thoughts about the crazy stuff you must have done with your exes.
Popular culture tends to glamorize the bad boy image and telling your guy that he is nicer than your exes will not go well with him. Even if you honestly believe that your boyfriend is a nicer human being that your exes, keep it to yourself.
11) Never express a lack of desire for physical intimacy
Expressing a lack of desire for physical intimacy will do a lot more than disappoint your man for that very moment. Your expression and words will be engraved in his mind and he will feel constantly feel deprived of a basic pleasure even if your sex life is relatively healthy.
If you have had a tiring day or you are not just in the mood for sex, find better ways to avoid physical intimacy. Telling him on the face that you are not in the mood will have a permanent effect on his excitement levels towards your relationship.
12) Never ask your partner to specifically introduce you to his friends, colleagues or boss
Asking your man to introduce you to his guy friend, colleague or boss is like telling him indirectly that you have an eye for that guy. Unless you have business with that person, don't ask your guy to introduce you to him.
13) Don't say to a guy that he is immature
Telling your man that he is immature can spike a range of negative thoughts in his head. He may start getting intimidated by you, he may start doubting his decision making skills or he may even start questioning his basic maturity levels.
Using the word 'immature' loosely and outside context can be interpreted in many ways. Rather than letting your boyfriend or husband making his own interpretation of how you meant it, don't say it.
14) Never say to a man that his car is pathetic
The bond between a man and his car can be compared to the bond between a woman and her shoes. Telling a girl that her new heels are ugly will instantly deflate her and make her feel depressed. The same will happen to your man if you demean his choice of wheels.
15) Don't talk about the sexiness of another girl in front of your man
Unless you want your man's mind to wander when he is dreaming, don't praise another girl's sexiness when he is around. Avoid asking your man questions like 'Do you find her hot?' or 'She has a good figure, doesn't she?'
This does not imply that he will fantasize about her or he will think about her behind your back. Why would you want to give your man a chance to look at other women or think about how hot another girl is?
16) Don't ask your guy to be like a celebrity
Have you ever said to your guy that he looks like a certain celebrity and that he should have a body like him? You may have done a lot of damage if you have. Telling a guy to behave or look like a certain celebrity is as good as telling him that he needs to improve his looks and personality.
17) Don't tell your guy that you drive better than him
It is yet to be established officially whether guys are better drivers than girls or is it actually the other way round. In any case, guys consider themselves to be better drivers and sometimes even think that they are genetically blessed with good driving skills.
Allow your man to bask in the glory of being a better driver than you are, even if he isn't. He will feel bad if you tell him that his driving skills are poor.
18) Never say to your man that he is hopeless with simple tools and everyday fixes
Guys like to behave like gentlemen and come to the rescue of their damsels when they need help with quirky and silly stuff around the house. It gives them an ego boost to know that they helped their girlfriends or wives to help screw in a bulb or tighten the screws to a rocky chair.
In popular culture men are supposed to know how to use simple tools like screwdrivers and pliers. Don't embarrass your guy by telling him that he is a dud in this department.
19) Never express excessive praise for a guy colleague at work
Do yourself and your relationship a big favor by never praising a male colleague excessively in front of your boyfriend or husband. Even if he doesn't show it, your man may develop feelings of jealousy or even start getting suspicious about your relationship with your colleague.
You may be spending 8 hours every day at work and it is not the best of ideas to tell your man that you are in awe of a work colleague, even if your praise stems from your colleague's skills and abilities.
20) Never directly suggest to a guy that you were not satisfied in bed
Telling a guy that you were not satisfied in bed during your steamy rendezvous the previous night will make him feel less of a man. Your boyfriend's or husband's confidence in his love making skills will plummet if you say something like this after having sex.
Your will constantly worry and fret if you tell him that you were not satisfied in bed. This worry will spill and affect his work, studies and personal life. A better option would be to suggest new moves so that you can infuse some excitement while getting what you want at the same time.