4 Reasons Married People Cheat on Their Spouse
Why do some marriages stand the test of time while others fail before the ink is dry on the marriage certificate?
Research has proven that there are some key ingredients in every marriage. Like baking a cake if some of those ingredients are left out, revised or used too much, the cake and marriage will not be the dessert you had hoped for.
There are signs in every marriage that if left alone, the marriage will fail. However, if one would pay close attention to the signs, then perhaps the marriage could be saved and neither partner would seek fulfillment from someone else.
A marriage is more than two people living under the same roof and sharing the same bed. Marriage is the act of two people coming together as one for the common good of them both. When that union no longer provides the love, compassion, and security of both partners, then the deprived partner seeks to find what is missing. Therefore, the husband or wife tries to fill the void with someone else outside of the marriage.
Here we are not just talking about separation and/or divorce, but this article is intended to prove why one spouse seeks outside of the marriage what he or she is not getting within the marriage. The following four areas should be considered as signs of a marriage that needs repair. If one or more of these problems exist, a spouse may seek another partner.
1. No Communication
The quickest way for a couple to seek another partner is when there is little of no communication. If a man comes home after a long day at work, he wants to communicate without taking orders or having the need to give orders. He just wants to talk and listen and have a responsive partner to do the same.
While nagging is a form of communication, it is not what will keep a spouse happy and the marriage intact. If you find yourself being negative when you talk to your spouse, know that will drive him away from you instead of bringing the two of you closer.
Communication is the act of two people connecting through words. If your spouse can't talk to you about what's bothering him, he will find someone with a listening ear. Let it be yours.
2. No Common Interests
Let's be honest. Wouldn't you consider a person boring who didn't share some of the same interests as you do? You might find it hard to understand why a couple seems to have so many common interests while dating, but as soon as they get married, they seem to have little in common.
Most people are on their best behavior while dating. They do everything they can to please the other person. Women pretend they like sports, and they bend over backward to be with their friend even if it means sitting outside in 10-degree weather to root for a football team. Because some women don't really like sports, after marriage they might decide they don't want to roleplay any longer. That puts a wedge between women and their husbands.
The same rule applies to a man who pretends to like what his wife likes before marriage, but he doesn't work as hard at it after marriage.
3. No Chemistry
When you were dating, sparks used to fly. Both of you did what you thought was necessary to please each other. After marriage, both of you grew slack in maintaining the relationship you tried so hard to establish.
Husbands should continue to send cards and flowers and give gifts. Wives should continue to cook favorite dinners and do those little things that keep their husbands happy.
In other words, what was done to start the relationship must be done to maintain the relationship. In fact, sometimes it should be done to a greater degree.
While sexual chemistry is necessary for a marriage, it is not the only thing that will keep the marriage from failing. Unless romantic tactics are continued in a marriage, the unfulfilled partner is given ammunition to seek fulfillment outside of the marriage. (At least that's the way he or she might see it).
4. No Satisfaction
If you want your marriage to survive, then neither partner should be deprived.The spouse who feels something is missing is going to seek fulfillment; even if it means going outside of the marriage to get satisfaction and pleasure.
Reasons Spouse Would Leave Marriage For Someone Else
Watch for signs that your partner is not satisfied in the marriage. Then do something about it to put your marriage back on the right track. Pay attention to and do something about the following:
- No common interests
- No communication
- No sexual chemistry
- No satisfaction
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