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Why Does My Boyfriend Treat Me So Badly?

Updated on April 22, 2019
Xavier Ludwig profile image

I am a blogger, a lover of psychology (Eric Fromm is my Guy), a digital nomad and just a lover of life in general.

Hey! Trigger Warning: This Is No Cuddle Baby Article


Trigger Warning: Freedom Of Thought Below!

Before I begin this article on "Why Does My Boyfriend Treat Me So Badly" I NEED to make this very clear. I am a guy. I am a dude. I am a BRO. I am...A MAN.



I firmly believe that this "White Knight Captain Save o Hoe" mentality is one of the major factors why some women STAY in relationships with douchebag insecure Beta Males who are angry and scared because they are Beta Males.

Even worse is the Omega male who is at the bottom of the hierarchy and knows this; which I will be explaining very soon.

But...I am NO White Knight.

This article is not to denigrate MEN but to call out these pathetic pieces of shit that pass as men.


Not in the 21st-century where we have made and continue to make massive progress.

Progress for ALL PEOPLE.

Race, sex, class, religion, etc.

Yes, there are douchebags out there who try and stop the flow of progression.

And these are the douchebags that many females are in relationships with.

So in this article, I will slap some sense (figuratively speaking of course) into females (I say females not women -- because women would have the self-respect to LEAVE relationships like this) to get the hell out of those relationships.

With this said, in this article, I will be going over why your pathetic piece of shit boyfriend treats you so badly.

Sit tight.

Take notes.

And after reading...TAKE FREAKING ACTION.

Fear Of Not Being Enough


I Feel Insecure So I Have To Make You Feel The Same

I have noticed among my fellow sex that there are different levels of manliness. Most people know of this; in a sense.

See, most people know of the Alpha male and the Beta male. Both of which are not too dissimilar to the Ying and Yang.

In every Alpha is a bit of Beta. And in every Beta is a bit of Alpha.

The Alpha dude who goes out and attacks other dudes to show his superiority is not that different from the Beta Bitch Male who feels good by proving his superiority over his female.

The Alpha male is in a constant state of feeling like he will be attacked.

The Beta Bitch Male is always in a state of being attacked (emotionally, mentally, psychologically and masculinely).

Me...I consider myself a Sigma.

To sum it up briefly: "You do you and I do me".

I don't need to prove shit to anyone and I don't care if you are trying to prove shit to me.

But see, with the Alpha and the Beta male... they NEED VALIDATION.

And this is especially true for the Beta Bitch Male and the Cocksucker Omega Male.

NOTE: I know by now you can see the names. I am not name calling here. The actions of these males and the adjectives to which I have used perfectly fit with them. Especially with the Omega male. Look up this thing called cuck porn

They don't have the charisma, the confidence, the looks, the money, the pride, the ambition to be better, the drive to succeed, the self-reflection, and the understanding of what it is to be...a man.

And as a result when they are LUCKY enough to find a girl that can potentially love them.

It sets their effeminate weak minds into a state of feeling not good enough.

To counter this...the Beta Bitch Male and the Cocksucker Omega Male will gaslight and psychologically manipulate their lovers.

If they can implant into you that you are not good enough for him... that also sets in your mind that you may not be good enough for others.

It is all mental and emotional games with these second rate males.

"Look at you. You're SOOOO FAT and you are getting uglier."

"Nobody would want you. You are lucky I am with you."

"Yo, my dude. Look how stupid my girl looks."

These are psychological manipulative action to DEVALUE YOU.

Once you are devalued emotionally you are now control.

And you now focus on YOUR INADEQUACY and not HIS INADEQUACIES.

Slap # 1: WAKE UP

He May Have A Mental Disorder


He May Be Mental

Now, I will not be going too deep here on the mental disorder, as that is a whole article unto itself.

But know this... that depression, BPD, and other mental illnesses are not as rare as you may think.

In fact, mental illness is rising in America.

Or, psychologist today are just getting a better understanding of how many mentally ill people are in the world.

See, for you, I know it can seem weird.

One moment your guy is showering you with gifts and love. To the next moment flipping out on you because you looked at him a weird way.

Now, this is not strictly confined to males, as females also act out in many irrational ways.

This is not a male thing. And most often times it is overlooked completely and given attention mostly to females; mental illness.

If you really care about your guy and you feel he really cares for you -- then it is so important to reach out to a psychologist or therapist to see if a treatment will help out.

Even more so you will want to ONLY do this if he is WILLING to change.

As mentioned above with the Beta Bitch Male and the Cocksuker Omega Male...they don't have a desire to change.

But for men... we have a desire to keep getting better.

Your dude may be flipping out on you but this may be something he is COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF.

You can take a video and show him how easily he flipped out or record him and show him what you are hearing and seeing. That may be the catalyst to get him to see a therapist.

Of course, you will want to be careful.

And for real -- if the dude is loving you one moment but then boxing the hell out of you the next moment, as if you were a heavyweight champ...GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE.

Slap # 2 WAKE UP

Check out this book "I Hate You--Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality" by Jerold J. Kreisman

He Is A Narcissist


He May Be Just Using You

This one will hurt you the most (in regards to him). Your dude may simply be a narcissist. And with a narcissist, they have no shits for anyone but themselves. He probably...just doesn't love you and is USING YOU.

That's a hard truth to swallow.

You can give them an Xbox One and they will bitch about wanting a PS4.
You can give them $1000 and they will bitch about wanting a million.
You can give them the moon and they will bitch about not having the sun.
You can give them YOUR ALL and they will bitch about not having MORE.

Guys like this are so entitled.

They think they are special.

But in reality, they are NO DIFFERENT FROM MOST GUYS.

Scared childish grown boys PLAYING IT MEN.

And that...that may be something they also know subconsciously.

Hence the reason they don't ever want you looking at other dudes. Dressing up to go out with your friends. Or just not having any friends at all.

Slap # 3: WAKE UP

They Treat You Bad Because...You Allow It


"You" Don't Think You Deserve Good Love

As I mentioned in the introduction.


If your boyfriend treats you like shit.

It's because you allow it.

If your boyfriend goes upside your head.

It's because you allow it.

If your boyfriend cheats on you.

It's because you allow it.

If your boyfriend denigrates you.

It's because you allow it.

If your boyfriend constantly hurts you.

It's because you allow it.

The truth hurts.

But the truth can set you free.

You have to look at yourself and honestly ask yourself WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?

Are you growing as a person? Are you maturing into a WOMAN? Do you take pride in being with him? Does he remind you of your NEGATIVE FATHER? Does he remind you of the bad love you received as a kid?

Look at YOUR psychology? And ask yourself these hard questions.

Love is not about tearing down.

It is about building up. It is about growing. it is about becoming better. It is about transforming into your most perfect version of yourself.

If you are not getting better in a relationship and you are only denigrating more and more...then it is time to leave.

Ask yourself this...

What type of WOMAN do you want your daughter to be?

Would you like your daughter being in a relationship with a dude slapping her upside the head? Calling her a bitch and whore ALL THE TIME. Making her feel like she is less than nothing?

If you said NO to this...why the hell are you with someone like that then?

Slap # 4: WAKE UP

Tough Love...Nothing But Tough Love Here


You Deserve So Much More

No matter what has happened. Where you have fallen. What you have done. Who you have been. Where you have gone on your dark journey thus far.

Know this...

You can always... walk away.

I am no White Knight...but a man.

And as a man, I will teach MY daughter (when I have one...if I have one) how to always have the self-love for herself.

The problem that I have seen with many females, and I dare NOT CALL YOU WOMAN -- YET, is that you have no self-love.

And the idea that someone can give you love, even if it is temporary and NOT CONSISTENT, is good enough for you.

You are playing "damsel in distress".

And the funny thing here is that your prince charming (your boyfriend ) who is there to save you from your self-hatred is actually the dragon keeping you locked up in a relationship.

The relationship now becomes the castle to which you will forever be imprisoned unless you WALK AWAY.

Or worse. You may deep down feel like you cannot do any better.


You can.

There are far too many Beta Bitch Males in the world and even more Cocksucker Omega Males out there.

But...this is not to say that all men are like that.

I sure as hell am not.

And none that I call my BROTHERS (my friends and allies) are.

There are many women out there who have walked away from toxic relationships and became amazing women who inspire other women to do the same.

A man should be king to his woman and a woman should be a queen to her man.

If you are not respecting one another like that.

Why stay in that relationship?

Final slap: WAKE THE HELL UP.


You deserve SO MUCH MORE.


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