Why It Is UNWISE for College/Postgraduate Degreed Women To EVEN CONSIDER Less Educated Men
Opposites Do Not Necessarily Attract
The purpose of a college and/or postgraduate education is multifold. It gives one a better socioeconomic life. It makes one more culturally and intellectually cognizant of his/her sociocultural environment. It makes one think more coherently and logically. It also makes one totally appreciative of the higher and better things that life has to offer.
Tertiary education furthermore gives one a broader view of life. It gives one an exposure of higher and more varied and cultural things that a secondary education does not. College and/or postgraduate education affords one better jobs hence a commensurate standard of living than a person who is not college educated.
College and/or postgraduate educated people read more than high school graduates. In addition to that, their reading material is more advanced and complex. They also travel more and have more interests. If they elect to have children, those children will be more advantaged academically because their parents have the tools to educate them in ways that noncollege educated parents cannot do. Studies show that children of college and/or postgraduate educated parents have a more expansive vocubulary which they reach elementary school than their counterparts of less educated parents.
You see being college and postgraduate educated is advantageous all around. College and/or postgraduate educated women have the better jobs. They are also more socioeconomically independent and do not have to depend upon men economically like her less educated counterparts do. In addition to that, college and/or postgraduate women have their choice of men to pick regarding relationships. Of course, such women tend to attract similarly educated and professional men.
However, there are some college and/or postgraduate women who bemoan the supposedly lack of available men, particularly among some ethnic and/or racial groups. Some of these women portend that rather to be without a relationship, they settle for what they can get so to speak. There are college and/or postgraduate educated women who settle for men who are high school graduates and/or nonprofessional men. They reason that a man is a man regardless.
What these women fail to consider that they absolutely have little or nothing in common with such a man. Noncollege educated men usually have lower paying menial jobs that do not equal to that of her job either professionally and/or socioeconomically. Many a college and/or postgraduate educated professional woman often earns more than a noncollege educated man.
The college and/or postgraduate educated women will always outachieve and outearn this man. In addition to the socioeconomic parity between them, she is more cultural adept and savvy than he is. The average noncollege educated and/or blue collar men has an extremely narrow purview of life. They are usually content living for the moment and not planning for the future. Few noncollege educated and/or blue collar men are interested in advancing themselves either educationally or socioeconomically.
Because these men have not attained tertiary education, they deem such education to be totally unnecessary for survival. They believe that the purpose of schooling is solely to obtain employment and not for enrichment. The world educational enrichment is totally an anathema to the noncollege educated and/or blue collar man who have a different cultural purview. Many of such men consider a tertiary education and beyond to be totally baseless and superficial. Because of this belief, they are often mistrustful of higher education.
As a result of not attending college and/or higher forms of education, they are not exposed to the higher cultural and intellectual things that college affords. They are often contend with more mundane forms of entertainment. A noncollege educated and/or blue collar men cannot be asked to appreciate events such as attending plays and lectures because he was never exposed to such as a college and/or postgraduate person would be.
A college and/or postgraduate educated professional woman would be at a loss with such a man. There will only be a few subjects, if at all, that she could totally discuss with him. If she does have an in-depth intellectual discussion with this man, it would be almost pointless as she definitely has more knowledge than he does. For instance, there was an acquaintance who had a Ph.D. in Psychology and had a high powered career. She went with a welder who had a 10th grade education. She was very cultured and sophiscated. She was multilingual and travelled the world. She had interests which was beyond the purview of the welder.
To put it more succinctly, the relationship would be classified as a no-go from the very start. This acquaintance came from a racial background which inculcated her that there are few available educated men in her racial category. She was told to only date men from her same racial category even if he is lesser educated and has a nonprofessional job. In other words, she was told that any man is better than no man at all.
So she adhered to such advice at her own peril. She was interested in attending plays and lectures while he was only interested in going to bars and drinking to oblivion. He never read a book in his life and disdained any form of intellectual stimulation. If he did not attend bars, he relaxed by watching television. He was not interested in exploring the world. He was just content as he is. Each time they had a conversation, it always resulted in arguments because he could not comprehend what she was discussing.
Their circle of friends were also different. The acquaintance stated that when she was around his friends, all they talked about was wrestling and related things. She indicated to her friends that she was totally out of place with his friends. This relationship was totally on rocky waters so to speak.It was totally oblivious that there was no commonality in that relationship. .
In terms of career presentation and corporate image, a college educated and/or postgraduate professional woman is often viewed negatvely by her colleagues and superiors if she decides to bring her noncollege educated and/or blue collar boyfriend, husband, and/or significant other to office gatherings whether it is an office party and/or related office event. Remember the old adage that a person is known by the company he/she keeps. In other words, one's relationships are adequate reflections of that person.
Such a man evidently is unable to hold a conversation with her professional colleagues and superiors. This mere act on the part of the noncollege educated and/or blue collar man is observed by these same colleagues and superiors. Oftentimes, how one conducts oneself in corporate gatherings is considered regarding career related matters such as promotions. Besides the job implications regarding such associations, colleagues and superiors wonder why does such an intelligent woman is going with such a man. Colleagues and superiors wonder she could do better so why did she settle for him? The question asked is she so desperate for a man, does she have low self-esteem, or what? Sometimes, people further wonder something must be inherently wrong with her as it seems that no highly educated professional man wants her.
Of course, socioeconomically, this woman is behind the eight ball. Since she makes more than he does, she is, in essence, the breadwinner in the family. She can never relax socioeconomically as his job situation is more precarious than hers. Men who are noncollege educated often have low end menial jobs. Those jobs are usually dead end with no prospects of advancement. Blue collar men also earn less than their college educated mates. The former's job status is also perilous because of the increased automation and/or computerization of their jobs. Jobs for noncollege educated and/or blue collar men are becoming fewer and fewer in this postindustrialized era.
As a result of less jobs for the noncollege educated and/or blue collar man, he will most likely be unemployed for a large part of his life. This means that his college educated and/or postgraduate professional mate has to foot most of the financial bills. In essence, she is carrying him financially instead of being on an equal financial par in the relationship. This unequal financial parity causes the noncollege educated and/or blue collar men to feel that he is inferior to his college educated and/or postgraduate professional mate because subconsiously he knows that he will never be in her socioeconomic league.
If this couple has children, those children will receive conflicting messages from the parents involved. While the college educated and/or postgraduate professional woman espouses education and intellectual achievement, her noncollege educated and/or blue collar significant other will be totally unconcerned with thie issue of education. They will have divergent attitudes in other areas of life.
While the college and/or postgraduate educated professional woman teaches the child to be open minded and embrace a myriad of cultures, the noncollege educated and/or blue collar spouse will only espouse a much more narrower view of life. Noncollege educated and/or blue collar people are oftentimes more authoritarian regarding their parenting methodology than those who are college and better educated. This authenticates why noncollege educated and blue collar people value strict and unquestioning obedience in their children while college and better educated people value independent thinking and judgement in their children. Noncollege educated and/or blue collar people also use harsher and more negative punitive methods such as corporal punishments and yelling to discipline their children whereas college and better educated people explain things more to their children and use constructive discipline.
College and/or postgraduate educated professional woman do not have a confidant to turn to regarding discussing their problems. The average noncollege educated and/or blue collar men does not comprehend what problems she is encountering from day to day. He contends that because she is more educated than he is, she is not really experiencing any major problems. He believes that if she experienced the problems he was experiencing, now that would be a problem worth discussing. Also, the noncollege educated and/or blue collar man is often not in his significant other's corner when she has a career revelation, promotion, and/or a career epiphany. He also does not understand her need to advance herself educationally, careerwise, and/or intellectually as he is content to stay within his educational and job purview.
Many times the noncollege educated and/or blue collar men is jealous of his more educated and successful significant other because he believes that as a man, he should be calling the shots. He feels quite usurped by her both educationally, intellectually, and socioeconomically. That is quite a blow to his male ego and he cannot tolerate this whatever! Oftentimes, many noncollege educated and/or blue collar men sabotage their more educated and successful significant others either overtly and/or covertly. Sometimes this sabotage include physical abuse. In this man's estimation, he is going to be the man no matter what it takes. He is clearly uncomfortable with the fact that a woman is doing much better than he is.
A college and/or postgraduate educated professional woman who settles for a noncollege educated and/or blue collar man is going to have a poorer quality of life socioeconomically and intellectually than if she went with a man from a similar background. Noncollege educated and/or blue collar men cannot adequate provide for her because he is often socioeconomically subpar to her. Because of his socioeconomical subparity, she often must assume the dominant economic role in the relationship. Intellectually, they have divergent interests which makes it extremely difficult to for them to hold an intelligent conversation with each other. In essence, the prospects of a college educated and/or postgraduate professional woman having a semblance of a relationship with a noncollege educated and/or blue collar men is quite dismal to say the least.
In conclusion, people want other people who they have a commonality with whether it is educational, intellectual, and/or socioeconomic. People are the most comfortable with those who have similar backgrounds to theirs. This is why college and/or postgraduate educated professional women should only date and/or enter into relationships with men who are also college and/or postgraduate educated and professional. In those types of relationships, they have an educational, intellectual, and a socioeconomic commonality.
Conversely, it is quite unwise for a college and/or postgraduate educated professional woman to date and/or enter into a relationship with a noncollege educated and/or blue collar man. First of all, they have absolutely nothing in common as regards to educational, intellectual, and socioeconomic status. These differences are so divergent that each party will never agree upon anything nor come to an intelligent conclusion. In other words, college and.or postgraduated educated, professional women who enter into relationships with noncollege educated and/or blue collar men are only doing themselves a grave disservice. Women want men who are their educational, intellectual, and socioeconomic equal and/or better. No women should settle for less than that-ever!