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Suicide among the LGBT community, it gets better

Updated on February 9, 2012

A flaw ?

Suicide among the gay population is increasing as more and more people try to reach out and cry for help. How many people would take the time to listen and hear what another has to say or respect their opinions for that matter? How it is the world’s population has succumb to total annihilation when it comes to someone who strays away from the ideal life style of their own preference. Being gay myself there we’re times that it all must seemed impossible to fit in. Outcast yes, a freak…… No. I would sit back sometimes as what society has statured or symbolized kids bullying, as kids are just being kids, and imagine what it would be like to pinpoint someone else out on their flaws. If the world took a quick spin and the situation was flipped would they like the feeling that was casted upon me like I was a plague needed to be quarantined. Then again it is not something a lot of people can understand, which are issues we have in a lot of areas around the world. You hate yourself then wonder why? To enable and allow one to build insecurities that you later on try to bury by mimicking and mocking someone else for their flaws.

A quality really?

That may be a human quality that everyone thinks they’re going through something more important than others. We hate to stop and wonder our mind to reach out a hand to someone who may be hurting or seeking out some type of acceptance or approval. I have been punched, stepped on, spit on, slapped, thrown against a locker and humiliated for 9 years in my school experience. I had someone and I quote “why would you sit next to him? aren’t you afraid of getting aids”. Who really takes the time to step back and take a moment to consider what you could be saying could really affect someone else in their life. That could change their outlook and perception and lead them to do something to themselves, because they we’re led to believe to be defaulted or incorrect. I had this theory your soul is like a sphere. As time progresses you sphere expands out of your body (depending on if you let it) and link with the people around you that allows you to reach out and touch another person. As you journey in return you fill your sphere with memories of love, respect, and also despair, anger….. That allows a continuous cycle to rotate in motion.


A person path can be lonely and sad especially when out casted as a shadow, believed to be just a human vessel that was wasted life on earth. Crying in solitude as your heart pounds and your mind races to the thought that maybe one day it will change. I’ve been there and it sucks to see other people around the world going through similar issues and not have someone out there to link their soul with. It took courage and bravery to stand up for myself and when I get to high school things seemed to change for the better. Not so many people are fortunate, people still had their bits they shared, but I learned to love myself for who I was and not what someone else’s wanted me to be.

A song that gave me hope and faith in my thoughest times

What I would say to someone who is going through issues with their sexuality?

I believe everyone has a purpose. That everyone has a destined path they get to venture down in order to find your true potential. It is hard to love yourself if people around shun you in a way that creates a hostel or depressing environment. Someone wise once told me beauty is a symbol of love that you keep close to your soul. So when the time was right and someone needed your help, you would have a immense amount of gratification for yourself that allows you to give someone else that emblem to feel beautiful or special and loved. If you happen to love the same sex then why would it matter to anyone what your business is. Your life is about your journey of self discovery and a chance for you to share your story and hopefully touch the life of someone else. It does get better and if you have any faults in who you are, realize that your a true treasure, beautiful and no different then anyone else. Equal is where I stand and being gay is who I am, so stand together and be proud to love yourself for who you are, because no one is perfect.


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