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Gail and Clyde Martin - Lasting Love

Updated on July 24, 2018
Virginia Allain profile image

I'm carrying on my mother's research into our family history. I've self-published family memoirs and learned a lot about different eras.

Gail and Clyde Martin with their first child, Owen.
Gail and Clyde Martin with their first child, Owen. | Source

My Parents - Married for 66 Years

What does it take to stay married for over sixty years? Well, first you need to live a long time. Fortunately a good marriage helps you live longer. The nurturing in a committed relationship aids that.

This page is a tribute to my parents, Gail and Clyde Martin, and to their 66 years of marriage. I hope you'll enjoy this trip down memory lane and the romance that started back in 1944 in the Kansas Flint Hills.

Along with some family stories, I'm sharing photos of the two of them down through the years.

(photo from Gail and Clyde Martin's family album)

Gail and her former boyfriend, John Faylor. They are dressed up for the high school prom. Gail's mother made her dress for the dance.
Gail and her former boyfriend, John Faylor. They are dressed up for the high school prom. Gail's mother made her dress for the dance. | Source
Hamilton High School in Kansas
Hamilton High School in Kansas | Source

High School Sweethearts?


Gail Lee McGhee knew Clyde Martin since they attended the same high school in the small Kansas town of Madison for three years. For her senior year, she transferred to Hamilton High School.

Most of the high school years, she dated Clyde's best friend, Johnny Faylor. Often Clyde was around or part of the group social scene. It wasn't until after she broke up with Johnny, that Clyde finally asked her out.

(photo courtesy of the Hamilton Kansas Facebook group - Owner: John Staten)

Dancing to the Jukebox at the Soda Fountain? Probably Not...

Photo of a vintage jukebox taken at the WWII museum in New Hampshire.
Photo of a vintage jukebox taken at the WWII museum in New Hampshire. | Source

A Swinging Romance?


As Gail and Clyde finished high school, World War II was underway. Clyde was deferred from the draft to work on the family farm. Gail Lee McGhee trained with the NYA, a Great Depression era agency, but ended up going to Wichita to work in the aircraft factory.

It was tough trying to carry on a romance under those circumstances, but love overcomes all obstacles even being apart. Once in a great while, Gail had a weekend visit to her family in Greenwood County and had a chance to see Clyde.

There was no fancy, tiered cake at my parent's wedding. This one is from a granddaughter's wedding many years later.  Gail and Clyde had a simple angel food cake for their nuptials.
There was no fancy, tiered cake at my parent's wedding. This one is from a granddaughter's wedding many years later. Gail and Clyde had a simple angel food cake for their nuptials. | Source

A Fairy Tale Wedding?


Remember, this was the war years. Gail and Clyde drove to Neodesha, Kansas to be married in the office of a minister they knew. The minister's wife was the witness for the ceremony.

There was an angel food cake which Gail ceremoniously cut. Unfortunately for her, she didn't know the right way to cut such a fluffy cake and ended up squashing it. That's a story retold many times around the family dinner table.

A Photo Tribute to Gail and Clyde Martin's Long Marriage


Learn More about Clyde Martin's Life - Preview the book, Clyde Owen Martin: Family Memories of His Life and Times


Clyde Owen Martin by Gail Lee Martin is available for online preview at the bookstore.

Clyde and Gail Martin - Growing Older Together

In their 70s and still enjoying each other's company!
In their 70s and still enjoying each other's company! | Source

Sad News

On April 3, 2012, Clyde Owen Martin passed away at age 87.

Preview Gail Lee Martin's Memoir - My Flint Hills Childhood: Growing Up in 1930s Kansas


My Flint Hills Childhood by Gail Lee Martin is available for online preview in the bookstore.

More Sad News

Gail Lee Martin died of a heart attack on January 17, 2013 at age 88. She was looking forward to joining Clyde in heaven.

I Enjoyed Sharing My Parents' Love Story With You

After Dad died, Mom seemed rather lost. Her daughters tried to keep her interested and active with excursions out to a restaurant or attending a ball game together. She tried to enjoy these times, but really did miss her husband's companionship.

© 2012 Virginia Allain


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