How Do You Know If a Guy Is Really Into You?
When You Aren't Sure How He Feels About You
Women think too much, it's a fact. We question things when they are going smoothly. We wonder how it is that we are actually so happy, and then we wonder when it will all go wrong. It's just the way we are made. We are not like men, we think differently. We can be over-analytical instead of just enjoying the moment and being thankful for it.
Five Signs That Say He's Into You
- He texts you first
- He compliments your personality not just your looks
- He calls you unexpectedly
- He turns down a night with the guys for a night with you
- He initiates plans
Five Signs He's Not That Into You
- You always text first
- You know he was out with his friends when he said he was working
- He only compliments your looks
- He only says he loves you when he's drunk
- He's always late
Men Don't Think Like Women
They really don't. In most cases things are way simpler for them. If they like you they call, they text, they compliment you, they ask what you want to do....
If a guy really is into you, they will want to call, they will want to see you whenever they can. If they prefer to spend time doing other things then they are definitely not so into your relationship.
If they make excuses for not calling or not turning up on time, then they quite simply, aren't all that bothered.
A Guys Body Language
One of the best ways to tell if a guy likes you is to pay attention to his body language. Did you know that body language has been scientifically proven to communicate attraction? Does he lean into you when he talks to you? Does he look deep into your eyes and pay close attention to you when you talk? Does he touch your arm while he's talking to you?
It's pretty easy to tell if a guy's body language is suggesting he's not that bothered about you. Does he cross his arms when he's talking to you? Does he point his body away from you?
Does He Make Eye Contact
Does you guy make regular eye contact with you? If he does then it's a sure sign he's into you. If he is happy in your company and interested in you as a person and not just as someone to kill some time with, then he will be happy to make eye contact with you. He will want to look deep into them.
Does He Pay Attention To You In Large Groups?
If you out and about together with a crowd of other people, does he pay more attention to you than anyone else. Is he happy to stay close? Does he grab your hand from time to time?
When a guy is really into you, he will want to touch you at any given opportunity. I remember when I got together with my husband. I was confused about how he really felt, but then he grabbed my hand to cross a busy road and that was that. Once he'd made that leap, he couldn't stop holding it.
When He's Just As Happy To Go To The Movies Than Have Sex
When a guy isn't all about the sex and is happy to go out socially, watch a movie, go for lunch...
Sex is good, of course it is. Plenty of that is also important. When a guy is really into you however, he will want to spend time with you, any time. Even if it means hanging out with you and your girlfriends. Actually, if he's happy to do that then he's most definitely a keeper!
A mix of sex and everything else is what it's all about. If your guy loves to be in your company you'll be able to tell.
Don't over-complicate this girls. We know, deep down we know. It's called intuition and we should always listen to it because that's what it's there for.
Sometimes we think we know better. Our brain says 'Okay I feel like this is going nowhere but I must be wrong, I am wrong' of course we're not, because we know. We know we know, and yet we ignore that nagging feeling called intuition, that gift we've been given, in favour of our ego that always thinks it knows best.
In Summary - If it feels good it probably is. Relax and enjoy it. Don't over-think and have fun.