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How To Get Your Ex Back

Updated on May 20, 2011

Get The Help You Need To Get Your Ex Back

Tips On How To Get Your Ex To Return Your Calls

Are there certain words or phrases you can use to get your ex lover to return your phone calls? No it is not magic it is just some basic tips that are commonly overlooked in the battle for love and affection.

If you want to get your ex back you need to open up communication first..

You are probably thinking that this is rubbish my ex wouldn't even take my call, but if you read on you will discover that there are ways and means that you can do this that will vitually make your call irresistable and make your ex lover feel almost driven to return your phone call. It doesn't matter which whether it is a female or male this stuff works. Even your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend these strategies work for all relationships.

Have I got your attention yet? Are ready to Get Your Ex Back?...

I am only going to share this with the hub community because this is one of the biggest questions that is aked online today and maybe you have been one of those that is attemping to put a broken relationship back together.

So I am going to tell you..."How to get your ex back by having them return your phone call, text or IM?" After all this is the first step you need to take to get a face to face meeting with your Ex.

BUT... I Must Warn You First...

This is only one part of a very strategic plan to get back that lost lover and if you try and use this plan alone you could have devastating effects and maybe never stand a chance to ever make up that broken relationship.

But before we get into what you should say here are things that you should definately not do...

These below situations will almost certainly put you into a worse emotional situation than you are already in.

These are usually two types of calls you should never make if you want to Get Your Ex Back, and there are...

The "Beg" where your phone call will go something like this.

Dave, I know your there, are you getting my messages please, please call me, I have phoned you 5 times now. I really have to speak to you.

Or even worse... The "Fake Emergency"

Dave, I have to speak to you there is an "EMERGENCY" Please get back to me as soon as you get this message.

I am pretty sure allot of us that are reading this have done just that, and with little success. And now that it is in black and white right in front of you I think you can see why this type of call was never going to get your ex back. And actually you probably noticed that you were more distant that ever before.

My next hub post is going to be on how you can use a persons Curiosity and Self Interest to turn the situation into your advantage and make your ex return your call.

Getting Your Ex Back With Curiosity And Self Interest

One of the easiest things you can count on when it comes to any situation is that "curiosity" and "self interest" will get the better of anyone you decide to use this on. Whether it is trying to get your ex back or even just every day life. Once you learn how to do this you will have many advantages over others in your life and much more control.

If you combine these two human behaviors when you try to get you ex back you will have a strategy that is virtually unstoppable. You have seen what not to do so far on this hub so now lets turn that around so you know what to do if you want your ex to return that all important phone call.

Hi Dave, Its Cathy. I am just calling to say that I really appreciate what you did for me (the scenario). Give me a call as I would really like to thank you in person.

You can see how we have changed this around from the above you are no longer focusing on you and your needs but you are getting the interest and curiosity of your ex.

Any normal person would not be able to resist the temptation to find out what it is you are thanking them for. What did you appreciate! What did I do? And you have just made them feel good because you have projected a positive message over the phone, not a begging or desparate one which in their mind could only lead to more confusion and frustration.


Before you make the call you need to make sure you have the "Set Up" meaning you need to figure out what it is they did that you are going to appreciate. It can be anything really but it needs to be real.

Be Warned...

You must have your strategy set and already in place on how to get your ex back long before you make the call or this could cause more heartbreak and alienate your ex even more. Actually what you do before, during and after you get your ex to return your call is much more important that getting them to return your call.

Hopefully this is making sense to you, and one thing you need is a plan.

The next post will be on a technique called the instant reconnect method this is a very smart psychological tactic that is simple to do. It's a subtle way of triggering your ex partners subconscious.

Find out more on the Instant Reconnect Method

Help Us To Save Our Marriage

Many people in marriage will ask themselves this at some point in their relationship. Even though their marriage may seem perfect on the outside, there is always plenty of room for improvement. After all we are only human and we all have separate needs and desires.

For marriage to be kept exciting and alive, both the husband and the wife should do their part in giving the best efforts that they can for the relationship this is usually having an open communication channel to each other. If you and your partner would have to deal with some issues with regards to your marriage, then reflecting on these thoughts can help both of you get through it:

What Exactly Is The Problem?

First of all, you and your spouse should discuss things without any reserve and both of you should be able to tackle what seems to be the trouble. Looking into one's self to start it off is just one thing that would be required of you thus making this process one of the hardest thing to do. What we see may be unsavory, but once we recognize the issue in its right perspective and discuss it with no holes barred, with our spouses, we are already on our way to finding a feasible solution to the Trouble.

Talk To Each Other

The most efficient means to maintain a flourishing relationship is through an open conversation. Perhaps there is no time since we are too preoccupied with work, children or other family duties. Make it a daily habit that you are going to spend some quality time with your partner, simply to keep the lines of communication on.

You ought to be fair and sincere not just with yourself but with your spouse too as this plays a critical role. While communicating, we must remember that we ought to listen too and lend a shoulder to our spouses whenever needed. The only way to reach out and find this nook is when you interact with each other.

What Value Do You Place On Each Other?

How you value each other is just one essential aspect that you need to think over.

Do you both quarrel often?

Do you call each other names, abuse or blame each other all the time?

Getting to that kind of situation is not that difficult to do especially when things seem to be harsh on both of you. One thing that has truly a huge effect on a relationship is the level of your regards to your spouse which can actually heal the wounds of the past and forget mistakes. Think of the first time both of you met and how much you loved each other since then - what went wrong and why?

Work On Attachment And Affection

When marriage or even a de-facto relationship is going through a bad patch this often results in loss of intimacy and friendship and that is a big loss. Find time to be affectionate with each other once more, and this can be really helpful.

Restore The Intimacy

One good way to restore the intimacy that was vanished is to start it off with your physical connection through making love with additional spice. sexual activity is often unthinkable when things are just not right between the two of you, but if you really try hard, then it could yield positive results.

Generally, it may really be difficult to save your marriage from falling apart, although this can be done easily and may give out better results if both the couples are determined and committed enough to make things work.

Getting help Is Just A Mouse Click Away if you dont think you have the will power to save your marriage but would really like to give it a go then get the complete strategy today, you could be just a mouse click away from saving that failing marriage.

Things You Shouldn't Do To Get Your Ex Back

Despite all your endeavours to stop a break up and patch up again with your ex-lover, you might be in reality precipitating the crisis. Instead of piecing up all the disputes and winning back your ex, you could be further damaging the relationship.

Check whether you are making any of these ten break up blunders.

The first is when you tell your ex lover the monumental error he or she is making by calling it quits. This does not dissuade them to stop the breakup instead they start thinking what a bad decision it was to to take you on to begin with.

Touching Base instantly after a breakup

Your ex-wife has just called it quits and this is an indication that a certain amount of space is necessary and plainly a ring too soon may interrupt this need.

Drunk Dialing: You have consumed a bit too much and are really letting your emotions run amok so you keep picking up the phone to try and get your ex to talk to you ....

Sending mailbox full of e mails or countless messages on voice mail.

These actions very rarely help, on the contrary it can make the situation take a turn for the worse.

Informing your lost lover how depressed, lonely or sad you have been since the break up:

Possibly you are thinking that you are appealing to your lost lover softer emotions, but in reality you are proving to be exceedingly intense and showing signs of complete despair. This actually falls under the class of manipulative behaviors, and however unplanned, it will deliver a real sledge hammer blow to the relationship.

Incessantly debating about the separation, harping about the past and draging up memories of situations that are best forgotten.

This would doubtlessly draw attention and could perhaps result in some conversation but think about it, is this the way you would like to utilize your time? This sort of action is rather childish and would never get you anyplace, so you are stuck from where you started.

Expressing your immortal love over and over:

Even if you think that your ex-lover doesn't understand how deeply you actually love them, apparently that is not the issue right now or they wouldn't have gone. It's time to take a different perspective and analyze what went wrong with the relationship instead of thinking that true love will capture all.

Forever expression how sorry you are now maybe you did something wrong, maybe even you genuinely blew it by being unfaithfull or breaking a big promise. Being repentant is natural and asking to be pardoned is possibly the correct action, but unfortunately not many people know how to sincerely apologize.

You also don't want to make the error of apologizing too soon. Nevertheless if you did not commit anything, which involves an apology, then you are unnecessarily bending over backwards and that is being weak.

Trying to make your ex-lover jealous:

This could be a short-term and workable strategy as most people like to have individual rights over their lovers but this can never give you any clue to the break up and help you solve the crisis in any way. Just In Case you are trying to use clever maneuvering methods to get back your ex-lover, what would happen is that the relationship would grow very complex, which would be hard to maintain in the long run.

Beseeching with them so that you could get back.

Let me tell you something here. Anyone worth his salt and confident about him or herself would never turn that desperate, which justifies being backwards just to get back some person in life. Now that you know what the common mistakes people make trying to win over their ex back, you could spend some time in recapitulating as to the reasons why the relationship turned sour, how to alter things and then plan out a more intelligent strategy to get back your ex lover.

What Your Guy Really Wants To Hear Is This...

Everyone loves to hear a few words of kindness, praises and good thoughts that someone has for them.

So does your guy!

It is a myth that women are the only ones who should receive complements, that might have been the case in the olden days. Take note girls as we deliver the top 5 hints that will fill your guy with mirth and make him feel cared for, important and a better human being. A man is more likely to fall for you if you follow these tips.

He will feel as though you have been listening to each and every word that he has been saying over the past few minutes. By changing the topic, interrupting him or looking at your nails you will make him feel foolish and undervalued. The response "Uh huh" will indicate to him that you are losing interest in what he has to say. Alternatively, actively jump in with remarks like, "You're joking! So what happened next?" or "After that..." It will register your interest rather than just showing him that you are polite.

Make him feel important so if he is telling you about a job promotion or a way to mend his air-conditioning unit, listen carefully to him. Allow feelings of self worth to develop by complementing him for what he has accomplished.

It won't make you smaller in the eyes of your man but is just another way to approach his heart. Should he compliment your appearance, pay the bill or drive you back home, make sure you thank him. But don't go overboard using the word, just remember that manners matter. In the dating scene today, this will make you look a lot sensible and thankful.

Men give first preference to their work and are not able to do more than one job at once. If you ask this question, you may learn something new about the guy. Perhaps you may even discover some new and modern ideas on how to spend time with him in the evening. Some fresh and exciting ideas may emerge to help you spend good quality time with him after work.

Ask for his views on how to deal with a difficult situation at work, rather than asking for his opinion on shopping, knitting or shoes. Alternatively, if you wish to buy any new gadget like a digital camera or a laptop ask him because everybody loves to feel useful and he will definitely be of some help. 


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