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Top 3 Wedding Gifts

Updated on November 6, 2014

You Can't Go Wrong With These Top 3 Wedding Gifts

Wedding Season is upon us again and you know what that means. It's time to start shopping for wedding gifts.

When you're close to the bride or the groom it's easy to choose something you know they'll love but you're probably going to be invited to at least a couple of weddings where you're only an acquaintance of the happy couple. Or maybe you only know their parents.

Or maybe you have no connection at all other than the fact that your boss ordered you to attend his daughter's wedding!

Coming up with wedding gift ideas for people you see every day is difficult, but if you don't even know the happy couple it's darn near impossible.

Many brides and grooms have been living on their own for a while and they have all the glassware, dinnerware and towels they need. And a lot of couples are already living together before they get married. They have all the cookware, silverware and crystal they need.

You know they'll appreciate anything you give them but you want to give them something they'll really be able to use.

Before you start stressing out, running from mall to mall, take a look at these my list of the three top wedding list. Starting in reverse order.

(These ideas are good for any year, though began for year 2012.)

#3 on the Wedding Gift List

Zazzle Gift Certificate
Zazzle Gift Certificate

Top Wedding Gift Number 3 - Gift Cards and Certificates

Let the Couple Chose Their Own Gift

Gift cards are becoming increasingly popular. And before you ask, yes, they're popular with gift givers and the bride and groom.

For years gift cards have been looked upon as the perfect gift for people who don't want to take the time to shop. They were the lazy man's gift. Giving a gift card meant you really didn't care enough to give the very best.

These days, gift cards get a completely different reception. Because most newlyweds already have everything they need by the time the walk down the aisle, they appreciate the fact that you cared enough to give them something they could really use.

A gift card makes perfect sense, too, for today's couples. They're moving into their first home and that always means at least a little repair work or remodeling. Get them a gift card to a home improvement store and they'll love you forever.

You can get gift cards at any store you can think of - Furniture stores, grocery stores, gardening centers. Or give them a gas card if they'll be driving on their honeymoon, or a nice restaurant. Your options are unlimited and these are the kind of gifts anyone will use and greatly appreciate.

Photo Credit: Zazzle Gift Certificate - Go Here

Buy Gift Cards on Amazon

There are many gift cards for Amazon purchases to your favorite store and restaurant. And even shopping online.

Gift Cards on Amazon are Just a Click Away

The Cheesecake Factory Gift Card $50

Top Wedding Gift Number 2 - Cash - Never a Wrong Gift


Everyone Loves Money #2 on the List

Most couples fill out a gift registry for things like china, crystal, silver and nice linens. You can buy them something off this list if you want to and they'd probably really like it.

But if you give them cash instead you know what happens? They use that cash to buy something they really want - and it usually isn't china, crystal, silver or nice linens.

Most people don't use those traditional wedding gifts anymore. They're just too busy.

But young married couples can always use cash. Their cash is wiped out after paying for the wedding. They need rent money or a down payment on a house. They need play money to take with them on their honeymoon. And they need cash to pay the bills when they get back home.

If you're uncomfortable giving a cash gift buy a small gift, like a picture frame or a set of coasters, and tuck a nice card with your cash inside the box. The gift of cash will be much more welcome than a set of crystal goblets.

Top Wedding Gift Number 1 - Personalized Gifts - Amazing Gift Ideas


Romantic Photo Frame Shirts on Zazzle


Add Your Photo to Gifts on Zazzle

Photo plaques with images of photo frames on the plaques with a place behind that frame image to put the happy couple's photo. There are photo pillows in different designs to add the wedding couple's photo to.

Youphotoit Gifts on Zazzle (view here)

You will find "add your own" photos to steins, mugs, magnets, electronic cases and more to add that special photo to make it special.

Look around the home of any newly married couple and what is it you see? You see all the personalized gifts they got for their wedding. If it has their name on it, they're using it!

You'll see a personalized picture frame on the mantel, a personalized pillow on the sofa and personalized mugs hanging on a hook by the coffeemaker. They wear personalized T-shirts that have their wedding date printed on the front, underneath a picture that was taken on their first date.

What you don't see is all the crystal and china and silver they received. Those gifts are still packed away in their boxes. They may or may not ever be used. They may even cash them in!

The most popular wedding gifts are personalized gifts, for everyone on your list. This includes the bridal party, the parents and family of the bride and groom.

Unique Personalized Wedding Gifts on Amazon

Personalize the bride and groom on mugs, jewelry, photo frames, pillow, pillowcases, home decors and much more to put a smile on the happy couple's faces.

Find More Personalize Wedding Gifts Here

Mr and Mrs Wine Glass Charms personalized Silver Wedding Gift

Can you drink to that?

Mr. & Mrs. Wedding Frame ( Photo )

© 2012 Sandy Mertens


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