Demon's Speaking Through Person
Ghostly Figure
Symbol of Satan
Demons that suddenly speak and let them selves be known. Demons that appear to be innocent old ladies or men. Demons that use people to speak to you. If you have heard an evil spirit. You know their is no mistaking the voice or denying what you heard was not the person but an evil spirit.
Conversation with a Real Demon
I went to visit an old friend of mine. We call him old man John for obvious reasons. He is in his ninety's.
I visit old man John often to see how he is doing and if he needs anything. I don't remember how we got in the conversation about church, but we did.
I told him its been a while since I been to church, and I told him I went to Freedom Ranch and he said he goes to Freedom Ranch also.
I said to him we should go sometime soon. He agreed! I suddenly had a very strong urge to ask old man John if he was saved?
When I asked John if he was saved. He answered me in a total different voice.
The voice said: why wouldn't I be saved? I go to church? This voice was not Johns voice. When I realized that John was not speaking to me.
I asked the voice. Whats your name? No answer so I asked again. Whats your name? The evil spirit said I was a fool, and I should mind my own business.
So I command the evil spirit to leave. Suddenly John carried on the conversation like nothing happened.
My next visit with John it was great and he never mentioned what happen that night. It was like it never happened.
Three Evil Spirits
Demon Confronts Me In The Store
I was doing a little shopping at Walmart. It was a great day to shop because not many people were shopping that day.
I was standing in the isle and looking at prices and I notice a little old lady at the end of the isle.
She was walking toward me. Pushing her cart. I didn't think much about it! She started to walk past me, and this manly voice said move it bitch.
I turned around and looked at her. She turned around and smiled. Just like an innocent loving old women.
What is the purpose for these demon attacks and why are they making them selves known to me all of a sudden?
Demon Came Back
A few years ago my husband was yelling stuff in his sleep. He would wake-up in an awful mood.
He would accuse me of things that he had no proof of. He would threaten me and say awful things that really hurt my feelings.
He would suddenly change and be merciful and sorry for all the things he said. We had some friends one night over for a cookout.
My husband suddenly became angry for no reason. I walked in the house and asked God what to do in this situation.
He said wait and I will quiet him. I carried out some food to put on the grill. My husband became apologetic to everyone, and he stopped butting into and controlling conversations.
My husband became very calm. Later that night when everyone left. My husband said that he thinks he needs prayer.
So I prayed for my husband. He started crying and hitting his fist on the ground. He was saying things I could not understand.
He started slithering like a snake and cursing. Suddenly there was a fowl odor. I pleaded the blood of Jesus over my husband and commanded the demons to leave and go to hell.
When it was over, and the demons were gone. It was as though nothing happened. It was as though my husband had no memory of what happened.
Demon Speak Through Husband At a Friends House
We recently visited a friend. We were having drinks. Having a good time and a nice conversation. Suddenly this evil voice spoke out of my husband.
Kieth our friend was shocked. The look on Kieth's face was astonishing. When I realized it was no longer my husband speaking.
I spoke back to this evil spirit. Keith witness hearing this evil spirit. It scared Keith, and he asked us to leave. Which I don't blame Keith. Most people read about demons. Watch movies on TV but never witness a demon in real life.
Specially in there home! I guess it didn't scare Kieth all that bad. He invited us over to see his new boat.
He hasn't mentioned what he seen that night at all. I just can't figure out why these evil spirits are making themselves known to me the past year.
I commanded the demons to leave.