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1 – Man vs Scripture - What Mark 5:17-21 Actually Says

Updated on August 16, 2019

1 – Man vs Scripture - What Mark 5:17-21 Actually Says

This is the first of our new series “Man vs Scripture. In this series we will be looking at some of the many controversial teachings of man used by those in the church system to show if they are correct or being used to lead you in a particular direction and not to Christ. In the words of Christ and His apostles we are warned of the evil men that will come in His name to lead you astray. They tell us how they will do this and warn us to “Do NOT be deceived my beloved brethren.”

Please Read this Before we Begin. Here we teach scriptural truths that are not taught most places. These are essential truths that you cannot be a real disciple of Christ without properly understanding.

Because of this fact you must follow the scripture “do not be deceived my beloved brethren” and see that YOU are not deceived. In order to not be deceived you must not believe what I or any other man wants to teach you unless and until it has been confirmed in scripture and by the Holy Spirit of God to you Personally as Truth. That is your responsibility no matter who is teaching you.

The writer will answer for what he writes but only YOU will answer for what YOU believe.

Much of the Church system Teaches this meaning for these verses

They say this means that Jesus is supporting the law and that it is in force even for followers of Christ until heaven and earth pass away, which is not scripturally accurate and is way later then what scripture tells us. Which means it cannot be truth because it contradicts scripture, as we will see here.

Take a good look at verse 18, you will clearly see that what it says is that the LAW will not and cannot pass away until The LAW is fulfilled, which Jesus just told them is why he is come. He says He came to fulfill it, which according the the LAW it self means it will end the Law. Most that teach this also say that fulfill also does not mean to complete, finish, end, which is an integral part of the word. This law that was given exclusively to Israel and never applied to anyone else, ever. At this point many do not understand that they are still under the law and Jesus is speaking to the jews in this passage. The fulfillment of the LAW is His death and resurrection This ended the law for those to whom it was given and at the resurrection of Christ put them under HIS authority because it did away with their church system, having fulfilled the law completely by a man as has been prophesied.

Matt 5:17-21 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

This scripture is another of the ones that the apostate man of the corrupt church system in the world mis-teach on purpose to enforce their “need for them” on the people. Scripture tells us that in this the age of the rule of Christ, He is the ONLY shepherd (pastor). It says that we that ARE REAL disciples of Christ have NO NEED of a man to teach us because the Holy Spirit was sent to us to be the exclusive way for us to learn ALL truth. Jesus also says that to be a real disciple of Christ we MUST be filled with and following the same Holy Spirit of God that He is filled with, which is the very Spirit of God and makes us one with him and each other. This is proof that we are all in one accord which is another requirement for His disciples.

What These verses mean when correctly understood is simply what they say

Scripture clearly says two things that apply here, “those without the Holy Spirit of God cannot Correctly understand scripture” and “you must come as a little child (with child like acceptance of the things of God).”

Jesus did not come to destroy the Law or the prophets, but He did come to complete and fulfill by and according to the requirements of the the law making it of no further use to the jews. It already was of no use and had no validity to anyone else. Of course, He was also saying that He was ending the age of the Law and bring in the new totally different and last age, the age of the rule of Christ.

There are no clergy, buildings called church (or temple) as there is no need for any of these things. The Holy Spirit is resident in all real disciples of Christ and consequently He is with them wherever they go. There is never a need to go to meet him, they are called to TAKE HIM with them and go to the world making disciples of Christ. They have become what God had offered to the jews but they refused to meet the qualifications so He opened the door to all man and now accepts anyone that will meet His requirements, all of them.

Contrary to the sugar daddy god of the churchman Jesus the Lord of this age has a lot of requirements for His disciples. Only Jesus and His real disciples can make disciples of Christ because only His disciples follow all His rules and understand the age they live in. The will NEVER ask for money or anything other than that you follow Jesus. They will not take you to learn to follow another man. They will baptize you in water and lead you to be baptized in the real Holy Spirit of God so that you are equipped to go and make disciples for Him because the Spirit of God in you will supply the words and knowledge you need in any situation. You Will be fully equipped as you travel with His Holy Spirit, not with a false jesus and false holy spirit that Jesus told you to avoid as they will lead only to the words, go away I never knew you as you are cast into the lake of fire.


Because the Law of Moses was given ONLY to Israel and Never applied to anyone else It could never apply to the disciples of Christ. Therefore NO Part of the law can EVER be laid upon the disciples of Christ. NONE of the laws survived the resurrection of Christ. Not the tithe, sabbath, clergy, temple or any other of what the apostate church system of man presents. It is not of Christ and He IS the Lord of this His age. That interpretation of the scripture is a LIE and is used by apostate man to justify their use of the “church building”, “tithe”, “clergy” and all the other things they promote that are not of Christ.

Charles LaFoe

Copyright 8/16/2019


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