Devotional: Save Me, Jesus
We Cry Out
"I cried unto Thee; save me ..."
We cry out for someone to save us, because our lives are never what we wanted them to be. No one is exempt from the curse of living. Even the beautiful Supermodel will experience rejection and heartbreak. Her beauty is not enough to protect her from the ravages of abuse. And even the smartest and most intelligent man cannot save himself from failing at something that he does. He has all the business savvy that is possible, but still he is not able to stop someone committing corporate fraud against him.
As much as we mouth words of self-esteem and claim that we can handle whatever life brings, we wake up in the middle of the night, afraid of life, afraid of something that we cannot even imagine: a dreading, foreboding anguish.
Save Us, O God!
My Soul Fainteth
"My soul fainteth..." Psalms 119:81a
Sometimes the pain is so bad that we cannot even keep standing, and we faint deep in within ourselves, give up, and it would seem almost as we could stop breathing. Bad things come in threes, and then sometimes in tens, and even more: our mother dies, we lose our job, we lose our house. Divorce, death, failure.
And sometimes it only the very torture of success that haunts us. We have the job that we worked for our whole lifetime, the wife who would make our dreams come true, and the money in our bank account to keep away all the worry. But still we worry, never full, and restless with the knowledge that we are still not good enough, and that our lives are not enough.
Our soul faints, just for the very sadness of life. For the futility, for the hopelessness. And we faint, we give up.
We cry out to Jesus
We Hope In Thee
"For in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God." Psalm 38:15
We hope in Thee, LORD. You will hear our cries.
"I opened my mouth, and panted: for I longed for thy commandments." Psalm 119:131
We pant for your truth, LORD. Give us hope for our depression. Give us guidance for our confusion. Give us strength for our weakness. Give us peace for our grief. And give us a new day for our bad choices.
"...I hope in thy word" Psalm 119: 81
I hope in your words, O LORD. You say you love me. I believe you. You say are mighty, and able to save me. Oh God, I believe you! You say that your death was enough ... I do not need to see death ... I believe, I believe, O God, I believe.
© 2010 Sharilee Swaity