30 Days of Encouragement - Day 10
Try Until You Can't Try Anymore
"Tis a lesson you should heed:
Try, try, try again.
If at first, you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again"
No matter how many times you were told you, "No". No matter how many times you've failed or been turned away, try it again. Hopes and dreams are not easily fulfilled, but also, they are not impossible to fulfill.
Too many times we are right on the verge of a breakthrough and we give up. The promise, the job, the ministry, the desire is right there... a hairsbreadth away and, we give up.
My Dream, My Passion, My Desire, My Call
You may want to be a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, a diver a driver, or a game show host. You may have a call on your life to help others; doctor, lawyer, judge, or chief of police.
Perhaps you envision the end of homelessness in your town, relief from poverty, or adult illiteracy. Whatever your dream, don't be afraid to dream it and, please pursue it.
Maybe you want to teach how finances or credit work. You might have a gift to make people look and feel their best - go for it.
The Biggest Hindrance - Believing the Lie
In the movie,Divination, two demons are taking and, one of them says, "I love sitting in a good graveyard, knowing that under every headstone is a pile of flesh that never reached its potential; that never honored the gift."
We know that our mortal enemy is Satan and his horde of demons. We know that they come to steal, kill, and destroy [John 10:10]. We know they fight against us viciously. But, we know that the Cross, the Blood, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ has given us the victory.
But, if we do not pursue the dream or desire the Lord has put in our heart, how can we experience the victory He has won? We have to engage the hindrances, the set-backs the disappointments with the tenacity to keep going.
Why? Excuses, That's Why!
Why do we give up?
- Because we're convinced that we gave it too much time with no results.
- Because our head is full of the negative words of the enemy.
- Because we are mad because no one else around us is passionate about it.
- Because we are scared - just plain scared.
- Because we are full of internal rejection.
Counter to those Excuses
Why we shouldn't give up
- Since you've never done this before, you have no idea how much time it should take - Take your eyes off what you think and concentrate on what you are doing.
- The enemy is always going to talk to your head. We have tools to shut his voice down. The Word of God - Use it
- A spoiled child wants everyone to love what they love. When you were a child, you spoke as a child, but now you are an adult. - Put away childish things.
- What are you scared of? Success? Failure? Ridicule? Forget about yourself and remember if God gave it to you, then He will bring you through it. But, without faith, it is impossible to please God. God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
- Stop talking to yourself about who you think you are and start talking to God about who He says you are.
Get Back in There and Fight for it
Dust that dream off and try again. Whatever you need to learn, learn it. Get back in there and fight. The good desire that you have was given to you by God so that you can help someone else.
We Need You!
We need your dream to come true. We need your aspiration to manifest. We need you!
You don't know why you have the dream you do. You don't know what your dream can do for others now or in the future. You don't know what eternal impact it may have. You don't know why God gave it to you.
They're Old, But We Still Use Them
Look at all of the things we use, the things we do, and the things we say that came from somebody fulfilling their dream. Do you think it was easy for them? Do you think they didn't have obstacles to overcome?
You may not be acknowledged for fulfilling your dream today, but does that matter? Are you in it for the fame, the popularity, the accolades? Why do you want to do the thing you want to do?
Press On Through to Your Breakthrough!
Pressing on with integrity, a pure heart, and an honest evaluation of your motives may make what you do and what you achieve an inspiration for others that reaches into eternity.
Don't you be the one didn't fight through - at least not today!
Be Blessed [Philippians 4:13]