30 Days of Encouragement -Day 8
You are not alone - You are unique. There are many reasons we may feel alone. But, have you thought that maybe those feelings are there because we are individuals.
Each of us was uniquely created. Each of us has a unique outlook. None of us is identical to any other person.
From the Pit
The devil gets in our heads when we are alone. It is when we are alone that he speaks most loudly. He tells us, "We can't!" He tells us, "We won't!". And he tells us, "We are not as good as Suzy, Billy, Maurice, LaKeisha, Javier or Maria!".
We must learn to recognize the verbiage of the devil. We must learn not to mistake his voice for the truth. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. He has one job and that is, "to kill, to steal, and to destroy." [John 10:10]. Our job is to counter his words with the truth of the Word of God. Believers in Jesus Christ cannot forget this.
Being Alone Can be Good
It may not feel like it, but being alone can be an excellent thing. If we can control the fear that comes to our thinking when we are alone, we can take that time to grow.
It is when we are alone that we learn about who we are. Just like getting the proper amount of sleep rejuvenates our brain and helps us make sense of our lives. Being alone helps us learn independence, builds confidence, and emotional stamina.
Being alone gives us time to regroup, refocus, and reevaluate. Being alone is gives us a great opportunity to get to know our God personally.
Christianity is a "relationship" religion. Each person who professes Jesus Christ as their Lord is invited to enjoy a personal relationship with the God who created all things. This relationship is enhanced and developed during times of being alone.
Others Try and Achieve It Without God
The very sense of security, of wholeness, of comfort and satisfaction that every man seeks, is found in this personal relationship with God. It is so simple, but it requires an ego reduction. It requires acknowledging that we are incomplete without God and that we need God
People spend their entire lives seeking ethereal things; the meaning of life, the purpose of life, their purpose in life. The classes, books, videos, and seminars on the topic of self-improvement are the most popular and the most lucrative.
We innately know that there is another world beyond our senses. We also innately know that there exists some supernatural being or entity or force or something greater, stronger, more knowledgeable than we are.
How Did We Get to This Place?
The fall of man, the strength of sin, the inborn corruption, and rebellion of the soul cause men to reject God. But, God wishes that none should perish and has designed a dual path for our lives. Each path is hoped to bring us to one conclusion... We need God.
Which Way Should I Go?
We are always given a choice. Our free will dictates what we choose. None of us make the right decisions all of the time. But, the goodness of God causes our wrong decisions, to sooner or later, lead us back to Him.
Sometimes the right path is the path that can only be traveled alone. Sometimes the right path may feel wrong, especially in the face of other people's opinions.
Remember, someone who loved you told you, "Everyone is not your friend and, everyone does not want you to succeed". This truth extends through a lifetime.
Only you, [alone] can decide your direction. We warn our children to say away from bad influences that come in the form of "their friends". We should embrace that warning and hold on to it for a lifetime.
Loneliness is Different
Loneliness is the feeling of being alone. You can be lonely in a crowd of people. But, again, we are not designed to connect with everyone. And, loneliness may be countered by taking a good look at our expectations.
Are we feeling lonely because we don't want to deal with ourselves? You can only hide from your inner self for so long. Sooner or later, we all have to face ourselves.
Have you ever thought that "loneliness" is a way of ridding you of bad relationships and their trauma? It could be that during times of "loneliness," you are being healed, or prepared, or developed.
Today is day 8. The number 8 represents New Beginnings. Let today be your New Beginning. Trust the ups and downs in your life as being a part of the process to make you whole.
Be Blessed [Jeremiah 29:11 and Hebrews 13:5]
New Purpose
Today is day 8. The number 8 represents New Beginnings. Let today be your New Beginning. Trust the ups and downs in your life as being a part of the process to make you whole.
Be Blessed [Jeremiah 29:11 and Hebrews 13:5]