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5 Great Bible Verses for Homeschool Moms

Updated on July 12, 2018
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Isaac is a graduate of the University for Development Studies and he loves to help people have great romantic relationships.

Homeschool Moms

Reading 1 Corinthians 13:4 and the other Bible verses is good for homeschool moms
Reading 1 Corinthians 13:4 and the other Bible verses is good for homeschool moms | Source


A homeschool mom can face numerous challenges, some of which are the unruly behavior of the kids she teaches, feelings of being stressed out, feelings of loneliness, physical and emotional exhaustion, and feelings of depression.

In this article for homeschool moms, I want to share with you Bible verses that you can use when you are doing your daily devotionals to help you to deal with these issues.

1 Corinthians 13 For Homeschool Moms: Manage Your Anger By Showing Love

Love is patient. (1 Corinthians 13:4).

Sometimes the kids will stretch your patience or they will do things that will annoy you: a child may choose to talk to a fellow student whilst you teach, a kid who is tired and cannot concentrate may play pranks on you as a way to get attention, and some may tease you as you teach.

Furthermore, problem children, children who steal regularly, lie often, behave rudely towards you, precocious children who may feel that they are “more intelligent than you,” or the nervous child who may exhibit habits that may get on your nerves, such as biting his nails, can make you get angry sometimes.

You may want to revenge by yelling out at them, smacking them, or giving another form of punishment just to let them know that you are the “boss” and you will not countenance any messing around.

When the kids annoy you, rather than giving in to your anger and showing them that you are the “boss,” choose to show love by exercising patience: warn the child of the consequences if he or she repeats that behavior, and use their behavior to teach the whole class a lesson about life. Narrate a story about a man or a woman who exhibited that kind of behavior and who amounted to nothing in life.

Children like stories and they will listen with rapt attention and you will touch some of the hearts. They will reflect on the story and understand that it is in their own interest to put up appropriate behavior when they are being taught.

Exercise To Help You Deal With Stress

For bodily exercise profiteth little. (1 Timothy 4:8).

For many Christians, exercising seems unspiritual and so they don’t engage in it. However, the Bible says that there is some profit in exercising.

And scientists assert that exercising can help one to deal with stress: according to the Harvard Medical School, exercise, especially if it involves repetitive movements, helps to burn off stress hormones. This burning of the hormones prevents them from piling up and that can help one to cope with stress better.

So, instead of standing in one position whilst you give the children instructions, or instead of sitting at your desk and issuing instructions, walk around the classroom as you issue instructions. Additionally, walk to kids and ask them questions face to face (some of my teachers used this strategy and it was very engaging and it made studying more interesting), and walk around when you give them work and they are busy doing it.

I Feel Lonely

And lo, I am with you always to the close of the age. (Matthew 28:20).

You may feel lonely at times: spending day after day with the kids in an effort to finish the curriculum, in addition to taking care of other kids she may have and caring for a husband or a sick parent may give her very little time to socialize and catch up with schoolmates and their families.

You may also feel lonely when people misunderstand what you are doing and when they pass comments that suggest that you are “weird” for wanting to teach your kids Christian principles at home.

However, always remember that The LORD for whom you are doing this is with you always. He understands and it pleases Him that you are teaching your kids about Him and He will stand by you and comfort you.

He is with you when others ridicule you and pass unfair comments. He is with you when no one visits or when no one calls and when you cannot connect with friends and family because of family commitments. Let this knowledge cheer you up and choose to be satisfied with His presence and rest in His love and you will experience contentment.


…but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not to be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31).

Wait for the LORD when you feel exhausted physically and mentally and when you feel that you can’t take all the insults, misunderstandings, challenges to your authority, ingratitude, rebellion anymore. Because the good LORD is Omnipotent, He will give you the emotional, psychological, and spiritual strength you need so that day after day, month after month, you will feel motivated to pursue the vision until the kids are at a stage where you want them to get to.

So when you are faint and you feel that all your might is gone, wait for God by praying for the renewal of your strength, by thanking Him for the life He has given you and the strength He gave you which helped you to take care of the children in the past, and by fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.

The New American Standard Version of the Bible quotes this same verse this way, “Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength…” In other words, God will give you new strength, you will gain new energy and vigor to help you see out the project till the end. And as Matthew Henry puts it in the commentary at Biblehub, when we fix our hearts on heaven, we shall soar above our difficulties.

Run To The LORD

The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. (Psalms 9:9).

You may also experience depression at times: she may feel that she is not teaching the kids properly. Or, she may get worried that the kids are not responding to what she teaches them. Or, she may feel overwhelmed sometimes when she considers the enormity of the task of training the kids.

When you feel depressed, rather than withdrawing into yourself and feeling sad, find solace in the LORD and ask Him to help you see hope. He is a stronghold; He is your tower of strength and you can get encouragement and comfort in His presence.

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary adds that it is wise to trust Him every time because He has never forsaken those who seek Him. So, seek Him and let Him help you to deal with your mental and emotional oppression.


Homeschool moms need to show love by exercising patience when they are provoked. Additionally, you need to exercise so that you can control your stress, remind yourself that the LORD is with you always, wait for the Lord, and run to God when feelings of sadness and hopelessness overcome the soul.


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© 2018 Isaac Yaw Asiedu Nunoofio


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