~ A Blessing ~

I will Bless The Lord At All Times!
What does it mean when we say Blessing? A blessing is when you want something favorable and positive to touch a person’s life! You want to bestow or impart something good upon them. A Blessing is when you want to confer prosperity, and to contribute happiness and well being! Prosperity goes far beyond monetary gain, it is when you want them to be successful in whatever they accomplish for good. You want them to be blessed and relay a thought or impart a gift to encourage them! COMMITMENT, COMMUNICATION, HONOR, INTEGRITY, LOVE, TRUST, TOGETHERNESS & RESPECT ARE KEY TO ANY GOOD GODLY RELATIONSHIP!!! You truly want them to be or become "WHOLE" in the LORD.
When we speak we verbally utter words to express ourselves. We relay and articulate a message, we convey our thoughts or simply repeat what we have heard. Words can have an uncanny way of making us feel a certain way. Take responsibility for what you say or do. Words can impart warmth and comfort or coldness and discomfort. So it is when we impart a blessing. When we speak we need to think about the message we are expressing, what we want to convey and how it will make one feel. There are times when we must say things that we know will not be well received.
Redemptive Confrontations are necessary in dealing with difficult or unpleasant situations. Always know that the Lord knows the intentions of your heart! Sometimes we may say something that may hurt a person but the intent is not or should not be to hurt; but to provoke thought and bring about healing! It is important not just haphazardly say just anything! James 1 tells us how to control the tongue! Remember, there is power in words! Words can always be misconstrued so it is good to be mindful of your words and your intentions. You cannot control how they will be received.
The Word of God is amazing, “For The WORD of GOD is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit , and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden in His sight, but ALL things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give and account.” Throughout the Word you will find many instances when one imparts a Blessing to another person. An excellent example is when God made a promise to Abraham. He told him “I will make you a great nation; I WILL Bless you And I WILL make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I WILL bless those who bless you…” Genesis 12 Can you think of some way that you can be a blessing for someone?
When we impart a blessing on someone we honor God and acknowledge Him in whatever we are saying or asking. One must learn to skillfully use the Word of God! It is our Life Manual! The WORD of GOD has much power! So much so that He became alive in the flesh! His Word; Christ Jesus was actually the Word wrapped in sinless flesh. It was through Him everything was spoken into existence. God the Father, sent us His Son, His Messenger to us! Jesus Christ overcame sin in the flesh for us.
He came so we could have an abundant life! He is an everlasting Blessing to those who choose Him as Savior and Lord! “I WILL BLESS the LORD at ALL TIMES; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make a boast in the LORD; The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh. Magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together. I sought the LORD, and HE heard me, And delivered me from all my fears….” Psalm 34
In the Lord you can discover the amazing reason for life. An ever unfolding spiritual life awaits all who sincerely call upon the Lord Jesus and embrace the Truth of His Word. "JESUS IS THE ANSWER FOR THE WORLD TODAY ABOVE HIM THERE'S NO OTHER JESUS IS THE WAY!!!"
The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace."
Numbers 6