A Devotional for Heroines
Excerpts from my publication.
What do you tell a woman who is just past menopause and she is yet to give birth to a baby to fulfill her desire for her husband? What do you tell a woman whose love for her husband and her despair about her situation made her to give her place to another? What do you tell a woman who unwittingly unleashed a lineage of angry and totally unpredictable descendants because she brought into the covenant a child through her maid out of desperation?
Sarah was all these and more. She was the first woman the Bible recorded who called her husband “LORD” (1 Peter 3:6) and loved him beyond imagination that she was willing to offer him another woman to bear him a child. Wow. But the problem still remained that she was barren.
Men called her barren but God had other plans. Men are limited by what they see but when men tune in to the Lord of eternity, He will make them see better and farther than they have ever hoped to imagine. In every shapeless stone, I have learnt to see an artifact that future generations will attach inestimable value to. In that seemingly useless piece of rock is a priceless work of art and Sarah’s deadness to men was heaven’s preparedness for her laughter.
From 40, we count 50, 60, 70, 80 and ten years after 80, grandma Sarah received her promised laughter. Incredible, isn’t it? Unbelievably, unimaginably incredible! The years had taken their toll, the face at 90 was not the face at 60 that men still died for but to Abraham there was time for one more night of adventure and Isaac came at last.
How long have you waited “Sarah”? 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 14 years? 20 years? Sarah waited that long and more. I have not come to say that you must stay longer—not at all. I am simply letting you know that your wait is now over. Do not count the years you have waited; count the years you will enjoy laughter. Your best years are ahead, beloved, and this November is your month of laughter. In as much as you declare this to yourself, remember there is work to be done:
1. You must not let “Hagar” into the bedroom of her master
2. You must not give room for transfer of your inheritance
3. If you have given room to “Hagar”, it is time to send her away
4. You must take your “night adventure” with your husband seriously
5. You must prepare your heart for the ridicule of those who hate you
All these must be accomplished in the place of prayer for the Lord is visiting your Abraham this November to promise you a season of Laughter. Your Isaac is here.
In the Scriptures, Deborah held the record as the only documented female Judge of Israel and apart from Miriam, the sister of Moses, she was the next to be called a Prophetess. Given the manner in which men treated women then, it was no mean achievement for her to be called upon to handle matters in Israel; settling disputes and giving them necessary counsel. She was a woman who knew how to bring out the best in the men of her generation.
But how did it all begin?
She had lived her youthful years till she got married and it all was without any noteworthy incident. Then she got married to Lappidoth and her gifts began to be seen and appreciated and in a short while she became a dominant force in Israel’s history; but she must have started somewhere.
If you settle for mediocrity, you have failed to fulfill your destiny! There are many superstars that have become dormant in husbands’ houses because they thought their lives were over. I know of a young lady who had a call upon her life to minister to the Lord in songs. She got married and spent time having babies and thought she had failed until she came up with a brilliant prayer: Lord, use my daughter as your instrument the way you wanted to use me.
And from an early age, the daughter of this woman became a star. At the time I met her, she was seven years old but she had the voice of a 20 year old girl—you just knew the hand of the Lord was upon the little girl’s life.
Marriage should not make you give up your dreams and your duty. I know that any woman who wants to accomplish the impossible CAN do it. What is more impossible than what women accomplish everyday in their homes, doing the chores and taking care of the kids?
It’s already in you—just go with the flow!
There are men that have the potential of Champions but they need a word and even a hand to be able to stand up to the problems you know they can solve. Your duty may be to give them the needed push in order to get them to accomplish their destiny. Jabin, who was the man Israel looked up to for leadership, still NEEDED to hear Deborah’s words of encouragement in order to work up enough courage to carry out the instructions of the Lord concerning the battle against the hordes of Canaan.
What if there was no Deborah? Consider carefully your power to make the impact makers do their job.
Your duty is not only to encourage the men to make the most of the moment but to speak the “Jaels” into existence. A word of prophecy can turn a chump into a champ. There is a word in your mouth to stir other women like you to greatness. Jael did not know that a prophecy had been given; she just did what she felt she had to do and later discovered that it had been spoken of before she did it. Jael’s name was associated with fame because a woman dared speak a word of prophecy on the spur of the moment to a man who could not take the step to grab the glory because he lacked the needed courage.
As we close the year this December, I want you to know that the paths of the Lord drop fatness as He crowns the year with goodness (Psalm 65:11). It is my prayer that the Lord will crown your year with goodness. May this year as it ends usher you into another year of extraordinary testimonies and exploits in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.