A Good Attitude is Everything
I attended Tabernacle Baptist Church this morning in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where Reverend Dr. Arthur Brown is the Pastor. The Word ministered today was a corrective one towards admonishing us that a good attitude is everything. Righteousness being the end result. Thank you Pastor Brown for the encouragement and rebuke, the rod and the staff. I am encouraged towards having the right attitudes and being cognizant of the wrong ones.
A good attitude is a treasure we possess in earthen vessels. It can be likened to pure gold that through experiences and struggles are reproved and tried by the refiner's fire. The Word of God is the fire that burns away the dross. Dross is waste matter and it is unprofitable and it wars against a good attitude.
What is attitude? It is an approach, outlook, or a posture, manner, stance, feelings, thoughts, and mindsets. It is posture either consciously or unconsciously especially while interacting with others. The question is whether it is a good attitude. Attitude is affected by the condition of our souls. Soul is comprised of many aspects that influence our; Intellect, will, reasoning, imaginations, emotions, and memory.
Our conscience judges between good and bad. The reasoning is the way we think, the use of logic, reckoning, interpretation, and analysis about good and bad. From it derives a reason to do the right thing or the wrong thing, and sets attitude into motion. Reasoning is a calculator that can measure why or what is the reason for a poor attitude and the reason a good one is far more superior. All of the soul comes to order just like the members of a board, every time we prepare to make a decision.
The Word, and Spirit of God, is teaching us how to think and emote in harmony with God. Harmony is first spiritual, not musical. Beloved we will be synchronized, syncopated, and sequenced to God, as Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17:21, that we all be one and that demands a good attitude at all times. It means having the honesty and integrity to recognize when our attitude is not right and reach for repentance and the correction needed for change to manifest and materialize. Attitude is essential to living the abundant life in Christ Jesus.
It is a good practice for us as believers to expose our lives to the basin of water and wash our feet daily. Wherever we hear the Word of God, we should see a basin of water set before us to wash our feet and that the water is not a mirage. Feet do get dirty! The Lord Jesus said, he that is washed need not but to wash his feet, but is clean. (the blood has completely washed us). (John 13:10) However experientially we need to daily wash our feet by the Word and Spirit of God. Practically speaking, attitude comprises and is composed of many facets. The overall performance must be linked to us being conformed into the image and likeness of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. One reason for a bad attitude may be the lack of gratitude and not looking to the beatitudes which beautifies attitude.
Attitude is figuratively relative to feet or our walk, so to speak. Webster's defines attitude as a posture or relative position, a feeling, opinion or mood. Postures and moods change, our hope is that the change is for the better and not for the worst. Moodiness comprises a whole host of attitudes as an arsenal of weaponry. Our attitude can be a weapon, but only we can and must decide whether we will use it to defend our selves or just drop it and pick up a better attitude.
This Word was and is a rod and staff all at the same time. King David said it best, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. That is deep, the rod of correction is a comfort. It is a comfort when you desire the truth about your performance and the need to examine yourself for the purpose of improving behaviorisms that are not beneficial to an overall good attitude. If my attitude is wrong, I am already defeated before I begin; the test is how you conduct yourself in the moment, said the Pastor. When people do you wrong, doing them wrong should be the furthest thing from your mind. It is seeing the grand opportunity before you, which is God waiting for you to do the right thing. It is God who is at work in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure and is a duel endeavor to empower us to will and do of His good pleasure.
This word "Attitude is Everything" It charged and is charging me to be better and encouraged me to do good, and to put away a bad attitude. Cautioning us to change from negativity to positivity. Jesus said, a good tree brings forth good fruit, just as a bad tree brings forth bad fruit. Attitude is constantly tried for the right response. Attitude is the fruit of our stance in Christ. How will I respond to crises, rejection, or the bad attitudes emanating from others? Will I have a good attitude? These are questions only we can answer individually and accordingly.
Setting the stage of our soul shall ultimately determine the outcome. I must differentiate between what is good and bad. How do I perform that? By the Word of God, I must reason within myself as to what does the Scripture inform me about my attitude? It is all in the Word of God, whatever ails us. Beloved, reach for the better and best attitude and be encouraged towards the good!
Heavenly Father,
Help us to lay down our willfulness and teach us how to respect Your will as the governing power over, in, through and all around us. Lead us to the place of repentance and sorrow for trespassing against Your divine laws, and forgive us our trespasses against each other. Good attitudes are dependent on our willingness to do the right things. Give us the prosperity in every opportunity to choose to have a good attitude at all times and in every way. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- (3 John 3:2) The Realm of the Soul
Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth.