My Guardian Angel Watched Over Me
Guardian Angel
Although I have my own personal relationship with God I believe it is time for me to share with others as I continue to move at different levels with the Lord and I do realize that some may believe and some may not this is something that just recently happened to me, that makes me realize that no matter what happens in our everyday lives, God is not finished with us yet. I hope that some will gain more insight to what they believe and I hope that others will not give up. I realize that many of us write, but unless we are neighbors nobody will ever know what is really going on inside of us on a day to day basis.
Feeling Like Job ( JO-B)
The night before last was just like any other night and with the financial unstability of the country and all of us struggling to make it through, I just wanted to give up. The burdens of everyday life was really beginning to take a toll and no matter how happy I appeared on the outside or how many articles I have written about positive being I just wasn't feeling it. It was about 11:00 pm and I went upstairs and went to bed, as I closed my eyes and started my nightly prayer I asked God to let me rest and not wake me up as I was tired. Exhausted like Job from all of the burdens that were put upon me, and no matter what I did I kept feeling like my test wasn't over. As most of us know you grow tired of being tested and pray for light at the end of the tunnel and no matter what , it never appears to shine. I had been sleeping for sometime , and was dreaming that I was dying, yes dying I could not feel any oxygen and I felt like I was suffocating and I could not catch my breath. A spiritual presence was there and I could not see it, but I could feel it and it breathed air and life back into me, as I opened my eyes and started gasping for air and coughing I realized what started as a dream was real and my guardian angel took it upon itself to give me back life. It was 4:00 am when I checked the clock and I was thankful that God did not listen to me, but had an angel intervene at the time when I needed them the most. You may say to yourself that I suffer from depression, this I do not. I came to realize that I help so many others, that I do not take time for myself. God has a plan for me and no matter what I may lose it will come back ten fold, I sincerely believe that. If you feel like God is not there for you and you have lost your job, your home, your car and you have financial burdens, cast all of that on him as he is there and we have to just take the time to listen, as "God Whispers and the World is Loud" .
Sharing this story is very hard for me as apparently God is humbling me, Satan has reared his ugly head in my life however I will not faulter on my faith. If you are a believer you will sincerely understand this story and if you are not a believer I will respect that too just remember no matter what your beliefs something miraculous can happen when you need it the most. I have had them visit me before but it is another reminder that they are always with us.
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