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A Warrior of God

Updated on September 21, 2016

This is a true story...

The events in this hub are true, even though it is awkward and difficult for some to believe.

The topic of this hub has showed up quite often in my reading and research. I may come off as a little off my rocker, but I feel God is sending us a warning… a message…his return is soon. I would like to thank you for joining me, if you are curious what this message is.

We are living in an age of deception, lust, greed, vanity and many other “sins”. It’s Satan’s playground. It is becoming evident that Satan and his followers have a bigger hold in the world then was apparent years ago. Back in the day it was mandatory to go to church. Now…well…that can be saved for another hub.

I am coming off as preachy, so let me back up a step. I’ll tell you about an experience I had to prove to me that God is there and very real for me. It is a story that is easier to tell in person than on a hub, so please ignore how bizarre I come across. (This is just one of a couple of experiences I have had.)

I was a teenager that hated scary movies because I felt that my basement was haunted. I have a vivid imagination so it didn’t take much to scare me.

Big deal, you think, every kid can be like that.

James 4:7

Arm yourself. Trust in the Lord and Satan will flee from you.
Arm yourself. Trust in the Lord and Satan will flee from you. | Source

Demon or Ghost?

One night I had been plagued by a heavy negative feeling. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. I woke up sweating and scared. Shadows played across my walls. It took me a little bit to calm down before I excused them as lights from outside my windows. I told myself I was overreacting. While I was getting comfortable, one of my sisters snuck into my room, asking me if she could sleep with me. (I am the oldest of a lot of kids)

I asked her why.

She claimed she had heard someone sneaking around her room moving stuff; but when she looked out of her blanket, nothing was there. Being scared myself, I shared with her what happened to me as she climbed into my twin bed. We fell asleep holding each other.

The next night someone ran into my bed as I was sleeping. Expecting to see one of my siblings again, I sat up. No one was there. Creepy! I prayed to Jesus to stay close. About an hour later I could hear breathing around me. I looked up again to see if someone was standing by my bed. Instead I saw a dark shadow moving about my room. I held my breath and watched it… praying. Calming myself, I again excused it as lights from outside. As I uneasily settled into my bed, my little brother showed up.

I freaked and nearly screamed.

He asked if he could sleep with me.

“Why?” I whispered to him.

He told me he had heard someone shuffling around the house. Thinking it was Mom or Dad, he went upstairs. Instead everyone was sleeping. I was becoming really scared again. I let him crawl in bed with me and we went to sleep holding each other.

The next morning we told Mom what happened. She just laughed saying that she had heard us playing downstairs. She had thought we were just trying to scare each other.

The next couple of nights were quiet.

Night three, I remember going to sleep thinking about God, Satan, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the roles each had. My dad told me to *beware* that Satan can take form of an angel so I needed to test the spirits to make certain they are of God. I can honestly say that I took it literal. I would confront the next shadow in my room.

I fell asleep with these thoughts. I dreamt about the spirits I felt were haunting me.

I could hear voices softly calling my name. I could feel heavy breathing. I felt cold but hot at the same time. Fear began to overwhelm me. I could feel a being so evil I can’t describe it, but could only think of vampires and demons. I could feel myself screaming but no sound came out. My body shuddered with terror. I felt depressed with no hope of being saved. I tried to wake myself up. I remembered that it was only a dream. A dream that I wished would disappear. I remember coming awake, feeling lightheaded, like the room was spinning. That feeling one gets as they are falling out of bed. I opened my eyes, clutching my mattress and blankets, knowing that this wasn’t a dream anymore. There were evil beings in my room. My bed shook as they swooped down from the ceiling tormenting me. I tried screaming. There was no sound, just a terror that it wouldn’t stop. Then I heard a voice that could only be described as coming from God. “Cast them out in my name.” It said. I had tears streaming down my face. I was sitting upright in bed with it hovering inches from the floor. It was still shuddering as the tormentors pursued in their mission to control me. I saw, as much as felt, the hand of the most evil one reach out for me.

“Lord, I need help.” I cried.

“Trust me.” was the reply.

“Leave me…in the name of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior; leave me.” I whispered.

The room swirled as I provoked their anger.

“Leave me…in the name of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior; leave me.” I said again with more energy.

The room came alive. Every kind of evil negative emotion churned, building into one entity.

“In the name of Jesus Christ… I command you to leave my room and leave me alone!” I mustered with all the bravery and strength I had, knowing that God was with me. I could feel his presence overpowering the room. In one amazing second, my bed dropped to the floor and the evil was gone.

I dropped back on my pillow… staring up at my ceiling…drained.

“Thank you so much, Lord.” I prayed with tears still streaming down my temples and pooling on my pillow.

Arm yourself!

I feel that as a Christian, we as Christians, become a warrior for the Lord when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.



The warnings are endless…just look around you.

The problem is no one seems to care. They act as if they exempt from the power Satan can have over them. They don’t believe that God exists.

We are warned to search out the truth because Satan and his followers are brilliant deceivers, manipulators, tormenters, etc.

How are we to fight such a formidable foe?

We are not asked to fight, but to arm ourselves with the armor of God.

A Girdle of Truth.

Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.

A Shield of Faith.

A Helmet of Salvation.

A Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

And most importantly…don’t forget to pray!

Nothing can separate us from God’s love. He writes not to shame us but warn us.

People will read my hubs and label me one way or another. To me, that is ok. Everyone is entitled to their own belief. The stronger you feel your connection to God, the more you feel you are a Warrior for God.


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