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Jesus my Help through the Storm.

Updated on January 25, 2016

Adventures in the Storm

Greetings hubbers, this is not my usual kind of hubisode. Moreover, On Friday, January 22, 2016 snow began falling for the first time since last year into Saturday, January 23, 2016, and we had our first snow storm of the winter season. Snowfall was what the meteorologists and newcasters predicted to be a record breaker for Pennsylvania of 28 to 30 inches. There is however a tendency not to take careful heed until your encounter with a hurdle. I was feeling brave enough to venture out to the store, which is only right around the corner, walking in the street which was deserted. The usual flow of traffic was waned considerably. As I walked to the corner, yep, I did get to the corner successfully. There was a van which was at a standstill as it was trying to turn, just as I saw it, down I went falling in the snow. A woman got out of the van and asked was I hurt and where was I going and if I needed a ride. I replied that I was just going right around the corner to the store. She said that there wasn’t any stores open but up the road a bit. She helped me up when I fell and with concern said, Miss please be careful. I said to her yes Ma’am I will and proceeded to go back home.

I have had many adventures in exponential snowfalls in my lifetime, but never any quite as severe as this one. To walk was a challenge indeed. I attempted to walk back home in the street of course, because shelving was at a standstill, it seemed everything was at a standstill. The standstill declared who is really in control. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Acknowledging my frailty in this, it produced a let me get home mentality. Incidently, I sustained three falls in total to and from home, which by the way was only up to the end of the street and back. In case you asking, were you hurt? No I am okay, thanks for asking.

As I ventured back home and I fell for the second time. The one thing I acknowledged is you know what, I am aging, and getting up out of the snow was not a picnic. Unlike my accounts of youth and springing back up on my feet in record time, there I was trying to remain calm and composed enough to get back on my feet. Alright I thought, I am on my feet, let me go forth. A little before getting to my door step, I went down again for the third time.

Guess what? I said, Jesus please help me. Getting up was effortless this time, as if He was standing right there in shimmering white attire in concert with the freshly falling snow and was gently helping me to my feet. It wasn’t a vision or anything. Just in my imagination, I could see Him standing right there extending His hand so gallantly and on my feet I arose and went into the house. Yes, Jesus was in the storm.

Once I got inside, I began to chide, rebuke and reprove myself as to how could you be so foolish, you heard the weather report, but all I could think about was the helping hand, which I didn’t imagine. What ended this dilemma was repentance. I repented for my decisions to brave the storm though my own strength. The dangers I escaped were real, the whole atmosphere around me was a ghost town, and there was no one around after the woman in the van drove off. Slips and falls of those kinds can be hazardous. The snow was still falling. Falling in snow of that magnitude and not being able to move or get back on your feet is quite humbling. I found myself at the Master’s feet and only He could lift me up because I had no strength of my own left. The snow had silenced Pennsylvania and the whole state just about was on lockdown. There was a ban in effect on all vehicles and the Governor issued a warning to all, to just stay home, don’t drive or walk. Of course I saw this after my snowy adventure.

On Sunday, January 24th, the presence of people and neighbors returned, shoveling and assisting one another to dig out. I was able to get all the way to the store, grateful to all who had contributed to the clearing of the snow and all of their efforts. What was astounding was this storm had brought everything to a standstill. I have better understanding of what standstill and see the salvation of the Lord means, and be still and know that He is God. Storms have a way of teaching lessons, you might not otherwise learn when all is well. Grace and peace to all.

Lord, You are Everything to me

I'm gonna make it through this storm

Because, Jesus is my shield,

The climate is getting warm, and

My all to Him I yield.

Lord, You are holiness

You are righteousness,

You are glorious

Salvation, You will always be.

You are the Prince of Peace

Lord of Lords to me,

You make the winds to cease

My path I can now see.

Lord, You are goodness

You are greatness,

You are perfect

The fountain of love to me.

Lord, You are merciful

You are full of grace,

You are wonderful

The breath of life to me.

Lord, You are mighty

You are miraculous,

You are marvelous

The spring of life to me,

Lord, You are everything to me.


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