Is Jesus the Father?
My brother in Christ, Lone Ranger, recently read my hub “GOD: Let Us Make Man In Our Image?” and had some very good questions. The answer to each one of them could be a hub all its own, but I am attempting to summarize, to the best of my ability, what I have learned about God thus far. I cannot bring the knowledge and understanding, any more than any of us can understand the written Word without the anointed teaching of the Holy Spirit. So, for Lone Ranger and anyone else who may be struggling with the question “Is Jesus the Father?”, here we go:
Lone Ranger stated: “Wow, heavy stuff, J.D., but the time spent reading your post is well worth it!”
Answer: I hope the “Let Us Make Man” question has been answered sufficiently for you in the hub you recently read. There is vast information in the Bible to answer each and every question, of which I am yet laboring to learn more and more and minister to those who are thirsty. I appreciate your questions and want to carefully and patiently take time to answer each one. Again, I can only summarize here what I have learned thus far and direct you to more of my hubs, where I go into more detail and depth.
Lone Ranger said, “I'll be honest with you, I am still struggling with this concept of Jesus being The Father.”
Answer: Yes, I can imagine. I too, struggled greatly to ask God these questions. The struggle was not in the asking, but in shedding indoctrination, as I received the answers. The Truth is so refreshing! You can witness my initial struggle and writing of this revelation in my hub “Let Me Tell You WHO God Is!". Once I received the rain-drop of Truth, the flood-gates were opened wide and I have written more and more. I’m still learning, growing and writing.
While there’s a myriad of scriptures that prove YHWH is the LORD and Jesus is YHWH, the LORD, let’s confirm a few verses in the Bible, where no one can refute or deny Jesus is the Father: Isaiah 9:6 tells us The Son will be called “Mighty God [El], Everlasting Father”. In John 14:7 Jesus told His disciples that if they had seen Him, they had seen the Father and from then on they had not only seen the Father, but knew Him. Are multitudes yet expecting to ask Jesus to 'show us the Father' when they cross the pearly gates? Notice what Jesus said to the woman with the issue of blood, who had faith in Him enough to touch His garment and be healed (Mat 9:20): “DAUGHTER, take courage; your faith has made you well.” And again in Mark 2:5 "And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, 'SON, your sins are forgiven." Even look at the words of Jesus in Rev 21:7 “He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My SON.”
Lone Ranger asked: “If They are one and the same, then how were all three Persons of the Godhead seen or heard at the same time during Christ's baptism?”
Answer: God is able to manifest Himself in any way, whether in one form or many at the same time. Did you know that when Phil 2:6-7 states that Jesus existed in the ‘form of God’ and the 'form of a bondservant', the Greek word for ‘form’ is ‘morphe’? Jesus also appeared in 'another form' [morphe] to the two men walking on the road, after His resurrection (Mark 16:12) ~ they did not recognize Him. God morphes! Jesus IS THE IMAGE of the invisible God (Col 1:15; Heb 1:3) ~ always has been and always will be. I ask Trinitarians why are there only three ‘persons’ in the Godhead, when there should be seven, if they consider ALL the manifestations of God throughout the Bible. Let’s just look at the Old Testament first: immortal flesh appearing to Abraham and Jacob (Gen 18:2; 19:1; Gen 32:24, 28, 30); the Angel of the LORD (Ex 3:2; Josh 5:13; 6:2; Jud 6:11, 14); the Rock at Horeb (Ex 17:6. 1 Cor 10:4); clouds by day and fire by night (Num 14:14). For 4,000 years before Christ’s birth, the Jews saw God in all these manifestations, yet never split Him into persons. They were God’s chosen. If they did not split Him up, why should we? In the New Testament, we see God manifested in the invisible, speaking Spirit of the OT (the Word), and mortal flesh (the Word), as well as the dove = 7 total. All of these manifestations are the same, singular God.
Lone Ranger asked: “Why did Jesus say, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not what I want but what You want." (Matt 26:39) I do not understand how God The Father, posing as Jesus in the Flesh could have a conflict of interest? How could God be experiencing a conflict between His heavenly will and His earthly will while posing as Christ in the Flesh and acting as God The Father simultaneously?”
Answer: God is invisible and omnipresent. God is the Holy Spirit, who overshadowed Mary to beget a fleshly body that would shed His holy blood (Acts 20:28). The flesh of Mary (not even of Joseph) “was made a little lower than the angels to suffer death” (Heb 2:9). This is why Jesus was called the Son of Man, yet because He was begotten of The Holy Spirit (God), He was the Son of God (also known as the Lamb of God). Our immortal, invisible Creator became one of His mortal, visible created beings. His flesh was limited to being in one place at one time, while His Spirit remained omnipresent, thus "Greater than I" (John 14:28). Consider God's immortal flesh appearance to Abraham. Did He leave all of heaven at that time? I don't think so! Truly, it was the Son of Mary that submitted to the will of the Holy Spirit (God – the Father), just as we do. His fleshly existence was tempted and tried in every way that we are. God in the flesh became the second Adam (the life-giving Spirit) to conquer and redeem the fall of the first Adam (the first living being) – 1 Cor 15:45.
Lone Ranger asked: “How is it that Jesus cried out, ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matt 27:46) How could The Almighty forsake Himself in the Flesh?”
Answer: The flesh of Mary, sinless because of the Deity of God indwelling Him, took on the sin of the whole world. It was His flesh that was forsaken, and only His flesh. The Son of Mary felt the separation from the Holy Spirit (God) because of sin. God nailed our sin to the cross and shed His holy blood to cover us. Let’s look at Acts 20:28 "Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit [God] has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He [God] purchased with His own blood.” Again, the flesh that appeared to Abraham was immortal and could not shed blood (1 Cor 15:20). God had to take on human flesh to shed blood, because without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sins (Heb 9:22).
Lone Ranger said: “Please recall that Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on the altar. It wasn't as if Abraham went there himself and lifted the dagger into the air and then paused while he put on a wig and threw himself on the altar before stabbing himself. It just sounds as if The Almighty is displaying split personalities in your scenario and I just cannot get behind that. Isaac was real and was a completely different entity from Abraham.”
Answer: I have a hub called “The RAM for Abraham” I invite you to read. Trinitarians use this passage to propagate Abraham representing the Father and Isaac representing the Son. Who did the RAM represent? Let me tell you, it was the Ram that was sacrificed on that altar as a burnt offering to SAVE Abraham’s offspring, of which we are (Gal 3:29). Burnt offerings were completely consumed by fire, in order to impute the righteousness of God to us (I see this as relational to the baptism of fire). Isaac was to be a burnt offering (Gen 22:2; Lev 1), not a sin offering (Lev 4). Isaac was sinful, just like Abraham, you and I. He could not be a sacrifice for our sin, let alone our righteousness. Yes, this story is a ‘picture’ of what God was going to do for us, but it is not to be used to support a polytheistic doctrine of God in three, distinct or separate persons = three gods in unity. In fact, God abhors child sacrifice, which you can read about in my hub "With His Own Blood".
Lone Ranger asked: “How is it in the Book of Revelation that the temple is described as being the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb? (Rev 21:22) "I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb."
“Then again, how do you explain Revelation 22:1 "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb...."
“Why the differentiation? Why the two thrones? Since Christ arose to heaven and completed His earthly mission, why wouldn't He go back to being The Father once He arrived in heaven? Why confuse the matter?”
Answer: The English word ‘and’ is the Greek word ‘kai’, which means ‘and’ in the sense of ‘even’, ‘also’, 'namely'. ‘God and the Lamb’ is equal to the usage of ‘God and Savior’ shown in 54 other passages in the Bible. God is also called ‘God and Redeemer’ (Isa 44:6; 48:17; Ps 78:35; Acts 7:35); the prophets not only called the LORD God ‘God and Savior’ (Is 45:15; Mic 7:7; 1 Chr 16:35, Ps 65:5; Hab 3:18), the Apostles referred to Jesus as 'God and Savior' (1 Tim 1:1; Tit 2:13; 2 Pet 1:1). In John 14:7, Jesus said, "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also [kai]; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."
Speaking of Revelation, note who calls Himself the ‘Alpha and Omega’ and the ‘First and the Last’ in Isa 44:6 (Rev 1:8, 11; 2:8; 21:6 and 22:13). Please pick up your Bible and read these passages. "This is what the LORD says--Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from Me there is no God.” Jesus is both King and Redeemer of Israel. Rev 2:8 states, “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this:”. I do not see an ‘s’ on the word ‘throne’ in Rev 22:1. There is one throne. Note who is in the midst of the throne in Rev 7:17? Jesus.
Lone Ranger asked: “Then again, why did The Almighty say that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would not be forgiven, implying that blasphemy against The Father would?”
Answer: There should be no implication of this statement by Jesus. In Mat 12:31 we can see Jesus confirming what I am attempting to share with you. Separate the flesh and Spirit of God. The flesh (the Son of Man) can be blasphemed, but NOT the Holy Spirit (God). The Holy Spirit IS the Father that indwelt the Son. Actually, it was by ‘the finger of God’ Jesus cast out demons, and the religious leaders were accusing Him of casting them out by the spirit of Beelzebub [Satan] (Luke 11:20). That is what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Isn’t it absolutely fascinating to realize ‘the finger of God’ also inscribed the commandments given to Moses (Deut 9:10)?
“I AM” delivered Israel from Egypt (Ex 3:14) and Jesus admitted to His people that “Before Abraham was born, I AM [Ego Eimi]” (John 8:58). And this wasn’t the only time they took up stones to kill Him for blasphemy (John 10:33). If you look at the Greek, did you know that Jesus, after His resurrection, calmed the waves as He walked on the water by saying, “Ego Eimi” (John 6:20)?!! Now, read Job 9:8 "Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea..." It's amazing to me today, that to believe Jesus IS the Father in the flesh is considered blasphemous! Really?
Back to your question ~ The Father is not separate from the Holy Spirit; this is WHY ‘the Father’ is NOT typed out in Mat 12:31 (because we understand that the Father IS the Holy Spirit). We are not to blaspheme or lie to God (Acts 5:3-4).
Lone Ranger closed with: "J.D., I thoroughly appreciate all the work you do and I am grateful that you are a badger when it comes to digging for the truth. But, having said that, you must understand that I am a mere mortal that is trying to successfully navigate my way through the universe, but I'm running into a little turbulence at the moment. I mean well, but I am also not the sharpest tool in the shed, which means you have your work cut out for you. :0)
I just need help on this, J.D., because I am just not seeing it. Please be patient with me, because, I too, want to know the truth, but I also can't take that leap of faith without taking a good look first.
May God grant you grace and thanks again for all the hard work and excellent research! - L.R."
Lone Ranger, I am your sister. I am walking in your shoes and perhaps God will bear fruit in my efforts to those, like you, who are seeking. I have many, many more hubs on this subject. Please read the links provided in each one, which will lead you to other links. Just click on any of the links provided in this hub in blue as a great start ~ Again, I have only summarized here the answers to your questions, to the best of my English ability. There is so much more to the revelation of Who God is. I pray you will glean what the LORD provides and continue to prayerfully ask to grow into the knowledge of Him, your Creator God, LORD, Savior, Redeemer, Provider, Protector, Comforter, Friend…oh, God is so awesome!! In His great love, JD.