Archangel Gabriel the Angel of Water element,communication and purity
Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Water element and the Angel of sacral chakra. Sacral chakra defines purity in life.
It is the messenger of God. It conveys the messages of God to human kind. It is also called the Angel of announcement. These messages are for those who are loved by the God. The people who are loved by the God keep the God's messages in mind and do good for the people.
As an Angel of water, if there is any problem linked with water is solved by Archangel Gabriel by praying to. If there is some drinking water problem or sewerage problem or other linked with water problem by praying you can get efficient mechanic and you have not to suffer for this problem more.
If there is some disease or other problem linked with sacral chakra organs will be cured by praying to Archangel Gabriel. As sacral chakra is linked with issues and Archangel Gabriel is the owner of sacral chakra then you can remove the problems linked with the birth of issues.
If the children have fallen into the bad company then you can remove their bad habits through meditating on Archangel Gabriel.
As an Angel of communication skill you can seek help when you have to go for interview and face to so many difficult questions. Through contacting with water you can call Archangel Gabriel and solve your problems.
If some problem is disturbing you and you cannot get rid of that problem then before sleeping take a glass of water and request to Archangel Gabriel for solution of that problem and think that the solution of that problem is found with the help of Archangel Gabriel and drink it. You have to keep in your mind the solution of problem has found till the sleep. Then you will be found solution in your dream.
If you are fed up with surrounded environment and feel that this unkind World creates so much troubles for you then keep Archangel Gabriel in your mind and see your image into simple water then you will feel that negativity will be releasing and you are meeting with favourable circumstances and negativity has washed away with water.
Once prophet Mohammed met with Archangel Gabriel and it took him to the Heaven. Prophet Mohammed explained his experience, "My body was cut opened from the throat to the lower part of abdomen and then my abdomen was washed with water and my heart was filled with wisdom and belief. "The God washes the sins and evils of the people with holistic water and purify the mind body and spirit completely. You can find the mother's affection and the father's protection both in Archangel Gabriel.
- Pray to archangel Gabriel (for balancing the mind, body and soul through positive energies) - YouTub
archangel Gabriel is the angel of water and helps in solving water linked problems.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Manju lata