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Artificial Methods of Family Planning-How Right Are They?

Updated on January 14, 2010



Birth control or contraception is the deliberate prevention of pregnancy using any of several methods. Birth control prevents the female sex cell (the egg) from being fertilized by the male sex cell (the sperm) and implanting in the uterus. In our age, the use of the pill and other methods of family planning have become quite common. Marital relations have become much more than a union of two people; they constitute a union of the loving couple with a loving God in which two persons create a new person materially while God completes the creation by infusing the soul.


Artificial birth control methods include:

·         Contraceptive ring

·         Diaphragm

·         Emergency contraception

·         Female condom

·         Hormone implants

·         Intrauterine device (IUD)

·         Male condom

·         Spermicide

·         Tubal sterilization

·         Vasectomy etc

History of Artificial Birth Control:

Contraceptives have been in use since 1900 years B.C. in Egypt. Since then, the Church has condemned birth control. Christain leaders and theologians consisitently spoke and wrote against it; Protestants like Charles Surgeon, the Pilgrims, martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, Matthew Henry, and Anthony Comstock  were actively involved. But with Margaret’s Sanger’s Planned Parenthood propaganda, birth control has been accepted wholeheartedly by this generation. In 1912, Margaret began publishing information about women’s reproductive concerns through magazine articles, pamphlets, and several books. In 1916, Margaret and her sister openend the first of several birth control clinics in Brooklyn, New York.

The Hidden Truth

One of the little known facts about artificial birth control methods is that even in their normal use, they can be abortifacients. This means that they have a second effect of preventing implantation of an already fertilized egg, in other words, killing the fetus. The pill does not reliably prevent ovulation 100% of the time. So, during  those inefficient methods when ovulation occurs, conception can take place. Then the probability exists that these contraceptives will act to prevent impantation causing the unborn child to abort.

Biblical Review

Genesis 1: 27-28: “And God created man in his own image of God He created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them  and God said to them, “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth”. Fruitfulness in the marriage act is a command from God that is repeated numerous times in the Bible (Genesis 9:1, Genesis 35:11). The use of contraceptives violates the heart of this command as this is an attempt to prevent couples from being fruitful and from multiplying.

Penalty for Wasting ‘Seed’

A quote from John calvin, one of the early leaders of the Protestant Movement:

“The voluntary spilling of semen outside of the intercourse between man and woman is a monstrous thing. Deliberately to withdraw from coitus in oreder that semen may fall to the ground is a doubly monstrous act for this sis to extinguish the hope of the race, and to kill before he is born, the hoped-for offspring”.

This impiety is especially condemned by the spirit that Onan filthily casted upon the ground, the offspring of his brother. This leaves the obvious conclusion: “God killed Onan for wasting seed, a contraceptive act!”

Disadvantages of Artificial Contraceptives

·         Most of the drugs are carcinogenic

·         They may cause irregular bleeding, weight gain, sore breasts, nausea, headache, depression, acne

·         Condoms may lessen sensation and may break during intercourse

·         Some may also cause scarring, spotting between periods, longer and heavier periods, and cramping.


According to Judie Brown, “if a hatred or fear of children causes human beings to practice contraception, love is lost; if the murder of innocent children continues to be the norm for those whose ‘choice’ of contraception may cause abortion or may lead to abortion, love is lost.”

All forms of contraception should be outlawed because it has been proven that life begins at conception. Any attempt to stop it from thriving should be considered a murder. One of the most precious gifts of God to man and woman is the ability to procreate, to participate with him in bringing into this world children created in his image and likeness. If a couple feels that childbearing could be dangerous, then perhaps self control (a fruit of the Spirit) through natural family planning or Billings method should be considered.

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