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Beyond Inspiration by Marie Jiménez-Beaumont - Book Review

Updated on June 26, 2012

I received the book “Beyond Inspiration” with excitement flipping through the first pages looking for the dedication that I had requested from the author. Marie or fondly known as VioletSun on Hubpages had written a short note and I was teary eyed reading it.

I held the book to my heart for a moment as I closed my eyes and connected with her in spirit. For you see, I too believe that there are souls that we bond in this lifetime. And I revel in the beauty of the tapestry of life where souls come together and hold each other’s hands as each one learns from the other.

Perhaps like me you are also seeking for inspiration, for words to uplift, heal or encourage you or for something to help you awaken the divinity within, then this book is perfect for you.

Beyond Inspiration: Affirmative Prayers, Affirmations and Spiritual Musings for Awakening to the Sacred Power Within You
Beyond Inspiration: Affirmative Prayers, Affirmations and Spiritual Musings for Awakening to the Sacred Power Within You

Affirmative Prayers

Part 1 of the book is a collection of Affirmative Prayers. I agree with the author that affirmative prayers uttered with faith and trust is a wonderful way to establish communion and oneness with the Divine. There is no need for you to beg but just a quiet declaration and knowing that the Divine or a Higher Source is at work in unity with your intentions.

Here is a sample affirmative prayer:

Prayer for Wisdom

As I move through the journey of my life

I pray for wisdom in everything I do.

From the words I choose to express

To the choices and actions that I take.

May they be tempered with

Love, understanding, and a clarity

That comes from a full heart,

And a mind that is in silent repose.

May wisdom continue to guide me

Every day, every hour, every moment,

So I can live a life fully blessed

In this sacred dance we call life.

And so it is!

~ Marie Jiménez-Beaumont

Spiritual Musings

Part 2 is a compilation of spiritual musings or thoughts to ponder about life and many things that encompasses life. I am touched by her compassion, gentleness and her willingness to allow us into her sacred space so we could journey with her to walk the path of joy.

These words somehow summarize it:

“I reached a point when my heart ached for an understanding of this thing called life...I began to understand that I was better off letting go of what I believed, and, instead, to stand naked in front of the ocean of life. Perhaps in allowing myself to be the ocean, free from preconceived ideas, I would experience the totality of my being and come face-to-face with God at last.”~Marie Jiménez-Beaumont

Inspire My Day Affirmations

Part 3 is a set of Inspire My Day Affirmations. Do you love affirmations? These are powerful statements which one can say aloud in the morning when you wake up and before bedtime. One can even say it repeatedly during the day. I usually choose which word I am drawn to for the day.

For instance, yesterday I was drawn to the word Magnificence.

"Everything that I desire comes easily to me, and I enjoy a life filled with magnificence!"~Marie Jiménez-Beaumont

The more positive words we use in our lives, the more we draw in positive experiences too. If you love affirmations, you would definitely enjoy this set as I have.

Marie is VioletSun on Hubpages
Marie is VioletSun on Hubpages | Source

About the Author

Marie Jiménez-Beaumont is an intuitive counselor with over 25 years of experience. She co-owns a health website, the, with her spouse, Phil. The Lemonade Diet is a program created by naturopath Stanley Burroughs over 70 years ago. It helps detoxify the body while losing weight.

Marie's journey led her from the bright, high-paced life of New York, where she had lived most of her life, to the serenity of a semi-rural town in Oregon where she spends most of her time writing and assisting others with her intuitive gifts.

Connect with her on her Facebook page: Love Is The Answer

Soothe Your Soul Meditations

Part 4 are words to soothe your soul during meditation. If you like to meditate, you can use these words to reflect and ponder as you go inward. Sometimes the answers or guidance that you are seeking will come forth. Or these words may bring you peace as truth often does.

Here are words that struck me:

“I realize the futility of hanging onto what no longer empowers me or feeds my soul.”

“God speaks to me through the trees, creatures, and colors of nature. I now choose to listen, not only with my mind, but also with my heart.” ~Marie Jiménez-Beaumont

And so many more...

One Last Note

I have kept this book in my bedside table as I use it in the morning when I start my day with a prayer and read one spiritual musing before I rest at night. I love to say the affirmations aloud as I recognize the beauty and power it has to transform my life.

If you wish to journey with Marie in her sacred walk to connect with the Divine, then order a copy of her book today. Namaste. "I honor the spirit in you that is in me."

BY: Michelle Simtoco


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