Jesus Birth as a Foreshadow
Jesus Birth as a Foreshadow
In Matthew 1:18-23 God uses an example in real life of what He is planning on doing in the future. Jesus was not a blood relation to Joseph. In matter of fact, Joseph wasn't even married to Mary yet. He was hesitant to marry Mary, except God intervened by sending an angel to Joseph. Then Joseph accepted Mary, and accepted Jesus as his own son even though he was only the step-dad.
When Jesus was born, according to James Coffman's New Testament Commentary, everyone accepted Jesus as Joseph's child. No one considered him any different. He was considered and treated as Joseph's own child. This relationship would actually be considered stronger than adoption today. When Joseph died, Jesus would be considered Joseph's heir without any questions.
In the book of Galatians 3:29, it says if you are Christ's then you are of the seed of Abraham. Basically meaning that we will be treated as if we were born into Abraham's bloodline. That the promises that God made to Abraham and his children now also belong to us. It doesn't stop there. In Galatians 4:5-5 it states that we are the adopted sons and daughters of God, and have the right to call God father. Our relationship with God through Christ even becomes stronger according to Romans 11. Not only will we become adopted, but also we will be grafted into Jesus and God. We will also be considered the natural heirs of God. Not only natural heirs, but joint-heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17).
Just as God planned on Jesus being the natural heir of Joseph, God also planned for us to become His natural heirs. God first showed us this through the birth of His son Jesus Christ.