Bible Verses About Persecution - Matthew 5:11
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-12
These verses come in and I never can tell how I will link them to my thoughts. I pray and ask God to show me what is there for me to see on that particular day.
Today I see fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled prophecy.
First, who is Jesus’ audience? Two sets of people:
1. Those literally listening to Him at the time. They were those who would founded the Christian church upon His earthly exit. Great persecution would come their way, and He would provide them with the strength to endure and overcome it.
2. Those who would read from scripture later on.
We are included in the 2nd portion. Aside from people disagreeing quite vocally with me, I have not seen persecution. Why not? Just so happens I have had the privilege of growing up on the tail end of the greatest period within the greatest country history has ever known. Simply put, I have been blessed and free. As free as one could be, albeit in a flawed world.
That freedom, however, has begun to erode. As Bible prophecy predicts above, Christ’s name becomes increasingly received with a negative connotation, associated with and old way of thinking; one laced with ignorance.
That trend will continue, evolving into a final age of persecution perhaps rivaling that which the original disciples saw.
Sobering thoughts, but seeing what God has foretold coming to pass is also a positive. Positive in that it builds faith in the accuracy and validity of His written word.
Some tough times ahead, perhaps. Ultimately, however, a great time after that. An age where nothing bad exists. I time where freedom, in the truest sense, can be ours.