How to Teach Children About God
Reading From The Bible With Our Children...
The Word Of God... Reading The Bible With Our Children...
As you read from The Bible with your children, and as a family - you should be taking the time to teach these important and eternal truths...
- Teaching Children About God... that He Is.
- The knowledge of a Creator that is over all things.
- God created us.
- The earth was created for your child by a Loving God.
- Every person in the world, is a child of God.
- God loves all of His children as equals.
God hears and answers our prayers, because we are His children.
God watches over us, and cares very much about what we do and who we become.
What we choose to do, and how we live our lives every day, can bring us great happiness.
- God gives us commandments.
We are happy when we obey God's commandments.
- Our choices have consequences.
- Jesus Christ came to earth to save us from our sins.
- Jesus Christ overcame death and hell for all of us... if we would choose Him.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God and The Only Begotten of The Father, in the flesh.
- Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
- Because of Jesus Christ, all men will be resurrected.
If we repent, God will forgive us, because of Jesus Christ.
We must forgive everyone.
God wants each of His children to live with Him in Heaven.
How To Teach Your Children About God and Why?
As a Christian mother of five children and now a grandmother also... I firmly believe that the most important and powerful education we can give to our children, is the knowledge of God, who is their Heavenly Father. The best way to teach our children about God, are from His holy books. The Bible is given to mankind, as the greatest teachings for learning to become like Jesus. Jesus Christ set the perfect example of how to Live. We want to teach our children the ways of Christ... The Bible is the best how-to-book ever written, because it teaches us to follow Jesus Christ. When children are taught to focus their lives on following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, their happiness in this life will increase tremendously. Think of all the pain and suffering an individual will spare themselves, by simply living true to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Bible from start to finish - shows us exactly how important keeping commandments of God will be in our lives...
Throughout the Bible, man is commanded to live the laws of God. The Story of the Bible and it's message to mankind, is that when we live His laws - we are blessed and happy, but when we do not keep His laws... oftentimes very sad consequences occur. The Bible is a powerful tool for parents, in helping their children to learn how to make good choices. As they grow, and make choices - you are then able to help them see the consequences of their own choices. When children begin to understand that their personal choices - are what bring them either happiness or sadness in llife, they will come to have faith that following the plan that Jesus wants them to - will always bring them happiness and peace. When your children through their own choices to either follow Jesus or not follow Jesus -- will come to trust in Jesus Christ and exercise faith in His Words verus the teachings of the world. Unless children, from an early age develop this moral compass, it is much more difficult as they grow-up to be compelled to make good choices.
One of the most important responsibilities that we have as parents, is to teach our children - how to have faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.
Christians believe that The Holy Bible is the "word of God". Christians also believe that God is All Knowing - All Loving - All Powerful and Always... All Around Us!
When parents take the time to read the Bible as a family, or to read with their children individually - they place themselves in a very powerful teaching position... which is exactly where parents should be.
Taking the opportunity and beginning when your children are young - to teach them from the actual words of The Bible - we then are grasping what I believe to be "the golden years" for teaching as parents.
As parents today... grasp the opportunities to teach our own little ones - we must! God has preserved His word, miraculously - in the record known - as The Holy Bible.
Children Who Are Old Enough To Read Themselves... Learn To Love The Bible.
The Bible Is Much More Than Another Story Book...
Children can and need to learn - and understand, at a very young age - that The Bible is a Holy book. Kids should learn to take care of their Bibles, because of the sacred record of God, that the Bible contains. Children should learn to treat The Bible itself, with reverence. This will also send a powerful message alone... regarding the teachings of God that are contained therein - to your child.
For these reasons, owning a personal Bible is very important for each of your children as you begin to teach and share with them, that which you value and your personal beliefs. Each one of your children, will be more likely to understand the personal relationship that they too can develop with God, if they have a copy of His record of their very own.
As our children grow-up and learn personally - the importance of the "word of God" as they have come to understand it, through the guidance of loving parents; it is the true delight of a Christian parent - knowing that they have fostered that love for God, through the use of His Holy Bible.
Teaching From The Bible To Your Children...
Children Love To Read From The Bible. Having A Loving Parent That Is Willing To Take Their Time To Teach And Guide A Child In Understanding The Word Of God...
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Through The Bible, We Teach Our Children The Power Of The Word Of God...
The words of God, through ancient prophets and the many teachings, stories and lessons that are recorded in The Bible, can and will become a source of personal strength and reason for our children to have faith in Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible is given to us as parents, from a loving God, as the foundation by which we may most effectively teach our children to... "Look to God and Live".
Children embrace the teachings in the Bible personally... because they have learned how to have private moments in the scriptures and then prayed for understanding themselves... allowing the Spirit then to teach and testify of these truths - to them alone.
Therefore, the Bible also teaches us the importance of prayer and communication with God, so that we may develop faith through and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
This, is how we as parents, can - through making sure that we read as families, and with our children individually, from the actual Bible - the words of God; which teach them about God, and how to have faith in Jesus Christ - serve our children best.
As your children learn about Jesus Christ, His dealings with His people, and His earthly ministry, they will come to understand His love for them and why He gave up His life for them... thus we teach gratitude and humility in our children; and also their need for Jesus Christ becomes apparent to them.
What greater gift, can a good Christian parent endow upon their own child - whom He loveth too... than to ensure the knowledge of the Gift of His Son, unto them...
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