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The Tribulation Period - The Bowl Judgments

Updated on May 22, 2011
Accept Jesus, confess and repent of sin and you will not experience the Tribulation in any way.
Accept Jesus, confess and repent of sin and you will not experience the Tribulation in any way.

The Final Set of Judgments

I hope you read my other hubs on God's Judgment during the Tribulation Period. If not, I would suggest reading the Seal Judgments and then the Trumpet Judgments. That will give you the chronological order of God's judgment upon this earth prior to the Final Battle of Armageddon.

This is the last of 3 hubs explaining the Judgments God will do during the Tribulation Period.  As you most likely have noticed, each set of judgments have become increasingly horrific and destructive as we move through the Tribulation period. The 7 Bowl Judgments are the most severe and destructive of all. This is God's final attempt to get the remaining humans on Earth to repent and accept Jesus' death at Calvary for their sins. Unfortunately, most will not. If they accepted the Mark of the Beast, they are doomed already. Most will hate God and blaspheme Him more and more. Some may be saved, only God knows that. The Bowls really unleash a lot of destruction, not only on the human population, but the earth and the heavens too.

The THIRD set of 7 judgments - The Bowl Judgments.
The THIRD set of 7 judgments - The Bowl Judgments.
Time is almost up for our modern world.
Time is almost up for our modern world.
First Bowl Judgment - Painful sores and boils cover the entire body.
First Bowl Judgment - Painful sores and boils cover the entire body.
Fourth Bowl Judgment - Sun blasts the Earth with heat!
Fourth Bowl Judgment - Sun blasts the Earth with heat!
Agony and suffering during the Tribulation.  Worldwide destruction, starvation, disease, etc.
Agony and suffering during the Tribulation. Worldwide destruction, starvation, disease, etc.
And the people still will not repent and curse God!
And the people still will not repent and curse God!
Sixth Bowl Judgment - The armies of Satan now assemble at the Battle of Armageddon site since the Euphrates River is now dried up.
Sixth Bowl Judgment - The armies of Satan now assemble at the Battle of Armageddon site since the Euphrates River is now dried up.
Seventh Bowl Judgment - Massive earthquake as has never been seen before!
Seventh Bowl Judgment - Massive earthquake as has never been seen before!
Part of the 7th Bowl Judgment - Massive hail.
Part of the 7th Bowl Judgment - Massive hail.

God's Final Acts to Get Mankind to Turn Back to Him

The first Bowl Judgment - painful sores and boils will appear over peoples' entire bodies, causing great suffering. Revelation 16:2.

The second Bowl Judgment - all the seas and oceans globally will turn into blood, killing all sea creatures. Also any ships traveling will be severely affected making travel very hazardous. Imagine the all the world's oceans having floating fish and other sea creatures rotting, as well as those on the coastal areas. The stench would be overwhelming and on a global scale. Revelation 16:3

The third Bowl Judgment - all the fresh water springs and rivers will be turned into blood, making water undrinkable. An angel states that the reason God is doing this is to pay back with vengeance those who have killed His prophets and saints. Revelation 16:4-7

The fourth Bowl Judgment - causes the sun to become scorching hot to burn the people. Still, people are blaspheming and cursing God instead of repenting and asking for His forgiveness and mercy. Revelation 16:8-9

The fifth Bowl Judgment - God attacks the Antichrist and his kingdom directly. He sends total darkness. The people following the Antichrist are still suffering from the boils and sores from the first Bowl Judgment. The people still resist and do not repent! Total insanity! Revelation 16:10-11

The sixth Bowl Judgment - the Euphrates River dries up in order for "the kings of the east", possibly China and the Asian countries there, to assemble their armies at the final battle site, Armageddon. This will be the final battle between Satan and Jesus Christ. Also 3 demons in the form of frogs will be expelled from the unholy trinity and allowed to gather all the kings of the earth and bring them to the battleground. Talk about a divine trap! Praise God! Revelation 16: 12-16

The seventh Bowl Judgment - the last and final judgment. God sends the most severe earthquake imaginable that causes such destruction that the islands actually flee and mountains globally are leveled. If that isn't enough, huge hailstones weighing over 100 pounds will bombarding the Earth. that leveled all the mountains of the continents. I believe any cities or population centers that manage to survive until this last judgment will be utterly wiped out. Babylon is specifically mentioned so will be totally destroyed. Revelation 16:17-21

After this last set of judgment passes, the only thing left is for all the kings of the earth to march towards the battle of Armageddon, where the final battle will be fought.  The survivors, even though they lived through seven years of untold suffering and pain, most will continue to curse and blaspheme God!  How any sane person living through these horrors and seeing all the carnage and suffering could continue fighting against God is unbelievable.  The stage is now set for the Battle of Armageddon, the last ditch effort of the Antichrist to fight Jesus and be God.  He already knows he has lost...he was defeated centuries ago when Jesus willingly died on the Cross at Calvary, paying our sin debt in full.  The Victory is the Lord's, but the battle will be the most massive conflict in history as the forces of evil clash with God's army! 

The Battle of Armageddon...the War that will truly end all wars!  Then  Jesus cleanses the earth and begins His reign on Earth.
The Battle of Armageddon...the War that will truly end all wars! Then Jesus cleanses the earth and begins His reign on Earth.

The End of Evil Has Arrived!

Conclusion: This ends God's Wrath upon the Earth. MIllions have died and the world's population is far less than it was at the beginning of this 7 year period. The death toll and destruction are unbelievable, not only from the Judgments, but from the massacre at the Battle of Armageddon.  After the battle, the believers will be rewarded.  Jesus will then set up His Millenial Kingdom on Earth.  Victory is finally ours completely...Praise God's Holy name!

New Jerusalem descends from Heaven.  Jesus Christ will set up His 1000 year reign, the Millenial Kingdom, and will rule and dwell among us.
New Jerusalem descends from Heaven. Jesus Christ will set up His 1000 year reign, the Millenial Kingdom, and will rule and dwell among us.

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