Can You Identify Which of These Ten Prayers Comes From Which Faith? Take the 'Prayers of People of Faith' Quiz
This short fun quiz will test your knowledge of prayers several world faiths, derived from spiritual texts and prayers.
Read each prayer, then see if you can answer the short quiz at the end. Can you decide which faith inspired each prayer?
Prayer 1:
"Thy name is above all names, the most majestic and the most sublime. The sound of thy name is the sweetest that the human ear can hear. Countless persons call thee simultaneously by thy name and thou dost hear them all and respond to them..."
Prayer 2:
"By what name shall I call you, who are beyond all names? You, the Beyond-all, what name shall I give you? What hymn can sing your praises, what work can tell you? No mind can probe your secret, no intelligence comprehend you …You are the end of all longings and of all silent aspiration. You are the end of all groaning of your entire creation."
Prayer 3:
"All tremble at violence, all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill. One who, while himself seeking happiness, opposes with violence the beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter."
Prayer 4:
"True piety is this: to believe in God, and the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the Prophets, to give of one’s substance, however cherished, to kinsmen, and orphans, the needy, the traveller, beggars and to ransom the slave."
Prayer 5:
"As low-down thieves might carve one limb from limb with double-handed saw, yet even then whoever sets his mind at enmity, he, for this reason, is not a doer of my teaching … Herein, monks, you should train yourselves: ‘Neither will our mind become perverted, nor will we utter any evil speech, but kindly and compassionately will we dwell, with a mind of friendliness, void of hatred …"
Prayer 6:
"Send down, O God, O Gentle, O Compassionate, into my heart faith and tranquillity and stillness, that I may be of those whose heart is stilled by the mention of God."
Prayer 7:
"I will sing You a song, O Lord of the Universe. I will sing You a song. Where can You be found, and where can You not be found? Where I pass - there You are. Where I remain, there, too, You are, You, You and only You."
Prayer 8:
"There is One God. He is the Supreme Truth. He, the Creator, is without fear and without hate. He, the Omnipresent, pervades the Universe. He is not born, nor does He die to be born again. True beginning, true throughout the ages, true even now and forever shall be true."
Prayer 9:
"Thou are the giver of life, the remover of pain and sorrow, the bestower of happiness, O Creator of the Universe. May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light. May thou guide our intellect in the right direction."
Prayer 10:
"O love, O pure deep love, be here, be now. Be all. Worlds dissolve into your stainless endless radiance, frail living leaves burn with you brighter than cold stars. Make me your servant, your breath, your core."
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